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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world?


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world?




Summary Comments : [Vox] Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world?

This is one large reason we are lagging so badly in 1. Education 2. Medical care 3. Infrastructure. In 30 years America is going to be eclipsed by other world powers.



Playtime Comments : [Vox] Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world?


There's a glitch with the graphic at 2:42, anyone else notice this?


This guy drew a line to Alaska like it’s not a US state 2:07

Hey man! Big fan of Vox! At 3:23 , you have shown US to have a base in India! Not true! Never had any! I know it is a minuscule detail!
Overall, an amazing video!!


1:40 Is no one gonna talk about how this one dude just shoved another dude into a jet engine?

2:23 - little known posts in the Indian Ocean like Diego Garcia.
- US set up bases all over world because of threats n never left.


3:16 I love how Americans think that all countries respect and need them.

2:23 Diego Garcia is British Indian Ocean Territory, as per Google maps.


3:23 wait what, why there's no military base in the US.


3:30 why is there dots in France?

1:40 is that a person being shoved in a plane



Top Comments : [Vox] Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world?


some countries want them there so they don't have to spend money on their own military

I don't understand all the hate in the comments directed towards vox. This video is just showing that we have lots of bases around the world, explaining how some of them got there, and then talking about how much it costs to maintain them. He never gives any commentary on if that's good or bad. It's a very unbiased piece of reporting.

-Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world?
-As Tupac said: America is the biggest gang in this world !

As Captain America said to Nick Fury pointing a gun and holding everyone hostage ain’t freedom that’s fear.

"There has never been a country with such a massive global presence"
The British Empire: Am I a joke to you?


They will build a base in Mars when Elon Musk reaches there

The US got enough money to be in everyone else’s business it can’t even provide health care for their own citizens, for shame

"This is ours now"


More threats now than in the cold war. It was never really over.

And meanwhile thousands of American citizens live on the streets


How do you guys still have less than 100,000 subscribers


"American leadership is not just respected, it is required."

Source of information: American politicians.


Dont forget what happened last time awhile The Giant was asleep.

"And they just never left..."
Well yeah no dur why would they?


They spend all this money on military at the expense of their citizens welfare and healthcare :)))


Empires come and go, the most powerful empires have failed to remain still until this day and the USA time will also come. In fact, they’ve failed terribly in Afghanistan and the Middle East already, countries around the world are getting tired of being oppressed by the USA


Whenever i see America and Democracy together in the same sentence, i laugh my body off


That's why America has 25 trillion dollars debt.


Imagine if our education department got that same budget.

just an hour ago USA hit Syrian army positions cause 170 casualties. Isis then launched an attack against the Syrian army.. that's some great democracy you guys havr


21st century Roman Empire.

Thank you for your service.


So basically my hard earned money is defending other countries great


2 simple words: Natural Ressources


Cuz they want to sneak close to the Russia's territory more easily my dudes

Independence Day... You know, aliens.

"To help maintain peace"
Mmm there is something wrong in this.

When the US has more bases in your country than your own country military.


One Dot that wasn't on this map is located in the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) which is a small country consisting of 30 or 40 plus small islands. It is located in a space call Micronesia (Small Islands) and one of these islands is called Kwajalein which is where the US military based is located. This base is actually rented, so the military pays the Marshallese government just to use this space each year. Many actually ALL of the residents of Kwajalein has to move to a neighboring island call Ebeye which is MUCH smaller in mass, and it now overpopulated.



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