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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] What Now For The Higgs Boson?


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] What Now For The Higgs Boson?



Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] What Now For The Higgs Boson?


4:01 When a German gets mad

5:31 "jeah, mugabugabu".



6:36, the guys speaking about science looks so in love with, it's true the purpose of science is to find answers but most of the times we find ourselves generating even more question, that is the most beautiful part.

sorry i had to


1:02 I saw that person! He talked in front of like, 1000 children in Jerusalem. Really interesting he is.


Impossible to miss the infamous John Ellis at 0:47 with his crazy white hair and beard. Though I was a little surprised to see him in this video, I'm not surprised he made an appearance.


Hello, veritasium community, I just want to ask you guys a question. When I go outside and look at the sky I see all these small yellow dots is that the electrons the are fleeting or is it something else. I also see it when im in the dark but not when looking at objects that have color. kinda like 2:25, is it common? Thank you 


AN historic announcement was made

Anyone notice the diffraction pattern from the grating on the sphere? 1:20
Physics, so beautiful



Top Comments : [Veritasium] What Now For The Higgs Boson?


I wonder what all those scientists do everyday there (genuine question) what their individual roles are, how they work together.. It'd be super interesting


Of course it won't be the Standard Model Higgs.   That would not serve the purpose keeping the funding rolling.   

El Psy Congroo


holy cow...this was 3 years ago already? I must be getting old man...I remember this like it was yesterday...if you'd asked me when this was from, I'd probably say something like "january? maybe march? I forget"...unreal...


so the field the Higgs produces is what gives mass to the particles?

Veritasium, First off, wonderful video! Do you recommend an updated video of yours or of another's channel that you have watched in order for us to further explore this concept? Please let me know!


You should make a new channel only for physics.

Just to clarify: The higgs boson fitted the standard model making everyone really sad. :(


All these talk about Higg's Boson, but not a mention of Satyandra Nath Bose, after whom 'boson' is named. Who along with Einstein formed Bose-Einstein statistics which governs how bosons work. He died without a Nobel too.

Makes me really sad.

A historic. Not an historic.


Cern: Discovers Higgs Boson
Normally restrained particle physics community: YEAh bOi !!!

OK am I the only one that see the contradiction of what's being said here? Einsteins theory of relativity say mass gets  heavier as it moves closer to the speed of light but the Higgs field theory says a particle can't become mass until it is slowed down? Doesn't make much sense


That music at the end- wow! Wish someone could tell me the name of the piece :/

so the protons are travelling at 0.0299792458 m/s slower than the speed of light.


What determines how much a particle reacts with the higgs field?


A hall full of nerds
Can’t relate


Just came back from there two days ago. Had a good look around LHCb.


yet we still arguing about how pyramids was made


Next up: graviton

My belief is that atoms and subatomic particles are just another universe, and each particle is a separate universe and there's just an infinite amount of particles. And our universe and our solar system are just a larger version of that, and we're just a small piece of something bigger.

I may or may not be high right now.

I wonder: does the standard model address whether the Higgs field is homogeneous? If the field is of uniform density throughout, a 1kg mass would have 1kg of inertial resistance anywhere in the universe. On the other hand, if the field were "clumpy" like a fog or perhaps even clustered like galaxies, that 1kg mass could experience greater inertia where the Higgs field is more dense and less inertia where it's less dense.


Thanks youtube algorithm.. I guess?


sounds like a terrible waste of money


God-Particle … LOL 

99.9999999% c is infinitely smaller than c in terms of relativity

I gotta admit I have no idea wtf they're talking about and I've watched this a couple times


so its 3 years later, is this the standard model higgs?

2-3 years later now they're coming to find out that it's something more profound.


Shubham: Because they didn't have colliders that could push the photons at high enough speeds. If you smash 2 particles at a slow speed the outcome is much different than at high speeds, just like in any collision. To get the higgs to appear you have to break a photon at higher speed to get it to break into more and more tiny pieces then analyze all those pieces and measure their energy states. A lot of this is up to chance so you don't always get a Higgs, so they do this over and over again to get statistically significant results. (for some reason I couldn't reply directly to your comment.)


Doesn't it kind of indicates that superstringtheory comes in to play a role here? My bet is, that it is the standartmodel boson and "just" another element, or imho nothing more but future wasteproduct(s), "junk of space" x). It could be that stringfields which are constantly passing the lhc focalpoints are pressed together at the moment of protoncollision, so new materials will come to exist, those materials could be indeed bigger waves or bubbles of string-material aka higgs-boson? I would picture it like, space is a huge layer of sandwiches with endless tinier layers, and when you cut it with scissors at the edge new sandwichpartikels, another layer will remain, just a ingredience which is not been researched yet. Does this make sense in any way to you?, I'm not academic people tho.. so correct me please :) Another question, do we live in a black-hole? Is the outside Universe just one of a huge net of universes tied to a big one? I hope someone can give me good sources on those topics :] YoutubeVids lack in detail, don't wanna study years to get some good information :D



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