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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] How To Make Graphene
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Veritasium] How To Make Graphene
Playtime Comments : [Veritasium] How To Make Graphene
3:30 great example of conservation of momentum
And yeah, graphene is very interesting.
Thanks for the video.
What's the background song from 1:00-1:25?
Thank you.
3:16 Dat face
"Oh you"
At 2:57 awesome face my friend
Top Comments : [Veritasium] How To Make Graphene
In summary, pencil+tape=Nobel prize.
That is a really good video...
I think it is odd that he never mentioned how balls off the wall expensive the stuff is to produce.
I am a regular veritasium viewer and incidentally I found and watched this video today, when I was learning about covalent structures in school
Sunlight, wind and carbon are where we should be looking for sustainability. Currently we exploit the rarest materials: Gold, copper, water, fossil fuels, titanium, trapped gasses... while the most abundant are under-exploited. The one abundant fuel that we have exploited but in the wrong way is nuclear power. We've used fission instead of fusion. Fusion and graphene deserve much more research. We currently subsidize Big Oil to hunt for more oil in ever more sacred spaces (the ocean, the arctic, our national parks, etc) when we should put the billions into the research that holds the promise of quality of life (and life itself) for our children, not that which is destroying all we hold dear (or should hold dear).
Scientists... thank you for your labor of love, working to improve the future. Hacks, who serve corporate interests at the expense of the commons, regardless of the quality of your research you are no better than the demons.
And educators like Veritasium, thank you as well.
so if one layer of atoms taken from a penciltip is stronger than diamonds and a pencilmine itself persists out of millions of those layers, how come that the pencilmine itself isnt stronger as diamonds?
He got thrown in a chair and is forced to make something seemingly impossible (but obviously isn't) and when he's finished they high-five and look like they're best friends.
Am I the only one why finds this confusing?
so I am really dangerous when I say I have a pencil and I know how to use it
me: mom i created the smallest and strongest material on earth in my room
mom: thats great honey but when are you going to get a job?
I'm so glad I watched this video, I was kidnapped a couple months ago and thrown into a dingy room with this exact scenario...
Thanks Veritasium!
Now, there's carbyne.
YouTube: Let me recommend this to you 10 years later
"In order to think big, you first need to consider the very small"
So true.
Oh Derek you are so charming its unbelievable <3
"The earliest TEM images of few-layer graphite were published by G. Ruess and F. Vogt in 1948"'.
Although, the most advanced- so far and by far- method of obtaining the graphene on a quazi-mass scale was discovered... it's hard to say that was invented... in Poland a decade ago or so !
The Blue Laser as well...
First professional computer in Europe made on a mass scale also in Poland- The ODRA- 1972
A Pole Copernicus busted Ptolomenian Solar Orbiting the Earth theory in 1543.
Maria Curie was a Polish girl.
Polish mathematicians; Rejewski, Zygalski and Rozycki broke the Enigma code in 1932...
Serendipity and Eureka rolled into one; yet... who cares ?!
Folks in China, Russia, India... everywhere out there have already taken advantage of it, made their own usage of the Polish inventions and discoveries..
Who cares ?!!!!
Well... I do!
Cheers guys !
[Veritasium] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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