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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The big lesson from South Korea's coronavirus response


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The big lesson from South Korea's coronavirus response



Summary Comments : [Vox] The big lesson from South Korea's coronavirus response


The big lesson to the Western countries here is to:
1. Stop being so self-centered, start thinking about others, don't grab several 24 roll packs of toilet paper for yourself, take one, leave the rest for others.
2. Stop being so adverse to trying new things. Trying the same method over and over again is the definition of madness.
3. Stop being judgemental. There's a reason that your country isn't doing as great as other countries, accept that you and your country are not perfect, look at finding possible methods of improvement versus instantly looking for someone to pin the blame on. Pinning blame on something does nothing but give you a target to vent frustration at, it does nothing but create tension, and especially doesn't solve the problem.



Playtime Comments : [Vox] The big lesson from South Korea's coronavirus response


3:48 that wasn't just a church. It was a cult meeting of who claims himself immortal and he is Jesus himself..lol



Top Comments : [Vox] The big lesson from South Korea's coronavirus response


South Korea seems to be the most advanced country on planet earth. I am considering to migrate there. How can I get PR?

I think S Korea was smarter than other countries


My new plan is to live in SK the soonest.

South Korea: Aggressive testing and contact tracing on CONFIRMED CASE as anonymous

Other Countries: Human Rights are the most IMPORTANT!! In quarantine n Lockdown

I never thought I'd say this as an American, But I kind of wish I was Korean right now....


Korea has a well-established health insurance system, and if quarantine is suspected of a virus, local governments and governments can provide food and living expenses.


I was aware that they manage to curb the virus and were pretty efficient but I did not know they were THAT efficient! Wow, am I missing out!

Key words: whether they showed symptoms or not

And japan hasnt done anything for the people no measures nor lockdown

hollyyyy!! what a perfect work from South Korea! amazing!


Koreans are used to wearing masks because of yello dust from China, so they have no objection to it at all.


wow south korea, u show them lol

It appears as though Korean confirmed cases saw rapid increase at the beginning precisely because Korea was prepared to deal with it via mass testing - more you test, more positive cases you find. Meanwhile other countries were struggling to do even fraction of testing leading to deceptionally low confirmed cases. As a Canadian, I really hope we can ramp up the testing efforts and end the lockdown like Korea did - we have less population than Korea, let's go!!

The United States government needs to be proactive not reactive

I just pray we learn from S. Korea. Btw, we have a S. Korean doctor in our town. He is amazing and very smart. Just about anything you are dealing with, he has a solution, often ones that will surprise you. He keeps getting educated and has all kinds of skills not expected of him. I'm so glad I have him helping our family.

America: I’m going to pretend I didn’t see that

If the government doesn't share the information, there should be a panic, trying to know what to do by individual. Keep this in mind Abe. hats off south korea!


대한민국 만세

As a U.S. citizen, we could learn a lot from our Korean friends.


Normal Koreans have no information about the infected person and only know the steps of infected person.
Privacy is definitely protected

I am still amazed with the fact that Korea was able to flatten the curve without locking down the country during this pandemic. Looking at all other countries, you would understand how hard it is to control the situation without stopping people’s movement.

Korea’s story gives a lot of hope to many other countries and I am really proud of it!

after this is all over, I'm gonna live in South Korea


I'm Korean and here's the fact that most country misunderstand. The tracking system used by the Korean government ensures anonymity. Only basic information, such as the route of the infected, is sent to citizens by text, so the infected do not have to worry about their personal information and privacy being violated.


Shoutout to all the people from the future watching this video for a school project

And some people still think koreans are Chinese....ㅠㅠㅜㅜ

South Korea is a shining beacon in this darkness that the virus has covered us with.


i always loved south korea. such an innovative country :)

Koreans are smart lol


South Korea: shows what countries should be doing
Other countries: I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that


South Korea and Taiwan are great.
Taiwan: best preventive, proactive model
South Korea: best reactive, responsive model

Future Kids: Who else watching this for a school project?

Smart people learn from mistakes and prepare for the next time

what an advanced and sophisticated nation, to think this country was in war with their neighbors only 50 or so years ago is mind blowing


man i wish i lived in South Korea


It’s all about transparency and trust


As a Korean, I think the reason we are doing well in this pandemic situation is that we Koreans have a strong sense of community. So sometimes we prioritize the good of community over one's own good. Frankly speaking, I am healthy and don't wanna wear a mask. It's very stuffy. But the reason I am wearing it is not to make others disturbed by me. I think many Koreans would think that way.
I even heard of a man whose daughter was confirmed. He is running a grocery store in a market place. Actually even though someone is confirmed, we don't know who's who. We are only informed of that person's whereabouts. But the father posted a notice on his grocery store that said his daughter was confirmed, so just in case do not buy food there. It was not him who was confirmed but his daughter. So it was not enforced by the police to shut his store down . But he did. Of course that is not the whole story of Koreans. But still there are many Koreans who think and act that way.


I say this just because there's a few people out there who think otherwise: Koreans wear masks not because they want to and it's their culture, it's to protect themselves from polluted air and infectious diseases. Protection, not culture.

Edit: What I'm trying to say is Koreans wearing masks isn't some kind of pop culture going around. Yes, it's a culture of protection, for yourself and for others, but it's not like it's a pop culture trend. Besides wearing a mask can be uncomfortable bc it's hard to breathe and do stuff


I'm a Brit living in Korea. The government response here has been absolutely incredible. I'm a HUGE advocate for personal privacy, but I'll be the first to admit that all of the information we have been getting from the government through forced emergency messages to our phones is amazing and IMO it should be a necessity. If I go out, I know exactly WHERE and WHAT to avoid. There is obviously a stark difference between the countries that took this seriously to begin with and the countries that didn't. As mentioned in the video - I know that the UK is larger than S. Korea, but IMO all of the deaths in the UK are down to the government just not taking the thing seriously enough.



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