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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Inside Rio’s favelas, the city's neglected neighborhoods


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Inside Rio’s favelas, the city's neglected neighborhoods




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Inside Rio’s favelas, the city's neglected neighborhoods


5:01 - That art was created by a Portuguese urban artist called Vhils, it was done with explosives.


6:43 this didn't age well


3:57 real life Buscapé

3:52 "Morro da Providência", the first favela in Brazil. At the beginning it was called "Morro da Favela", hence the term "Favela" for all the others that came up.


4:38 From that part, I feel this world needs to change!

who's eye brows rose when the stats of how many deaths to arrests were made? 6:43 - 7:01

4:44 bruce banner

Music @ 6:40 is Bonobo - Change Down


the table on 3:25, made out of the bike wheel is very creative!


8:23 Best map from CODMW2



Top Comments : [Vox] Inside Rio’s favelas, the city's neglected neighborhoods

I was born and raised in rio, I’m Brazilian and I think it’s good to spread awareness. These happen due to the local state failing, not the people. Brazil’s federal government is corrupt, trying not to solve the problem push it away. Trying to remove the people in favelas isn’t going to work. The police are brutal and harsh and aren’t making it significantly better. Favelas aren’t bad they are resourceful. They need to remove the influence of the gangs, thats what causes the problems.
If they can’t to that then the government needs to understand that they are neglecting people and need to give them better *public housing*.

One thing I admire about the Brazilians, their ability to recycle just about everything amazes me. And remember, this is done without fancy-schmancy refineries or warehouses full of equipment to break down and separate the trash.

The guy who cleaned the hill and transformed it into an ecological garden deserves to be minister of agriculture and tourism

This is really good episode by Vox.


Kowloon walled city: laughs

I just love how the people of Brazil are politically very innovative. And learn to live and develop in any environment.
Love from India.


AHhaahah They almost zoomed my home there!


please do more coverage about RIO and BRAZIL.
Huge tanks from caring, brazilian people really appreciate that, awesome video!!!


"Home to both vicious drug gangs as well as some of the most peaceful, creative and resourceful people in Rio..." This had me crying.

The guy who cleaned the hill and turned it into a garden and community center deserved the Nobel Peace Prize! He's incredible!

How did you manage to film this? Isn't it dangerous to walk around favelas with an expensive camera?

Favelas reminds me of ‘Rio’, ye know. The movie that you watched 8 years ago?

There's only one more week till the Rio games. And I feel like that money that is used for the games. Could've benefited so many people who are living in the city. I also feel like the games will be a disaster. And this will be the first of the many excuses rio will have to make the city look 'nice' instead of helping their people.

I also just came back to Australia from a vacation in the Philippines. I not only felt happy and joyful that I went back to my home country. But also disgusted at myself for feeling unsafe and 'wanting to go back to Aus' after seeing all the neglect and poverty that I saw.


The term "favela" comes from native plants called "favella" (Cnidoscolus quercifolius). They are abundant in these hills.

PS: it's an important knowledge, it was on my sociology test

when it says 1 kill every 23 arrests, at least the brazilian didn't sugarcoat their statistics.


So resourceful. That guy who cleaned the hill and made it into a garden that now produces fresh fruit- lovely!!!!!


When scrolling through my YouTube subscriptions I click on the videos with a catchy name that interests me or a cool thumbnail, but any video made by vox, even those that don't interest me in any way, I still click on. Thank you for this great content. I am literally trying new things on YouTube because of you!


1 dead in 23 arrest?

Philippines' Duterte: laughs in 30,000 dead per 0 arrest


Moro no Brasil, na Favela do A.R na Zona Leste de São Paulo


If that guy made that garden in CA he’d be dubbed a guru and paid millions. So sad this type of talent is often overlooked


"What happens when a city develops without the help of the govt?"

Visit any city in India,they're all Favelas

Funny to see this and then you see that the mayor of Rio has been sentenced to more than 80 years of prison last year for extreme corruption while people needs help there...


I would hardly call people living in poverty in favellas "thriving", as you say.


this is glamorizing a dangerous way to live

Never thought i’d come back to a video my geography teacher showed us

I remember this place from MW2 lol


That was a great map on COD


I am Brazilian, I lived in rio for years and now I live in Niterói, the neighboor city, the vídeo did justice tô the independent iniciatives for help the "favelas" (now they are called "communities") but I think that they didnt talked enough about all the problems that came with the lack of proper urbanization. This vídeo even if by accident make the communities look like kinda of function places, they are not. It's not just security, comunication, energy, water, trash collecting, everything works bad, that is a while industry there focused in "gatos" ilegal detour of eletrecity, water, satelitte tv and even internet, and the vast majority of the structures in the video? They are build in "risk zones", places that have great risk of slipping when a rains falls and this is the cause of hundreds, hundreds, of deaths every year.
I know that, as foreigners, Vox has it's limitations, and the video still a great vídeo with plenty of usefull and good information, but still incomplete.
Ps: And this is because I not even started tô talk about corruption, because ours smallest political scandals could make Watergate look like a minor infraction


Hi, I am from Brazil and I know Rio de Janeiro since I was born (my father is from RJ).

The place is really savage towards foreigners, since you are not expecting a so craftly perfected assault "technique"... be really careful while treading there...
I even know someone that "vanished" into the city and no, I am not trying to scare people away. Try to study the places you want to visit, because even the taxi drivers do not cross some parts of the city after sunset (like taking the "red line"): You can end up isolated in a area you do not fully know...

Keep on the "asphalt", keep an eye on EVERYTHING you possess and do not trust in "strangers", so to speak...

Neat! I lived in Belo Horizonte for about 9 months back in 2005 and 2006. While I was there I hung out/volunteered at an NGO that a friend started called Contato CRJ. They worked to bring together kids from the favelas and kids from from without, and I still cherish the time I spent there. I am glad that you showed both sides, since it's been a bit too easy to glamorize favelas since some have become more open to the public (e.g. Rochina).

They're certainly complex, just like any other city, and it's good to try and capture some of that complexity in such a short video. You did a great job!



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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