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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Why the Sky ISN'T Blue


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Why the Sky ISN'T Blue




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Why the Sky ISN'T Blue


3:33 - 5:22
Bye, bye galaxy. You were such a good galaxy. ;(


3:30...wow that's incredible, and a bit scary

0:25 Your Scottish accent is awesome! It makes me laugh again and again... :-D




7:30 - rofl

0:24 Ahhahahahahahaahahahaha :D

3:00 That lesson is applicable here on Earth as well. Don't fight it. If you want to live longer just relax and go with it.


2:08 ha hahaha


He says at 2:36 that if you go past the event horizon of a black hole "you are no longer" ( you'd be dead). Actually, you WOULD be longer--and longer, and longer--until you'd be stretched out like a strand of spaghetti as the difference in the gravitational pull between your head and feet grew asymptotically. Hey, my degrees are in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Latin, so my knowledge of physics is limited to what I've picked up along the way, but I just think his choice of words is hilarious. I love this guy's dedication and don't mean anything negative. Just struck me as funny.



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Why the Sky ISN'T Blue


"the universe is flat" WTF



Omg the ending was funny


Kaboom and Vsauce. I lost it


hey! please explain how it is that de "space" is flat, but the "space-time" is curved... arent space and time a whole structure???


Michael is creepy even on other people's videos.

Dat burn at the end.

Michael at the end made this video HILARIOUS xD Oh, man.

lol that ending... x)


Ahhahahaha Michael Stevens :D


Love the ending. Reminds me of a woman I saw at walmart once, who threatened to take her business to Sam's club... LOL!

When I saw a total solar eclipse a few years ago with my family, my dad pointed out the shapes of the shadows on the road, and little holes in the shadows from the trees would look like hundreds of crescents. Why is that? Is there something about light being bent around the edges of objects that causes that? Look up Solar Eclipse Shadows in google images if you're curious of what I mean.


Lol 500K? That was back in the day

that Scottish accent...

i love the end xD


"Kaboom...?" Best response to a question I've heard on this channel.

Re: The blue sky, you're right, but you also need to take into account human photoreceptors which are quite insensitive to violet (and wholly insensitive to ultraviolet thanks to our lenses), while being very green/yellow sensitive, biasing the long wavelengths even further in our perception. For animals like birds with UV receptors, the sky would look pale indigo, and for insects that lack red receptors, it'd be downright violet. [Source: me, a visual ecologist]

Does a telescope look into the past or future? And which ever it is, what happens if you put a huge mirror in the space and look at it using a really powerful telescope?

The sky is the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

if greeny is in an intense part, then  why is a green sunset as rare as a mew?

LOL That last guy "David" got owned! 

Here's a movie idea. the year 3042, young Theodore C. Columbus sets off on a journey to prove that the universe is round. When he arrives at his destination, he finds himself on Earth 1550 years earlier due to space-time navigating errors. Now how does he get back home?


Bohr said to Einstein to stop telling God what to do. I agree. If there is a God and he wants to play dice, who are we to tell him not to?


Why am I here? I'm supposed to be doing music homework.

cough unsubscribed... richard dawkins... ew

I watched Leonard Susskind's course on cosmology (it's on YouTube) And in Lecture 3, you examine the 3 possible shapes of the universe: flat, spherical, and hyperbolic. The only way to explain it is General Relativity, so I hope you know the general idea. Since we live in flat space, if you have a shape, a triangle for example, it's edges would be straight. But if you that triangle in curved space, the geometry itself is curved. Flat doesn't mean 2-dimensional: it means no curvature. The universe did expand in a sphere, but the space is flat.


I learned something else about the purple sky thing. Apparently it isn't purple because the photo pigments in the back of our eyes aren't biologically inclined to see the violet light due to the absorbance spectra. The cones in our eyes are not being excited by this violet light  but are more so with blue. They sky is emitting blue-ish/violet wavelengths but we just are genetically predisposed to not see the shorter violet wavelengths.


I think you completely missed the question of the blackhole. We all know it's imposible to escape a blackhole, even the commenter who asked the question. What he really meant was if you could find a way to travel faster than light speed (say invent an alcubierre drive) let yourself fall past the event horizon of a supermassive blackhole (so as to have enough time to escape before being torn apart) and the turn on your engine and win over the escape velocity of the blackhole and escape the event horizon. what would such event look like to you and to an outside observer.

He says at 2:36 that if you go past the event horizon of a black hole "you are no longer" ( you'd be dead). Actually, you WOULD be longer--and longer, and longer--until you'd be stretched out like a strand of spaghetti as the difference in the gravitational pull between your head and feet grew asymptotically. Hey, my degrees are in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Latin, so my knowledge of physics is limited to what I've picked up along the way, but I just think his choice of words is hilarious. I love this guy's dedication and don't mean anything negative. Just struck me as funny.

Back in the 1990's when my cable company carried NASA TV I watched an astronaut on the Space Shuttle demonstrating an odd effect with his gyroscopically stabilized binoculars in microgravity. Floating in front of him, they slowly started to wobble. When the wobble reached a certain point they would suddenly flip over, slow to a stop then begin the process all over. He was unsure of the cause of the sudden flip, but guessed it had something to do with precession. I've searched NASA's site several times but have never found out anything about it.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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