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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 뒤쳐진 진실 : 왜 더이상 사실을 신경쓰지 않는가


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?

To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?

(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] 뒤쳐진 진실 : 왜 더이상 사실을 신경쓰지 않는가




Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] 뒤쳐진 진실 : 왜 더이상 사실을 신경쓰지 않는가


6:30 I had to catch myself right here. I started thinking "that's exactly what __ are doing with _____." While it may be true, I must admit I do the exact same thing and often to the group at which I instantly thought of as the problem.


14:40 aw this naive young man must be privileged to have a very reasonable tribe of civil friends. lucky fellow





Top Comments : [Veritasium] 뒤쳐진 진실 : 왜 더이상 사실을 신경쓰지 않는가


For as long as there's been communication, there's been spreading of misinformation, and advances in communication accessibility and speed only make that easier. But you have to take the bad with the good. Because we will never achieve a perfectly reliable system in which only truth can be heard. If only because, as you said, some people just won't hear it. All we can do is make sure that all the information (objectively and subjectively true or not) is available. People who don't care to research will think whatever they're fed, and their opinions will continue to not actually matter to the rest of the world. People who do care enough to research will be the ones who actually get things done. That side of people will never be the majority though, because that's just not how humans work.

I think though, that the idea of filtering what people can find, to remove the 'fake news' and only let real facts through, is a terrible, dangerous, insidious idea. Because the moment something exists that controls the information that people are allowed to see, and tells them what is true and what isn't, is the moment you've created exactly what you're trying to avoid. Because then one person, one organization, is suddenly in charge of what's considered truth. It's far, far too easy an avenue for censorship and suppression of free speech and manipulative control over the thinking of the population.

It sounds lovely to think of some verification algorithms, having fact checkers on everything. In fact, I recall a book about something similar, in which the protagonist was responsible for fact checking and editing news articles to be given to the people, under the Ministry of Truth. But, I'm sure you'll agree that George Orwell's "1984" is not exactly the best model for building a society. Humans will never be perfectly reliable. Even an honest man, one who does nothing but good his whole life, and uses his power for the betterment of mankind, will eventually die and be replaced by someone who just wants control. Power inevitably corrupts, and the power over information is one of the biggest powers imaginable.


we must oppose dishonesty, even when it's in favor of what we agree with.


Ministry of Truth here we come

For great parts of human existence there's no such thing as absolute truth, only in the exact sciences and the physical world there is. With increasing detachment from the physical world, its only logical that people live in their own virtual reality with their own alternative "facts".


And we'll call this thing: The Ministry of Truth
And it will be grand comrades.

Discussion around pretty much every topic this year has been so disgustingly black and white it's unreal. As soon as you suggest that the 'opposing side' may have a point with a particular argument, you're immediatly a 'libtard' or 'trump supporter', whatever the context requires. Nuanced opinions and their discussion is dead.

wow, a rare swing and a miss from veritasium


Can everyone stop being so damn defensive? The ideas he is talking about exist in both liberal and conservative online communities. He is talking about how people use the internet to bolster their own ideas instead of being objective. I'm guilty of it too. The election just pulled the curtain back on what was actually happening.

An intellectual will always try to prove themself wrong.

Just discovered your channel & I'm already loving your videos

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." - Einstein


Well that is an interesting topic. I hope it'll be good! :)


Culture and “common knowledge” is a major factor. Most people do not want to be “correct” they want to be accepted by their peers. Also there is a credibility issues with institutions who are playing politics and ruining their good name. We are living in a great backlash where there is a rejection of knowledge. People are almost starting over from zero.

I think the big issue is that people care more about winning an argument than being right
for example, say someones opinion is that "dogs are better than cats" (the argument with no right side)
they will continue to argue that dogs are better, and if a fact shows up that undeniably proves the opposite, they are going to ignore it. cause accepting means they are wrong and should change their opinion which means you have lost the argument.
people dont like to lose and people dont like to be wrong. if something shows up that proves they are wrong then they are likely to ignore it cause society has a tendency to shame people who are wrong.


This is what I have observed as the 're-tribalisation' of society today. We are descending into tribes.

Can you make a video about the grand distance and separation of things, pertaining to the fact that the average human being will only ever meet around 10,000 other people in their lifetime, and in a similar fashion, the way that life in the universe could ever possibly meet, or even know that other beings exist beside themselves? Love the vids by the way! :D

As you described this, I don't think that the internet is the root of evil here but rather human biases (you also argued a lot about in-group bias, for example)


Your explanation in this video (which I have just seen for the first time) is playing out precisely as you predicted through the impeachment process going on right now (which is totally legal and even acceptable under the Constitution) and which is being portrayed by the opposite party as horrible, a witch hunt, demeaning, and totally stupid and frivolous--even though it is part of the inherent nature of justice and the checks and balances that were deliberately inserted as part of our democratic process to protect itself. I fear for the future of mankind because this whole process of division and condemnation has become like a car picking up speed because the accelerator has become stuck on full throttle. The real question will be--what it will it take to stop it? Congrats, Derek! One of your best (but that's just my opinion, of course).


This is due to the fact it's so much easier to live in an echo chamber, because of Google's algorythm


appreciate the subtitles on this vid

I also have to wonder something else. I have noticed fake news on facebook seems to be spread by a small but very vocal group of people. If I look at my newsfeed and see that I have 200 friends, but only 5 of them are regularly posting fake news, then I at least have some comfort that the other 195 people are smart enough not to post such things. In many ways, it is like the comments on my youtube channel. Most of the comments I get are from people who really like the content or really hate it. So you only read the polarized comments, because the regular people didn't bother to post a comment at all.


Derek: Why don't people seem to care what's true? I think that's because people are not wired that way. People don't seek truth. People seek dopamine. And that's where the problem starts.

I think the main reason most of us (if not all) are here now is not because we were born responsible for the truth and science, but rather because at some point we've found some beauty, some passion, some dopamine :D in science. Went deeper and found another chunk of dopamine. We come back every now and then and we get our next share of dopamine.

For instance, an Instagram model on the other hand gets liked through every post of theirs, and that being liked gets them their fair share of dopamine. That model doesn't need to seek truth as they are getting their dose the other way around. And remember, not everyone is smart enough to seek more than their biological desires.

My man straight up walked into the audience like he was a singer at a concert


Made me feel alot better about driving my 20 year old 1998 Corolla. I do it for the environment!

It seems to me that people care more about what they believe to be true than whats actually true, even when facts are presented to them.

No. it's because they don't trust mainstream media so they look for other sources.


Anyone who listens to fake news will get what they deserve. So expect the worst for the people who listens to false information. That is the thing that always matters.
Do not be scared. Keep looking for the truth. You cannot keep on lying to yourself.

Love the KTH Shirt ;) (kungliga tekniska högskolan)

'Postfaktisch' just became 'Word of the Year' here in Germany :-(

The term "fake news" arose because we live in Orwellian times. The mass media uses this term to discredit independent and investigative journalists.


People optimise for psychological comfort. They seek out validation and approval of their ideas and beliefs. The Internet just allows people to do all this more efficiently. How many people can accept a fact that might contradict their deeply held belief system?

The cat thing he was talking about was something Richard Dawkins was talking about in 1976. He compared the evolution of ideas to the evolution of genes, he gave them the name "memes".


Fact digging is strenuous and hard. People have a tendency to incline towards sensationalism which feeds on their prejudices.

The rise of the flat Earth movement is evidence that the internet can be used to mal-educate people.


You already mentioned one word, confirmation bias, which came to mind when I started the video, but there's another word that plays a role in that bias, and one you also are familiar with. Cognitive ease. Even with fake news, algorithms, etc., in the age of information, ignorance is a choice, as it is usually quoted. To be uninformed or misinformed is a choice. Cognitive ease plays a role in that it is easier to accept the crap so long as it agrees with your initial bias than it is to deliberately research and form an opinion based on a collection of information. Essentially it boils down to lazy thinking, probably in part caused by information overload, and it's something that I think can also effect intellectuals just as much as the common person. I know I've gotten trapped in the clickbait. Deliberate thinking ain't easy.


When I started my adventure with the Internet, if I talk to anyone, I knew it was either a student, a scientist or someone in the military (to access IRC, usenet, gopher, I had to book my time in the university computer lab).. I knew that this person can be easily identified by their boss or the IT infrastructure manager. So the level of discourse was completely different. A few years later, public dial-up internet access was introduced in my country, and the place turned into sewer. Never recovered since.

It's not that everyone finds "their" community and stays there, physics lover and cat lovers, but Google makes you stay in those circles, because they know that's what you're the most interested of. For example, I started looking at some TED talks and suddenly everything is TED talks it took me a week of "I'm not interested in this" to get other suggestions and now my YouTube is filled with vintage videos which will never go away. Point is Google and other companies make us find these communities and make it damn hard to see the other sides argument because you will only get videos that work with what Google thinks you're interested of.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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