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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Your Body's Molecular Machines
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Your Body's Molecular Machines




Summary Comments : [Veritasium] Your Body's Molecular Machines


Steps to Becoming a POTATO:
1. P
You must become a pea, to learn HUMBLENESS and HUMILITY.
2. PO
You must become the legendary Po-Shen Loh, or get his approval, to learn WISDOM and INTELLIGENCE.
3. POT
You must become a pot to make food for the entire world, to learn SELFLESSNESS and DEVOTION.
You must become Po's TA, to TEACH and pass on your knowledge to a new generation.
You must become Po's tattoo, to become a SYMBOL for the world to see and encompass BEAUTY.
You have finally achieved POTATO.



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Your Body's Molecular Machines

2:04 I feel in a horror movie. Like the tunnel of the monster of stranger Things with the legions of monsters about to form.

This video is incredible, Amazing explanation, and wow. ESPECTACULAR!!!

Video compressor: I'm about to end this video's entire quality.

this part creeps me out (because I have Tryanephobia, I think I spelled it wrong)


2:18 looks like something straight out from a sci-fi horror film


I have a background in computer sciences, and the section at 5:00 rings a bell for me.
Networks do this all the time, puts together packets and sends them from point A to point *B*.
Then there is a validation process the packets have to meet in order to be considered valid and to eradicate any error.
So when the little guy is walking over counting the points, and the others are moving along the sides validating the elements, and information BEFORE it separates, it makes perfect sense to me why these processes are there. It's a program. A very complex, 3-dimensional program performed at the speed of a jet engine, trillions of times. And at the end each function is created, fits and connects to the whole, producing - one of us; and keeps us under a program of controls to manage the cellular transformation we undergo in a lifetime. Frankly, breathtaking.




Top Comments : [Veritasium] Your Body's Molecular Machines

There should be a warning label on this video letting people know they won't think of life the same way after viewing.

I have been obsessing over these videos after I saw the TED talk from Drew Berry! My feelings are the same as you Derek! So good to see my favorite YouTuber making a video on this!

everyone talking about gods and ways to hate on each other. I just really like the animations in the film...

when i was a kid I would get head aches all the time and I would imagine a tiny village of miners in my head with little pick axes and thats why my head hurt.


Very interesting video!!!

Anyone else just glad Derek is still alive?


when you can summarize months of a biology course in 7 minutes...

it is so speechless... oh my god... nature is super super super hyper computer and machine


Whoever did the animations for the walking machines did a great job; blew my mind away but made it easily understood. When's the pixar movie coming out about a tiny molecular machine?


I am giving my body way to little appreciation.

This might be my favorite animation ever. Such wonderful work


This CRAZY , but very informative. I never seen visual aids this good !

Who needs magic to feel amazement when we have this happening inside our body.

"Either they're stressed, damaged or just old. " Me too cells, me too.

Disney new animation film, "The Cells' Story", about a cell which refuse to follow DNA instruction, his name is C


The machines are the lifeforms and we are just the vehicle to perform tasks ( eat and mate) so that the machines can keep up their work. And evolve


Woah shoutout to the animator, this is incredible!

I'm curious how long those guys live for, and how they're developed & deployed.


YouTube needs more channels like this one. Quality content + valuable info


If I didn't know about biology, I'd totally believe this was some aliens building their empire in a different dimension.


Motor proteins are so cute. I always catch myself thinking "I wish I could have some as pets" and then rememember I ACTUALLY DO HAVE THEM AS PETS YAY.

I feel like a planet now. Like I'm home to these little guys that work so hard every day. So crazy

Life is no mistake. We are program


Wowsome. Jawdropping really. Thank you for putting it together. Will have to rewatch it a couple of times I guess. Fascinating.

Design. There is no other word i can describe this with.

You know... I'm all for mind-blowing facts.... but this?!... I CANT EVEN...eeeh

The timing when you currently have this specific subject in biology class

At least I feel more responsible now that I know I'm home to trillions of two legged hardworking little beings.

I need more animations like this; it's really fascinating to learn this stuff and a lot easier with accurate physical representation

سبحان الله

You should do an episode on the RNA world hypothesis, or maybe CRISPR? That would be interesting.

I don't have a mind. It was just blown away by this video presentation.


I'm actually learning this exact stuff right now in my bio class. It's weird to actually understand a majority of your video already



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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