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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Color film was built for white people. Here's what it did to dark skin.


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Color film was built for white people. Here's what it did to dark skin.


Playtime Comments : [Vox] Color film was built for white people. Here's what it did to dark skin.


I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw the ‘Is Microsoft’s Kinect Racist?’ at 4:01

3:25 the computer wasn’t racist, it just had a hard time picking the color of his skin because cameras work in light.


3:40 Is that Marjorie Taylor Green??? Also--He's using incident light meters, which measure the light falling on the subject and are inherently immune to skin tone differences.



3:17 I mean it definitely wasn't the fact that the person with darker skin tone in this horrible lighting would be less visible than the brighter and lighter skin tone. In good lighting there is probably no problem...


The electronic components highlighted in this schematic are "SKINB" for "black skin" and "SKINR" for "right/regular skin"

just kiding

4:02 I remember that.


Hey Vox, this is probably futile but I'd like to know what song you're using at 2:10 and if it's available to listen to.

2:43 Is that Marty from back to the future


Chalmers is saying "SKINR"



Top Comments : [Vox] Color film was built for white people. Here's what it did to dark skin.

Back when I got laser hair removal years ago, some lady told me that lasers were racist because the light pulses can't differentiate between black hair under black skin and she actually believed scientists intentionally created the laws of physics so that darker skinned women couldn't get their hair removed. I wonder what she'd think of camera vision.


Vox: *Puts the video title*

"Chocolate and Wood" - sounds like a 70s funk/ soul group.


This is one of my favourite YouTube channels to learn interesting but useless information. I hope this doesn't turn into Buzzfeed.

When she pulled out the fujifilm I was audibly pained


It has a whole lot to do with exposure, as well as color and chemistry.


Yeah, it is pretty clear that these people have no idea what they are talking about.

Yeah perfect timing algoritym


Honestly it is probably just harder to do facial recognition on darker skin because shadows aren't as obvious, so the faces are harder to read

Ironically, when B&W film first came out, it couldn't photograph blue eyes very well. Blue eyes registered as white, and people looked like ghosts. Some actors with blue eyes would be told they weren't the right type for film.


This is what happens when you have people that barely know how to use a macbook make a video on technology. Cameras have limitations. They had to make the best camera they could at the time for the majority of who will buy it. Are they going to make a camera that suits 80% of America or for the 12%. It's a business.


My Black Cat is difficult to photograph at night because he doesn't care.

Color photography was invented by a Polish Jan Szczepanik in the 1920s

When you're black and your in front of your wooden shelf

The invisible man


Lack of contrast does not equal racism when it comes to computers, you will have to accept than in low light situations it is more difficult for a camera to pick out a face with as high fidelity as someone with a light skin tone.


Like when the yt algorithm has recommended this video in 2020


White is easier to differentiate. I think similar to why we draw on a white canvas.


i don't think they were saying the original pinkish colour scheme was racist, they were saying that they never made changes or improvements until chocolate and wood companies asked for them to add the extra colours. they never changed anything until then even though it was obvious it wasn't working for those with darker skin

As a black man, it is true but is this really unfortunate. The people developing film technology were not black, I think we could forgive them for not thinking about all the possibilities that the technology has to cover. As software developer I have done it often not thinking of all the possible use of the technology or being locked into a particular prospective or world view that may actually excluded particular set of people, some of these were blind or hard of hearing but does it mean that I hated then. If you can prove conclusively that the persons that develop film technology sat around table said "we are going to exclude black people" then no this video is just circumstantial evidence. Half the time my voice recognition software does not recognize my accent does it mean the software developer hates me. plus to prevent this form ever happening maybe we need more black people developing this sort of technology that is the real solution not this thing white guilt foolish. who needs people feeling guilty about the past this is worthless to me. I want to interact with people of today not reminding people of how evil their ancestors were, totally useless and pointless


The light is racist it doesn't bounce of darker skin colors as well making darker people less visible. You could say it's racist towards red heads and albinos like me who look like a white face with no features when taking a group pic on a sunny day. I'm like the ghost among the smiling faces in every hiking pic. :-p


Seems like people didn't really watch the video. Also, physics and chemistry are not racist, but design can definitely be.

Something every single Black person over 25 knows, even if we didn’t know the history behind it. We all grew up with many, many photos that featured our color way off from reality. Especially if we were darker and took a photo with a much lighter person. Even Black film/tv actors were largely photographed and lit incorrectly during most of the 20th century. Looking at the early Oprah shows and comparing them to later shows this shift pretty dramatically.

Facts! just like some digital cameras that render browns oranges n reds horribly.


Hattie McDaniel looked beautiful on 1939's 'Gone With the Wind' So did all the black actors in any 1930s and 1940s Technicolor film. The famous dancers The Nicholas Brothers made Technicolor films and they were beautiful in them and so was Lena Horne! Perhaps you're speaking of consumer cheap processes? Kodachrome, 1935, captured all skin tones beautifully. Even the old 1920s two-color Technicolor captured black skin tones beautifully.


It was actually a technical issue not a racial one.

There are also problems with people of different undertones under different lightnings.


Im pretty sure people back there were not more concerned with photos, more like having human rights..


This is not an intentional or racist thing from Kodak, it's just light bouncing of a face. A white face will reflects more light and more light will hit the film which leads to great results, where as in black absorbs the light and less light will reflect on the film and therefore deliver bad results. It's simple physics. If you take the portrait of a person with darker skintones, meter for the shadows and you will get great results with color film. Just don't underexpose the face. Also you will not blow out the highlights, so metering for the shadows is a good rule of thumb in general.


I was at a Dior counter at Boots one time (this was in the UK) and was trying on some foundations (I’m not Irish pale but I’m fair-skinned). The beauty assistant was trying on some stuff for me. Two dark-skinned (probably African) ladies stopped by and were hovering over the foundation section. One of them said excuse me to the assistant that was helping me, while holding a bottle of foundation, but before she could say anything the assistant just said ‘sorry we don’t have dark colours’ and turned back to me, not paying anymore attention to those ladies, perhaps feeling quite certain they couldn’t be her customers. It was a fact and they really didn’t carry anything that would match the skin of those two but it still felt a little racist to me.


As a light sculptor from the Show me state Fuji film was the best film for capturing the range of tones in brown. Kodak was designed to give color to "white" skin. One film being designed by people in Asia, the other film designed by people not in Asia.
Fuji film ran more toward the "error" default of magenta, producing more of a rose on the cheek. Kodak "error" default was on the side of yellow leaning to making people look more tanned. It was not about race as much about a more Truth in color. That TRUE color was more about location and the "normal" perception of skin tone. It would stand to reason that the Asiatic perspective would be more inclusive of varied skin tones due to the variety of them due to location of how the Sun dictates skin tone in a given area of the world. I miss Kodachrome, none the less.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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