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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement | Cassie Jaye | TEDxMarin
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement | Cassie Jaye | TEDxMarin




Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement | Cassie Jaye | TEDxMarin


13:35 “if one group is being silenced, that’s a problem for all of us.”

Lookin at you Big Tech

1:02 No one had ever documented the MRM

Indeed, and yet they felt like talking about it constantly, despite their implicit admission they knew nothing about it.


1:44 - 2:24 sadly, this describes most women. No reason, logic or common sense...just emotion.


13:00 pls...
Don't make that again...
You just said that mra's cared about women's rights and then you said that you weren't a mra because you support women's rights



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] MEETING THE ENEMY A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement | Cassie Jaye | TEDxMarin


True Story, makes me so sad...

So there was a woman (let's call her Sally) and her boyfriend (let's call him Sam)
Sally hits Sam repeatedly, and Sam tells the cops. The cops questioned Sally briefly.
Sally tells them "No, he hit me"
Sam gets arrested and spends a while behind bars.

This is not what true gender equality looks like, people!


Cassie Jaye's research affirms that "feminists" can themselves be sexist. It also speaks volumes about "mainstream media" bias and its manipulation of public opinion.

She used to be a sheep but now she’s an understanding human.

Men wanting rights is "the enemy"?


More people, no matter where they lie on the political spectrum, should try to see things from their “enemies” perspective

"Peeling back the layers of my own bias." The scary task that awaits us all.

The ironic thing is we are trying to stop gender inequality but still clearly lableling that issues are for men or women. we need to understand all genders can have these issues, even if it happens to one more than the other. it is possible to fix both gender issues, not just one.

Fun fact:

If an unpopular boy gets even one positive compliment from a female, it is turned into a core memory, and is enough to get him interested in the female.

I know from experience...


I like what she's saying especially the point she made about the media. Spot on

"Equality" has never been about being equal - that's what needs to change


I have great respect for that women.

It takes a lots of guts to tell a story where you describe yourself as the vilain...


She’s acknowledging how SOME women get so emotional that their logic gets suspended. I’m proud of her. Feminism has become anti man not pro women. Saying men built everything shouldn’t trigger you like saying without women the human race ceases to exist.


What she is doing, a lot of people need to learn. This needs to be taught at schools to listen instead of building a wall around your opinion.

Woah. So pretty much many problems, I could say almost all problems, could be avoided by simply following this so well known idiom: "put yourself in someone else's shoes"


The immense value in listening and "hearing" your "enemy" is the key to understanding each other!

When 3 of my 4 children were born, the hospital's policies would not allow me to be alone with them, including when my wife was sleeping. We were provably married, my wife even gave consent, but their policies still prohibited me based on the possibility that I was an abusive man. As a loving, religious, married and involved husband and father, I don't think I've ever felt as diminished in my life.

Before you decide someone is your enemy walk in their shoes

I like how she's like women attempt suicide more, then ignores the fact that if you commit suicide, all of the attempted suicides you have now become irrelevant.


The woman giving this talk is someone worth looking up to

Woman hits man: its his fault.
Man hits back: You just bought yourself a ticket to prison.

Its important that if we dont listen to each other, how can we be ever acknowledged as equally.

Why can't men and women both have rights together? Why are men the enemy? the only division that matters right now is rich vs. poor.


"It's not a contest. But I kept making it into one."


“We have to stop expecting to be offended” are the wisest words I’ve heard in a long time.


This is powerful. We must continue to see things from different angles.

Imagine a world where jealous, conniving women see a beautiful woman that disagrees with them and *don't bully her back to the stone age. Yeah, it doesn't exist. Ask this lady. She knows.


There is nothing that brings a tear to my eye and stirs my soul like when I see someone grow and admit fault. Humility.


i can't even say one thing about men's rights in my school without being beheaded


Watching a Silent Voice, there was this very small scene where the main character sings about how even a monster has a heart. And that stood with me for quite a while when considering the viewpoints of others.


its funny, almost like mathematicians for thousands of years have said you cant balance an equation if you only work on one side of it.

As a man, who is no longer in love with his partner, it scares me that these issues aren't addressed properly and are under attack as a result of 3rd Wave Feminism. Both have flaws, only one is silenced.


It's one of the few times in recent memory that somebody tries & tried to see both sides of a story and admit these - we need more humans like her, regardless of gender or whatever - the world would be a much better place - chapeau!


When you dehumanize your enemy you feel more justified in attacking them.

As a man I've always felt in the very back of my mind like my feelings don't matter as much. Even in a disagreement with a girl if the girl starts to cry I feel awful, as if "look what I've done." even if I know that deep down I'm feeling just as much emotional pain as they are. I've always felt like the pain that I feel must not matter as much because I'm not as good at outwardly expressing my emotions in ways such as tears. I've also been physically hit or at least slapped by almost every girl I've dated long term, yet I've never lifted a hand to a girl. Some of my male friends have told me the same, but it's something very strange to talk about. I've always known I could never "fight back" because if a guy shows physicality it's more "wrong" and I could easily go to jail. The documentary Cassie made really hit me hard. I'd call it a must watch no matter what your view point.


My ex-wife used to turn in me in a second and then try to swing at me like a man. If something didn't go her way in life then she would yell and cuss at me. She did that to me in public. I finally filed for divorce and then she completely flipped. She was kind and wanted me to pull the divorce papers. When I refused she then told me that she would have me killed. I just looked at her, told her she had 5 days to pack up her stuff and get out. Long story short, she disappeared so she couldn't be served the divorce papers. She didn't even show up to court. Men get abused more often than people think.

My county once had a "deadbeat dad round up" that is what it was actually called.
I NEVER NEVER NEVER missed a single week.
I received a certified notice that I owed $20. I grabbed my shoe box of EVERY single receipt and walked in the DSS office. As I walked in like every time I could feel the glare of the people working there, mostly women.
I put my box on the desk of my case worker and began to show my evidence. She stopped me and said " Young man I do believe you, but it would be easier for you to just pay the $20". Then it hit me, this was not a clerical error. But the county was also rounding up the good men too.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TEDx Talks] Channel Posting

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[TEDx Talks] What does the Quran really say about a Muslim woman's hijab? | Samina Ali | TEDxUniversityofNevada

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[TEDx Talks] Why I read a book a day (and why you should too): the law of 33% | Tai Lopez | TEDxUBIWiltz

[TEDx Talks] Why I, as a black man, attend KKK rallies. | Daryl Davis | TEDxNaperville

[TEDx Talks] Why people believe they can’t draw - and how to prove they can | Graham Shaw | TEDxHull



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