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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Our Greatest Delusion
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Our Greatest Delusion


Summary Comments : [Veritasium] Our Greatest Delusion

“Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting thou art God.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭90:2‬ ‭RSV‬‬

“Trust in the Lord for ever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26:4‬ ‭RSV‬‬

“The Lord has set eternity in the heart of man.” Your inclination toward these musings is intended to draw you to the one who is eternal.



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Our Greatest Delusion

3:40 The same as "infinite", I've always said that "nothingness" is impossible to imagine


It's 3:02am wtf am I doing

(edit) now I can't sleep goddamn it


Completely unrelated, but can we appreciate how good IW captured Churnobyl in COD4, watching the fly over at 0:17 I feel like I've been in that building before clearing it.


1:58 “Put your initials in wet cement.” No, that guy just wanted to say, “eh.”

3:08 i found out the most accurate way to think of TRUE nothingness is to not think of it. if you think of „nothing“ you‘re still thinking of something...



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Our Greatest Delusion

I had the first look into the void randomly when i showered 10 years ago.
it was a blink.
the realisation that I too, one day, will die.
the sense of oppression that i felt that moment,
the pure panic
of my subconscious ratificating the sudden knowledge
still lives with me today.
I won't ever forget how I rushed out of the shower, completely naked.
"where am I running?"
the void will get me.
10 years from that day, after the path down the 5 stages,
I accept my destiny BUT i still tell myself
that I wont be there
when the void will come.

Nihilism may exclude fear from the topic, but it doesn't exclude it from the human. A human can't throw away instinct using logic without compromising it's mental health.

Alternate title: "Radiation turns a man into a philosopher"

Damn this was so deep, I couldn't even see Adele rolling in it.


The comments under this video are very insightful and raw and emotional and honest and polite and I really wish all of Youtube could be like this.

"Come home to the unique flavouring of shattering your own delusion,
come home to Simple Ricks"

Truth is definitive, perception of truth is subjective. Truth is self existent and un-created. Consciousness, matter, the universe and existence are merely some of the ever present arrangements of truth among its infinite and inherent orders, that are guided through a dimension of time. Though we can only interact with time in one set way (moving forward in the present) it is still a dimension and thus the past our present and the future are as real and physical as each other. We may die but our presence in time will forever exist as physical and real as it ever was. Thus we and all things in existence are ever eternal not only in time, but in truth. For our consciousness is simply an arrangement of truth that is self aware through its interaction on a single trajectory of time, thus our consciousness can never really die or cease to exist for truth cannot be destroyed.
It is for these reasons I totally disagree with the fundamental points of your video. Thank you for sharing what you believe, what I have just shared is what I believe.


“Get busy livin or get busy dyin”
Red Shawshank

Rocks last for thousands of years and tell the other generations that we were there.....
Plastic : Allow us to introduce ourselves.......


When you smoke a joint while on Chernobyl


I want you to know, not fear, know that someday you're gonna die - Tyler Durden

Veritasium talks about nothingness and life

Me: we gotta run an airsoft battle royale in chernobyl

"Death is only the end if you assume the story is about you" --Welcome to Night Vale

Getting high off weed: No
Getting High off crack: Def No
Getting High off Radiation: Yee


am i watching vsauce?


There's a great message here, regardless of personal beliefs. Extremely well said / presented.

As someone with terminal cancer, this video is rather apt.

“We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.”― Carl Sagan, Cosmos

As the universe spins

To a desolate end

In the Doldrums of Destiny’s Sea

So should I accept being

As reasonless as

The firmament’s futility

…but here am I holding your hand
- Mason Williams

When you understand that everything is meaningless, you understand that you have to create your own meaning. The only worthwhile thing to do in this life is to make yourself and others happy. From someone embraces positive nihilism, I can assure you that it is a wonderful way to live.

This was really well put together, from the music, to the words, to the tone of your voice and every pause is meaningful.

4 years later this is still the most important video I've watched in my life

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying."
— Woody Allen

This video was posted the day my heart stopped beating. What I thought was a life set in stone, suddenly exploded in my face. I'm still collecting the pieces, but you've given me some empathy, some perspective. It's as if you posted this video for me. I was crying when I first saw it. And I cried a lot since then, and probably will a lot in the future. It's good to connect with someone on this deep of a level. This is your power. Don't ever forget that.

As a rock climber, I support your philosophy on rocks.

This video actually motivated me to do my homework...

It's not the 'being dead' part that gets me worried, it's the 'getting dead'! ;-)


man... as watching Vsauce and Kurzgesagt videos about the end of the universe wasn't depressing enough...

So do you think this is why we have formed religion? I don't mean to start a religious debate nor do I harbor any malice intent in my words. But the more I think about it it seems religion is just a delusion that in many cases tells you that something will be there when you die. I believe people in a whole are more afraid of nothing at all when they die that even hell, or the equivalent in other religions, is a better alternative. Those who do not fear nothingness at least a little don't quite understand it fully. Or maybe its hard too imagine nothingness if even possible. So I would like your thoughts Vertasium and viewers, what are your thoughts on this subject? Again, I harbor no ill will just trying to better understand how people feel.

He changed the title?
This is one of my favorites from Veritasium. Several years ago, I think, the title was "Our Greatest Delusion"


"ephemeral sack of particles that thinks itself eternal" I think that is one of the greatest quotes about humanity I ever heard.


Came to similar conclusion after going through cancer treatments at the age of 24. Cherish your relationships and each moment you have with each person. Don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself, if its something you want to do, go for it, be brave. Failing at something you tried to do is better than not trying at all or taking too long to go for it. It's now 16 years later, watching this video reminds me that I need to practice this lesson again.

Seeking meaning, purpose, and the strive to carry out your full potential can give you fulfillment whereby there are no regrets when we unexpectedly or expectedly close our eyes for the last time.

Chernobyl is liberating to him as this video is liberating to me

And i certainly feel as if the atheist which I already am, has decided that life always feels worth it. I'm trying to say that I feel partially as if I was born to learn instead of making copies of itself.

(Edit) about 4 months later I feel like, you have to create your point in life. I this idea came when I realized how important the last part of the video.

If you like this video then go check out (SEA) a lot of his videos become 10 times more interesting and important once you watch them. In specific, a good introduction to the beauty of the channel is the video called "the loneliest planet"

Also this video is what confirms me as a athiest. Before I still was, but I didn't know enough, a lot of times I just sat in bed, thinking about the idea of religion, than in 5th grade I got involved with astronomy, and thinking about how large the universe is, it almost certainly becomes impossible to think about a higher power and be able to except it.

But if I am wrong, all I will do in that afterlife, is read, and learn about the world until I know everything, because I love to explain things.

Get universe sandbox 2, or I will kill you all

Awesome video! I showed this video to my friend and she said that she disagreed, that if she had multiple lives she would do everything because she knew she could, and I think that this states it perfectly:

If you did everything knowing you could, you would lose the meaning of it, you wouldn’t be doing things because you wanted to devote your time, essentially a chunk of the finite life you have, you would be doing things to get the last word, to keep yourself busy, because you can, rather than knowing that you want to spend time on this thing, because this thing is something that you would like to do.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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