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[Youtube Review][Vox] Why the US drinking age is 21
twoyou 2021. 2. 25. 10:37(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why the US drinking age is 21
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why the US drinking age is 21
Playtime Comments : [Vox] Why the US drinking age is 21
0:01 My history teacher in high school ms.Wolfing was working in the White House at the time and Michael Jackson visited Ronald Reagan. This was during Michael Jackson’s Germaphobe time. And he locked him self in the bathroom and security had to break the door down to get to him
1:13 wait! Its all 21?
Always has been
3:54 Reagan wore that now he just looks like my grandpa at Christmas
00:12 Michael is innocent its obvious that those "victims" just want money its really complicated
Is that a white kid in "BLACK FACE"?!
6:00 who else heard the STRANGER THINGS song
Top Comments : [Vox] Why the US drinking age is 21
America: where you can be drafted into war, buy a gun, and drive.. all before you can legally buy a beer.
16 to drive
18 to vote and fight in war
And 21 to drink
Just pick one, America!
"Why is the US drinking age 21?"
Me, a 16 year old German watching this while sipping on my beer.
5 year old British children in the company of an adult on private property “Bruh”
Vox: Michael Jackson
Me: I just turned 18, can I drink beer?
America: No.
Me: Oh...
America: Anyways, here's your shotgun-
18 yo: Can I have a bottle of beer?
Uncle Sam: Nah man, but I'll let you get shipped off to afghanistan and get shot
Most of us drink the first time with their parents under controlled circumstances.
That way we get to know our limits and the effects.
When my father was 18 the legal age was 18 when he turned 19 the legal age turned to 19 when he turned 21 it turned to 21
Edit: Why are you guys liking this please stop
"Why is the US drinking age 21?"
"Michael Jackson."
"Michael Jackson."
Here in Germany you can start drinking beer when 16 years old.
Title: Why the us drinking age is 21
Start of the video: Ronald Reagan And Michael Jackson
Below about 14%, when you turn 16
Above that 18
It works perfectly
America: You're 16? Have a car! You're 18? Go out and buy a gun! Also go fight for the country! But we will arrest you if you touch a beer!
21: Thank god, time for beer :D.
I think the sound designers at Vox have watched Stranger Things.
18 year olds: May I drink some beer?
US: No, that's dangerous and irresponsible
18: y/o: Can I go $50,000 in debt for education
US: we encourage it
Drinking at 21
Adult at 18
Driving at 16
What even America
21 to Drink, 18 to buy an AR15. Ah America.
Nice to know my state didn’t let up their rules of drinking.
It's so absurd to me that there's people that we trust with other people's lives enough to give them a driver's license but not enough with their own lives to let them drink alcohol...
Also America: 21
I feel like teenagers are gonna drink regardless of age limit the best you can do is teach them to be smart enough not to drive.
Me: Can I drink at 18?
USA: nah bruh
Me: Can I buy a tank?
USA: yea bruh
My dad did a 1 month job for GM in Detroit, we live in sweden. It was him and two other swedish engineers. So one friday night while they are out eating they decide that they want too walk back to the hotel. Which is a very common thing to do in sweden. If you can walk you usally do. At about halfway they get stopped by a police officer who thinks it's really strange that 3 men are just caually walking down the street. So the police officer starts talking to them in the begining he's a bit suspicious. But soon realises that they are foreigners.. And he asks them why are you walking. To which they answer we have been drinking and didn't feel like taking a taxi. And he proceeds to ask them how much they had to drink and they answer about 3-4 beers each.. And the cop is really confused and ask why aren't you driving.. Too which they answer well becuase we've been drinking.. And in my opinion that kinda sums up the problem with drunkdriving. in the US.
There's something uniquely American about this problem. See, I'm German-American, so when I lived in Germany, I always thought it was so backwards that Americans couldn't drink until they're 21. Here in Germany you can drink beer at 16, and anything stronger at 18. But I'm starting to see that America has such a personal vehicle dependence. 16 year-old kids can drive cars, which I understand because the United States is such a big country, and the public transportation infrastructure is so poor. In most of Europe, where public transportation is fantastic, there's not much of a threat of drunk teenagers accidentally killing themselves or others, since they don't have access to such devices, simply because we have better alternatives. So I understand that the drinking age is 21 in the United States.
What I don't understand is that at the same time, all you have to do is turn 18, and you can buy a semi-automatic rifle, as long as you can provide a valid ID and cash.
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