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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Do You Expand With The Universe?


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] Do You Expand With The Universe?


Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] Do You Expand With The Universe?

5:30 - As I'm falling to my death, I'm going to be concerned with the color of a photon in a gravity tube.


10:53 “Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good”


I laughed at 5:35
I'm imagining a hospitalised student visited by his friend after sustaining various injuries from his free fall and the friend asks him "What colour was the photon?" to which he responds "Piss off, mate!".

00:27 - The random toy excavator is a nice touch!


Me seeing Derek with a beard- Ah yes, I love this channel.
Me seeing Derek without a beard- I've never seen this man in my life.
Edit: 6:20 Don't you mean.... luminiferous aether? Ahahahaha! Dons pirate hat! Yar! We be flying through the aether on our way to the Port o Hades on the planet Pluto! Sails to full you scalawags!
Last edit: Aww! Hi family! I hope y'all are well!


1:13 "Are you expanding with the universe"

Geez, I know I've gained a little weight during quarantine, but still.

10:52 Thanos Snap

1:16 (implementing better shave for this topic)
End of video: what happened to topic of time expansion?


11:23 "Why's it red?"
You're in a non-inertial frame of reference kid, where the earth's gravitational field is dominating your local space-time curvature.
The camera is also recording.

5:30 Poor guy keeps falling off the roof every time



Top Comments : [Veritasium] Do You Expand With The Universe?


My brain just expanded from watching this.

“But only because our universe is dominated by dark energy”

Ohhh is that why my life sucks?

Veritasium: are you expanding with the universe?
me after eating two entire bags of crisps: i sure am


I love how the kid at the end of the sponsor spot asks "Who?" Derek is thanking so cute


Derek really deserves Recognition for not being afraid to experiment in the Format of his Videos, he rather tries new things and tweaks his presentation with every project, not to mention the immense effort put into each video, it really shows!

Im not gaining weight, im simply
E x p a n d i n g

He's getting a lot of use out of that rocket.


All these videos make me realize is that Einstein is the GOAT. this dude found ONE EQUATION that all this is based around??? WILD.


Veritasium's animation team on another level. Along with the content, you guy are on a roll!! Thank you!

Probably, dunno honestly


you're not getting fatter, you're just expanding with the universe

Me at the start of this video: "I've heard of the expanding universe - tell me more"
Me and the end of this video: "oooh squiggly line I like pretty colors"


Dude you're pumping out videos in these times like crazy.
MAD respect.


Veritasium: "Do You Expand With the Universe?"
90% of the comments: self depricating fat jokes
Me: Our creativity sure isn't expanding.


Bucket list after corona times:
1. Going in outer space
2. Turning off Electromagnetic force

"The universe is expanding. That should help with the traffic" -Steven Wright

You should do more practice so we can see these shifts ..
Do you know about
Halton Arp ?


Me when electromagnetic force disappear: Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good

Hi, Derek - three quick things:

1) RIP beard.

2) I thought you might touch on the personal clocks of the astronauts slowing down as they accelerated and how that relates to the red shift.

3) If the expansion of the universe doesn't affect us on this scale, what are cosmologists talking about when they say the Big Rip will tear the universe apart at the subatomic level? I'm confused.

“Are you expanding with the universe?”
*Went to comment section to find fat jokes
*not disappointed


When the world needed him the most
He became more frequent

"Wait... it's all doppler shifts?"
"Always has been."

Little girl: "Why is it red?"
Derek's first thought: "It's red shifted!"

Me personally holding a degree of Masters in Physics, still this guy, with every video, brings out the attention to something which seemed to me very trivial in the first go but never gave a second thought, and blows my mind every single time. I don't know how Derek does it. Best youtube channel I've ever subscribed to.

"Why's it red?"

"Because spacetime is expanding between us at an accelerating rate"


Me eating several microwaved burritos while watching this: "oh, im expanding alright"

My wife just told me, "I can't blame the Universe, It's all those cookies I eat. Now calculate that genius"... lol

"What would the freefalling observer see"

the pavement, presumably.


Me: about to go to sleep
YouTube (Veritasium): 'Do You Expand With The Universe?'
Me: I don't need sleep, I need answers

“When the universe was very young, it was so hot...”
I'm going to stop you right there.



[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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