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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] 왜 사람들은 유령을 보았다고 생각하니?
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

When you watch Youtube, do you scroll and read the comments first?

To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?

(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] 왜 사람들은 유령을 보았다고 생각하니?




Playtime Comments : [Vox] 왜 사람들은 유령을 보았다고 생각하니?


0:01 When you're just trying to relax alone but your sibling reminds you you haven't taken them to the park yet.


2:19 supposedly, not "supposably" (ed, not ab)


1:59 they sped up Chills! They can’t take his slow talking!

3:24 Swiss have another trademark - ghost machine!!


1:33 That’s what the ghosts want science to think!


2:19 "supposably"



Honey! Did you say supposebly?!

1:04 I want that skull on the left!



1:58 burger king foot lettuce



Top Comments : [Vox] 왜 사람들은 유령을 보았다고 생각하니?


If ghosts were real they would be everywhere.


When I was in year 5 in 2016 I was on a Coach going somewhere with school and my mum took a picture of of me on the coach and my grandad who recently past away and it was his funeral that day as well showed up clearly as of his face where I was on the coach. I know people might not believe me but I believe it so that’s the only thing that matters to me and I did feel very comforted by the picture and later I did say before I went to bed the things that I didn’t get to to tell him x


What if ghost are people from other dimensions ?

I personally never haunted any human, but sometimes I use their smartphones just to watch YouTube.


Dislikes are from the Ghosts


Even if ghosts are real they cant hurt you, why would your dead grandpa want to hurt you.

Ghost: Kills me
Me: Becomes a ghost
Ghost: Surprised Pikachu face

I actually have a few goats in my farm. I confirm that they are real.


Ghost: Hmm let me switch the light off and on


Sometimes the Vox comment section is absolutely toxic


Being scared of the dark and of the unknown is an evolutionary trait for survival.


i heard a story that a ghost had spotted a human


So, where can I buy the robotic back scratcher?

Isn't this discrimination.

everyone talks about the ghosts of human, but no one cares about the ghosts of dinosaur, they died too.


Idk man, explain to me all you want why ghosts aren't real, but my grandma from Colombia dealt with some spooky paranormal communications with spirits, and the stuff we saw was no joke


I saw an orb in one of the photos I took. vox: ghost don't exist doesn't mean u won't see one . Common sense has left the chat


I saw ghost during day time.


It will be that humpback whale in my back garden. I knew it was going to bring no good.


My grandfather was a shaman, and from
What I can see, it’s just psychological. But his ability in making people feel safer for free? that’s real and effective. What’s horrible is people/hunters profiting from the suffering of people by charging them money for seances, exorcisms that ends up hurting the person.

Well... If nearly 64% of people in the world believe in the existence of some sort of god I don't know why it's shocking that so many people believe in ghosts...

Learned something new today: never knew there was an actual paranormal investigator...legit. I thought you could just give yourself that title, lol

Ghosts screams at you?

Scream back louder


''45% of Americans believe in ghosts.''
lmao wtf

hey demons, its me, ya boy

"A ghost can be a lot of things. A memory, a daydream, a secret. Grief, anger, guilt. But, in my experience, most times they're just what we want to see. Most times, a ghost is a wish" The Haunting of Hill House


Friend: there's a ghost in your house, we have to leave now!

Me: relax, that's just infrasound

Meanwhile in parallel universe:

"Why Ghost think they see people?"

Day 778 without a boyfriend:

The demon I see in the corner of my room during sleep paralysis is kinda cute , should I ask him out or would he say hi too ?


oh so thats what sleep paralysis is....

Yeah I've had that.


When I was 7-9 I had a full conversation with something knocking on my parent's bathroom wall. I remember asking yes or no questions and there would be 1 knock for yes, 2 knocks for no, and 3 for neutral/unknown. No one was home at the time, and this went on for about 30 minutes. And I want to believe it was just a rat in the wall or something.. But it was rather odd.

I ended up concluding with it was a woman, aged around 17? She wasn't apparently there to hurt me, and was a spirit?? Honestly, it could have just been a weird series of a rodent moving around in the wall but guess I'll never know. All I remember is the knocks being faint but clear enough to sound like someone knocking. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(Still don't really think ghost are real, but who knows)



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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