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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Open offices are overrated
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Open offices are overrated



Playtime Comments : [Vox] Open offices are overrated

2:28 geez didn't know raid was that old


6:20 was an important part of the video


0:01 synced perfectly with windows update pop up


4:13 Isn't that the thing that causes mesothelioma?

1:54 is that an among us space man


0:17 Company makes open offices to save money, gives workers iMacs

3:55 is Raid considered a cleaning product?


0:38 Someone should start a Kickstarter campaign to get Phil his own office...



Top Comments : [Vox] Open offices are overrated


I found it extremely difficult to concentrate in an open office, listening to half the phone conversations of the people around me. Every cough, sneeze, laugh, joke, exclamation, etc., disrupted my work.


How about home office instead? Going outside of my house, especially commute for over an hour just to get to a workplace is a pain and waste of time


Yes, to save money on real estate. But also, it's the panopticon - it's a cheap way for management to create the perception that a worker is being watched constantly, to instill fear & guilt in the workplace, and maintain control.

If you cannot afford office space, then let your employees Work From Home!


Yet the managers and executives have offices


What if we all work from home and company's improve homes

I need my own space to be honest

This was one of the best videos I’ve ever seen. Period.


As a person on the autistic spectrum, I simply cannot work in an open office lay out, and believe me I have tried. The tiny noises, movements, sights, sounds, even smells....way too overwhelming. I was so lucky to find an employer who respected people's wishes and I got my corner cubicle; my own quiet space where, believe me, I work harder and better than ever before. Open spaces might seem cost-effective, but I really wonder how productive the employees actually are.


this video is an inside protest from the VOX journalist and creators


why am i watching this im in high school

This man is passive aggressively asking for better open office

Open offices are bullshit....straight bullshit. I use to work for a big named company that tried this nonsense and no one interacted, stayed silent and the higher ups got closed off offices. Everyone felt like they were in a fishbowl and absolutely hated it. I left that company last year, but most of my friends that are still there, still hate the design and I think at least 6 of them are looking for other jobs and they outline the open office design as one of the reasons. Not a high reason, but a reason nonetheless....pity.

I personally have trouble concentrating when there are people around me.

You said, “the office” dozens of times and never used a clip from The Office—missed opportunity


open work space also meant everyone can spy on each other. great for the boss!

Ive never liked offices period, you feel confined and they always make them so cold. I don’t like open offices but I like working from cafes. We should be allowed to work from wherever we want as long as we get the job done.


Please do one about the layout of classrooms


"wright is known for his houses"
Yeah, he's know for the roofs leaking like a sieve.


Open office means slowly suffering hearing loss due to having to blast music all day with headphones for 8 hours 5 days a week

Honestly, I'd prefer my own little box than seemingly open space.

It is just like a classroom. It is nearly impossible to concentrate.

“To encourage interaction”

Me, someone with social anxiety “Mmmm sure, sure,”


In Russia the office open you


working in an open office makes it really hard to be on youtube instead of working

Private offices are the best. If you don't mind interaction, you leave your door open. If you need to concentrate privately, you leave your door closed, and the only way to get in touch with you is to call you on the landline.


I live in an open space and it makes me feel like livestock in a barn


One of the few remaining perks of being a lawyer. I will always always ALWAYS have my own private office.


I just hate having my boss & co-workers starring at the back of my head while I'm truing to have a stressful conversation on my phone.


Working in an office was the reason I hated my previous job and eventually what lead me to resign from the company.
I despised the feeling of constantly being monitored by either a co-worker or supervisor looking over my shoulder. I felt trapped in an Orwellian nightmare in which the simple act of opening a web browser to check the daily news headlines could result in either admonishment directly from a higher up or one of my co-workers snitching about seeing me doing an unrelated work task. Alternatively, there was the ever looming possibility of a co-worker “jokingly” calling me out in front of the whole office, rhetorically asking in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear, “why I was scrolling the web, instead of focusing on my work”. I will never ever ever ever go back to the dreaded cesspool which is the modern office workplace. I shudder thinking of the seven years of my life I’ll never get back working in that infernal death trap where hopes of happiness come to wither into dust...

I don't see why they have 100% open or cubical. Why don't they create workstations instead of designated spots. Have a mix of cubical and open space. Open space is good for teams working on a project but if you solo and doing your own thing, open spaces can be very distracting. So have rooms/offices/cubical areas for anyone that needs quiet time to work.

If you have "interaction" in the workplace, it's a team effort thing. Otherwise, everyone is doing their own tasks solo and if you working...there is no time for interaction because the interaction you get is not work orientated, 75% of the time it's random chit-chat, horseplay. This is why you need both open spaces and private spaces. Tons of people also can't work efficiently in a open space setting because it is much to distracting and hard to concentrate.

They spend less on designing a floor layout but in the end probably waste more money due to inefficient employee productivity. They probably have to hire more people also to make up for it.


As Buckminster Fuller said decades ago, most of us are working fake jobs in buildings that would be better used as shelter for the homeless. When you see the game for what it is, it's astounding that so many of us are employed at all. When the average person has a better computer at home than the one at the office, the concept of commuting to an office to email each other and have telephone conferences should really strike everyone as an absurd waste of resources. It seems to me that a lot of people are more concerned with playing office than actual productivity; which by the promise of the industrial revolution should take up about 8 hours a week.



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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