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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The unseen face of meth use
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The unseen face of meth use


Playtime Comments : [Vox] The unseen face of meth use

4:35 look at the way she looks at him. damn she really loves him

0:55 “would you like to get a booty bump on camera too?”


3:16 The problem is that we live in a society

@4:40 Seeing the girl kiss the guy's arm when he talks about how being clean is the best thing to happen to him, you can tell that she is extremly proud of him. Now do I know if they had a rough time when he was getting clean, maybe but that shoulder kiss and the way she looked at him, just wow.


3:17 We're living in a society
≧∇≦ ≧∇≦ ≧∇≦ ≧∇≦ ≧∇≦

0:34 lmao

2:00 lol

"I am a functioning drug addict." *fast forwards to 0:58*


Doc Seems to be speaking from experience @16:00


4:36 "its the best thing that happened to me" - shaking his head left and right.... :)



Top Comments : [Vox] The unseen face of meth use


this is the most healthiest drug addict I've ever seen

he's exactly like my cousin, except without the meth :(

"I don't know how many years on this Earth I got left, I'm gonna get real weird with it." ... Frank Reynolds

I've been in and out of rehab since I was 15 for speed amphetamine I've been sober for a month pray for me

That sigh at the end was really powerful

At the end i can see pain..he tried to hide it with a laugh

What ever happened to weed? Chill tf out


Smoke Weed. That is all.

I need help finding out if my friend is doing meth


People don't understand that drug users are the victims, and the last thing you could do to help them is to send them to prison


1:00 because in America these victims get put into jail instead of being understood and helped.

Replace it with alcohol and suddenly it's normal.

1 month clean :)

I hope and pray he makes it my heart his out to you. Lord give him the will to make it. God bless and keep you dear my my love and prayers are with you to.

That sigh at the end...felt his pain.

2 MONTHS CLEAN TO THIS DAY. In the 10 months of my addiction this is the most clean time I've had. And it's an every day struggle but I'm so grateful for where I am today. Addiction IS a disease, and it's a progressive disease. Every backslide, every relapse will be worse than the last one. This is a reality I've learned this the hard way. I hope Courtney found the gift of sobriety. He definitely deserves a good and positive life.

Courtney actually has a really nice voice. Sorry, that's extremely random.

"My name is Courtney" - Some dude smoking meth

13 years since I've done meth. I still have meth dreams about 3x a month

Gorgeous man and wonderful personality! Wishing you all the best in your recovery.

I would love an update on his life.

Bless him...


It's a Demonic Spirits that has POSESSIION!


That sigh at the end...felt the struggle

He seems like a great guy, I hope he gets well soon.

His dog doesn't care about his drug use. No judgment. That's why dogs are great.


I've been clean for two years plus. Love the feeling of not feining for a hit. No rehab, no clinic just quit cold turkey, & Gods help.



Rob six years of my life two more months ill have a year clean

I've been clean and sober for the past few years. My drug of choice happened to be heroin, but I used meth in a misguided effort to get my tolerance to opioids down. The instant I inhaled my first hit of meth, I immediately understood why people got addicted to it. The first few seconds are intense, blinding pleasure. After that, I would be overcome with this irresistible compulsion to take another hit. And it's deeper than conscious thought, like the compulsion to flinch when you're about to be struck by something. After a few minutes, using becomes another thoughtless reflex.

The weird thing is, I hated using meth. The racing thoughts,, the paranoia, the duration, acting weird, I didn't like any part of it- I'm a downer person. I only purchased and used meth a handful of times, and yet, I still have dreams where I'm using meth, and even though I haven't touched the stuff in years, thinking about it too much will give me goosebumps. That's the terrifying power of this substance. My heart goes out to people stuck using.


Courtney hit the nail on the head when he said " you have to want to be sober and have to do it for yourself". Im an ex Heroine addict and i tried getting sober 2 times before the third time that worked(so far). Ive been clean for almost 2 years now and the first two times i tried quiting it was because of what my using did to my family. And while hurting your family was an awesome reason to stop , for me it was always on the back of my mind which led to me using again after 6 months the first time and 8 the second time. This time is totally different. I hit roc bottom and finnaly realized this is not a life worth living and to get clean and stay clean you have to want a better life for yourself. A future seems possible now in contrast to when i was using when it felt impossible to get clean. ITs not impossible. FUCK THE STATISTICS. IF i can do it anyone can...... Its amazing how everythig falls into place as soon as you fight what ever "demon" you are facing.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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