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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Obamacare in Trump country
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Obamacare in Trump country




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Obamacare in Trump country

The paradox?

Your answer can be found at 1:52


5:30 this is so backwards to me? You vote for someone who chose to remove a health care system that saved your life??? HUH!!!

2:49 “he’s got children he’s smarter than that.” ah yes i guess 2020 proved that he wasnt that smart.

4:28 i need a strong rubber band for that beard.


"And then they said: 'they wouldn't actually repeal Obamacare, you know I'm saying?' "

4:20 this dude tho

9:59 "Well, we need something different"
Year 2020; "Here you go."


DAYYYUM. His bags have bags.



6:55 it's strange seeing American indoctrination so overt.



Top Comments : [Vox] Obamacare in Trump country

"He knows money". Sure. He knows how to con people out of THEIR money.

Watching this as a European is just strange


Americans don’t like expensive but hate free even more. I don’t get it. Do they even know what they want?


Kudos to Obama for publicly saying if Republicans could repeal and replace Obamacare with a better plan he would publicly acknowledge it and support it. Sounds like he's for the American people and less about partisan politics to me


Four years later, trump never came up with the something new he kept spewing about.

Obama care saved my life..... it needs tweaks but I was well cared for until Medicare kicked in .my premium was affordable.


Anyone else watching on election day... While it still hasn't been repealed?


This a prime example of "only in America"


They should do a follow up, im generally interested to see their thoughts now.


"I love obamacare"

Who did you vot for?


Wait a minute...


Still waiting on the replacement plan buddy.


Woman: Is saved by healthcare

Also woman: ThiS hEalTh cAre iS hOriBbLe!

Watching any video of when Obama was in office just makes me sad. Such a better time.

Cathy on the phone while driving, that's how confident she is in her health care system

"They would never repeal it."
Trump: repeals large parts of the ACA and tried to replace it with a horrible plan.

So hows that Trump new health plan going folks?


*US exists

Me: "im too European to understand this joke"


I really can't feel sorry for someone who blatantly shot themselves in the foot.


Apparently in 2020, the replacement for the ACA is Covid 19.

They again voted for him in 2020, then attacked Capital.

It’s the last full day of Trump’s administration and I ask what has he done to replace the ACA?


Please redo this interview with the same people love to see those faces


Well this didn't age well considering the lack of activity from Trump..."Who knew Healthcare was so complicated?" Everyone! knew it was complicated.


3 years later, you should do a follow up interview


Imagine being against human rights because its made by a different party than yours


I wish that Vox would do a follow-up with these same individuals now


Now trump has lost the election, we need a follow up with these people.


It should be free. This is officially a third world country.


this isnt even funny i just feel sorry for these people

I went to the hospital. On January 2, 2019, I had an exam early in the afternoon and I expected to be back home for supper. But after looking at the results of the exam, the hospital personnel said "We keep you". I came back home on February 20th after heart surgery. Then there was a complication due to a prescription error and I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance in dire emergency in the second week of March. My heart stopped... After it was re-started, they kept for me another 3 weeks. There were kinesitherapy, medication, surgery, readaptation, a long convalescence. Back home, I benefited of two months of home care by professional nurses. Now I am healthy and feeling well.

Guess how much it cost me?

Guess first then keep on reading after...

OK : total : $13.00 parking for my car.

If you don't understand I'll explain it in two words : I'm Canadian!



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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