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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How the inventor of Mario designs a game
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How the inventor of Mario designs a game


Playtime Comments : [Vox] How the inventor of Mario designs a game


2:26 who ever played a Nintendo like that is now in prison.


0:43 Miyamoto: "I think that first is that a game needs a sense of accomplishment. And you have to have a sense that you have done something."

Hidetaka Miyazaki: really?, tell me more...

0:01 me checking if my parents are still arguing about divorce


0:43 *Tornado siren literally sounding off in the background*


0:44 Hear that EA, that's pride and accomplishment.


4:13 you missed "the first to have a rumble feature in a controller" but that just goes to show how legendary they are

2:26 why is no one questioning this kid


2:26 c u r s e d


0:24 That. Did not age well

2:26 Can we please talk about the way he holds the controller? ^^'



Top Comments : [Vox] How the inventor of Mario designs a game

This made me very emotional for some reason. He seems so passionate about his work. It's just beautiful


That smile carries the warmth of my childhood.

I like to also think that if gaming was a person, miyamoto would be him.

It's like his smile can cure anything

I can smell his breath through the screen but he's a genius

As an aspiring video game programmer, the way the first level of SMB is designed to teach you the rules of the game in the first 5 seconds is ingenious! Shows the genius of the man himself.


It's a bit odd that you interviewed a Japanese man who works for a Japanese company to make Japanese games in Japan, but never once talked about how the industry worked in Japan, and only ever talked about America.

This guy made our childhood greatest ever

Guys if Miyamoto got rights to Popeye we wouldn't have litteraly any Nintendo character even waluigi

This man deserves a Fckn Nobel Prize

I fear the day that Miyamoto dies, he's been such an influence on gaming as a whole that his death will be felt across the world.


The devil brings eternal misery, Miyamoto brings eternal joy. How many lives have experienced happiness because of this man? So many.

He was wearing a Mario Oddysey shirt in a video before it was announced! Or the day it was announced; it's not clear by the date alone.


Take a look at Zelda Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Odyssey. Everyone can complete the story after some time. However these games still have so much content for players who want to become an expert in this game and can encourage players to continue on playing the game, even when the main story line is completed.
Most of the todays open world games are so huge that players are forced to play alot to end the main story but at the same time players have to do the same things all of again.
Nintendo found the perfect balance between in dept potential for a game, awell as people who just want to complete the storyline.

I love that he hates micro-transactions

we need myamoto to design a level in mario maker 2

An absolute Genius! The Stan Lee of video games. We're blessed to have this man, I can't imagine what video games would be without him. ありがとう、宮本さん!


Not following trends help you think outside the box, and that's what he's doing. He's an icon I love to follow.


why is he so preci ous


Stan Lee of video games!


I love how good of a person he is


Good video overall, however the video game market was not about to crash in 1981 when Donkey Kong was released - it was still experiencing a meteoric rise with the 2600 and with arcades especially.

Miyamoto: decides to not add any in game purchases
media: "not the hero we need but the hero we deserve"


I LOVE this dude...he was a BIG part of my childhood. Thank you Miyamoto san.

Nintendo games are fun


Miyamoto is the legend of all legends.

Daddy.... is that you?


Imagine being the landlord of a warehouse and one day finding out that you've become the namesake of the world's most famous videogame! Legendary prank lol


It seems miyamoto was reflecting on Zelda here when talking about immersive worlds


First-ever work on Artifical Intelligence !!!



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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