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[Youtube Review][Veritasium] How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)
twoyou 2021. 3. 30. 09:14When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)
Summary Comments : [Veritasium] How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)
1.cold showers/hot saunas
2.lots of exercise
3.less calories consumption, no junk/fast food, only healthy with less calories
1. Avoid DNA damage (wear sunscreen, avoid x-rays, etc.)
2. Eat less (fast)
3. Eat less protein
4. Exercise (HIIT)
5. Get uncomfortably cold
6. Get uncomfortably hot
How to live longer:
1. Starve yourself
2. Starve yourself part 2
3. Run like your life depends on it (hahah because it does)
4. Freeze yourself
5. Scorch yourself
2. Eat less (fast)
3. Eat less protein
4. Exercise (HIIT)
5. Get uncomfortably cold
6. Get uncomfortably hot
But more IMPORTANTLY, look left then right before crossing the road.
Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)
14:16 “So to sum up, there are six things you can do right now to slow the rate of your ageing, starting with ZERO”
4:28 Science teachers' favorite line!
14:23 I really appreciate that your list index starts with a 0 instead of a 1 ahaha
Roll clock to 9:00 (-9:08): he explains the Horvath Clock - a measure of how old, biologically, you are, as a measure of the error rate your cells experience as they reproduce (the declining rate of accuracy in doing so). He says he's 50 - though he used to measure 60 but changed his lifestyle and now measures 31. He's youthened!
So the obvious question is: what did he do to roll back his Horvath score? 'Cause the measures you list at the end of the video are to slow aging. But you said nothing about going that huge step further: reversing apparent age.
WE NEED A NEW VIDEO! Go back to David Sinclair - ask him to elaborate!
OK, perhaps he just did what you described, and in fact you understated the effectiveness of the measures you discussed. But until he's proven NMN (whatever the heck that is) or some other therapy (what he did to mouse eyes, but turned into a systemic treatment) can reverse aging reliably in mice, then in other primates, & finally humans (wahoo!) - until then, perhaps slowing the rate of aging is all we can do.
Great vid, BTW. But really: we need a follow-up. Please include an interim report on whether Sinclair's lab has anything more recent to report. Thank you.
17:37 this is incredible!
“I changed my life and then the test said I was 31.” This throwaway comment at 9:07 needs its own video!
12:22 Fasting is everywhere... First mentioned in the scriptures and now it's even in the science of longevity and health.
Top Comments : [Veritasium] How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it)
Well looks like i’ll die pretty soon
"The Mitochondria is the power house of the cell" - Yes. Yes, we know
"Okay that's nice but tell us how you made the mice age faster"
Sinclair .... :|
Derek : How to reverse aging
14% of people be like: eh immortality is over rated
You know dude is onto something when he seems like late twenties in his fifties
"You'd turn into a giant tumor"
Deadpool intensifies
Plot twist: Sinclair is actually 115 years old
Also, he said he went backwards from 60 to 32 biological age
me: please don't say healthy food and exercise
So you're telling me there has been people looking for the fountain of youth their entire life... The entire time it's inside of them
Guess I'll just lock myself in my Fridge with no food...
Avoid DNA damage
Eat less
Eat less proteins
Be Cold uncomfortably
Be hot uncomfortably
Feel like Derek is starting to notice his white hair
Be uncomfortably cold: me when my feet aren’t covered by the blanket
Epigenome: Hold my Skin Cell...
So cells can have a midlife crisis
Secret of nimh movie cartoon told us this secret almost 40 years ago.
Humans have known about this along time and keep it secret from the masses!
I refuse to believe that Professor Sinclair did not try this on himself after the mice. He looks like he's in late 30's to early forty's max, not 50.
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