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[Youtube Review][Veritasium] How Was Video Invented?
twoyou 2021. 4. 1. 06:48(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] How Was Video Invented?
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.
Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] How Was Video Invented?
5:23 "they get huge fast!" I'm going to steal that line.
3:36 ..."wasn't the way to do it" . Love it.
3:33 "What it proved was that this wasn't the way to do it." lol. Reminds me of my call center job when a new Director would come in and change things. Half the time it was the bright idea the director before the last one had.
0:25 is that camera fitted with some gyroscopes? That's cool
First video I have watched on your channel and its on video. hahaha. Loved how simple you made it. I'm a new member now. At 11:59, I see two parallel universes appearing at the same time and you are in each.
Also that voice crack at 4:28 had me laughing for a bit.
Love your videos man, you're the best!!
Top Comments : [Veritasium] How Was Video Invented?
If this video interests you I recommend anything from the channel Technology Connections.
Thank you Derek, as always your work is fantastic!
It's like extended version of slow Mo guys video on TV... Which is more detailed one
It’s truly amazing that people were able to think of stuff like that from scratch
You teach me more than my college does.
Edit: Cool you actually came back at the end and mentioned it
The Video i can take with tthis little thing compared to the videoquality you could took 60 years ago...
Its really freaky cool.
The Slo Mo Guys did a video on this a while ago. Definitely worth checking out for some better slo motion footage
Amazing. If everyone was as smart as me we would still be using stone tools.
Btw big fan veritasium
Would have loved to see you do a collaboration with Technology Connections on this!
• Albert Einstein was 40 years old and his theory of relativity was 4 years old;
• Orville Wright was 48 (unfortunately his brother died in 45) and theirs first flight was 16 years ago;
• Henry Ford was 56 and his Model T was 11 years old;
I forget that YouTube is named after the thing it's gradually replacing
Me: Magic. So, it's magic. Got it.
My ears and eyes haven't experienced the ancient technology in so long
How else sometimes think about the technology around us and can't imagine the hell human made then
kick ASS dude, ive been thinking about this specific topic lately and am excited to give this a watch! thanks Derek!
You were right, this non-clickable video is worth it
i appreciate you explaining things, but it would be better to give your guest more than just few seconds
It feels like Veritasium filled in for Vsauce after Michael lost his marbles.
I’ve enjoyed your videos for years now. I think the first video of yours I saw was “Supercooled Water - Explained!” I enjoy the content of your videos from the topics you choose to the explanations and examples you provide, especially how you visualize them. You make difficult subjects much easier to understand. Your enthusiasm for your subjects comes through as well, and that makes your videos even more enjoyable, spurring my own enthusiasm for all things science.
I don’t often see your videos in my YouTube feed sadly—I hope YouTube will fix that—but I know I will always enjoy them, so I search for your channel, go to the Videos tab, and binge watch a few videos I haven’t seen yet.
I will often look for playlists as well that contain similar subjects so I can let YouTube autoplay videos. I would like to know more about the evolution of video. That’s a subject that could potentially span several videos, and it felt cut short here. If you ever decide to do a mini series on the subject (maybe you have and I just can’t find it?), it would make for a good playlist and be something I’d search for and binge watch, like “playlist and chill” instead of “Netflix and chill.”
I didn’t used to prioritize liking a video because, as stated above, I treated it more like a mini TV series and let videos play without interruption, but lately I have tried to be more conscientious and help my favorite YouTubers by liking every video I watch and enjoy. I don’t particularly like when YouTubers beg for subscriptions and likes, but at the same time I do want to help as a viewer. Explaining the importance of our actions helped me change how I interact with videos. Sometimes I do forget, so I don’t mind a quick reminder at the end of a video so long as it’s not prominent.
I’m not really into the culture of needing to know everything that’s going on at every moment, so I turn off notifications for everything except calls and texts. I’ll even turn on “Do Not Disturb” if I’m working on something and don’t want any interruptions short of an emergency. That way I’m not tempted to browse social media or do anything other than work until I have a free moment and dedicated time to do so. I don’t feel like I need to delete social apps this way, so I can still socialize and keep up with things like my favorite content creators without getting distracted all the time. I hope YouTube finds another way outside of using the bell notification to improve their algorithm since I purposefully do not click the bell and opt to manually check my favorite channels when I have time.
I would think someone actively searching for a channel would be more important for the algorithm, but that hasn’t been the case for me yet. I’m honestly surprised I don’t see more of your videos in my feed considering how long I’ve followed you and how many of your videos I watch. Now that I think of it, many other science channels I’m subscribed to like Physics Girl don’t show up either. I get videos on beauty, crafts, life-hacks, or for musical artists whom I’m not even following, some I even actively dislike, instead. They aren’t even advertised. It seems like YouTube’s algorithm is catering to what the masses like, or what they want you to like, rather than what I actually personally like, and I think that may give other topics and creators an unfair advantage. What’s the point of YouTube gathering statistics about what I like and how I watch videos if they aren’t going to use that in practice to cater to my interests? If they are going to show everyone the same content regardless of interests, then they should at least have a curator who checks content quality if nothing else.
I hope some of that info helps you. Good luck with your resolutions this year and cracking the current algorithm. I look forward to watching more of your videos, whether or not YouTube adds them to my feed.
My mum's show ran 25 years on WQED/WQEX and, when the fifty year anniversary came up, she was never even mentioned. I talked with David Newall (Mr McFeely), who worked in the WQED studios in those days and he checked the vaults. Her show was kinetoscoped and they saved none of them. Pop culture loses a lot of stuff. Sad, too. She and Julia Child were the first infomercials, back when folks taught, rather than today's crude marketing segments. She wrote her whole show, invited the guests, made the props, and sold a million self-written books based on the show at a dollar each. Try to find one now. ;-)
25 years, never syndicated. Few others can claim that. My mum was a ground breaker.
You could hear the machine rewind many buildings away.
They cost in the order of $250K back in the day.
Now it’s so easy and cheap with fast digital electronics.... luxury!
[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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