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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why parrots can talk like humans
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Why parrots can talk like humans



Playtime Comments : [Vox] Why parrots can talk like humans


0:19 i’m sure he can say it like us with a lot of practise

2:46 “speaking human” is what i would describe as body language. when it comes to the words coming out of your mouth, you’re speaking a certain language, speaking english is completely different than speaking korean or german or hindi.

2:28 I don't know why but it's so funny how the bird makes that sound


Wow, I didn't know that Red could sing so well! That's why he didn't want to sing in the movie.




3:03 got em

3:52 That made me warm inside


I like that red bird haha it has its hair all spiked up 1:49



0:04 r/TIHI



Top Comments : [Vox] Why parrots can talk like humans

"You can see the noise coming out of the chest"

"Yeah i do see sound"


Thank you now I can sleep


Meanwhile my parrot:
Lol imma gonna mimic the microwave beep and the smoke alarm with the same noise level


"and they wanna sing our songs"

my heart is melting


A 4 minute video with one simple "hello" from a parrot.

Raven: I can sound like a human
Parrot: Yeah well I can sound almost exactly like a human
Lyrebird: Can yall mimic an entire construction site? Didn't think so kids.


I have an Eclectus parrot, she is 16 years old and talks in context. They aren’t just copying us, they are communicating.


"We are they're flock, and they're determined to sing our song", just beautiful - perfect!


Imagine having to shake your entire body just to say hi


Monkey: "Will you marry me"

Narrator: "Yeah,i hate it too"


As a parrot owner, I can safely say that once they can talk, they won't shut up


A while back I was holding my bird and he said "can you come closer?" Which is something I never taught him, I brought him closer to me and he started playing with my hair. Birds are freakishly smart


Having had parrots for over 40 years, Same one the whole time, I can say, parrots don't just mimic. They understand.


Just want to say that if you’re ever considering buying a parrot (that includes budgies and cockatiels) as a pet PLEASE do your research (it’s like having toddlers if you do it right) and consider ADOPTION! There are so many parrots in shelters that need a home! The average parrot will go through three homes in their lifetime before finding their “forever home”. They’re amazing companions if you know what you’re in for :)

Other parrots: mimic owners saying I love you

My parrot: mimics the ten year old next door screaming

So technically, a parrot does vaguely understand what they're saying in human, and I absolutely love that.

“Will you marry me” will forever haunt my soul.

“When parrots live with us, we’re their flock and they’re determined to sing our songs.”

Video on birds talking only has it saying hello .


I always did wonder why birds could talk thanks vox!

I was shookt by the shutter sound.. Wow thats amazing

Does no one will talk about it?


"They're determined to sing our song" .............I'm humbled.


I think we just overlook the fact that parrots can actually talk


They don't just mimic, larger parrots actually understand what they are saying.

What's smarter than a talking parrot? A spelling bee

I would have loved if there was more of the parrot talking.


Parrot : Curses
The Whole Family: Looks at grampa


"You can actually SEE the noise coming directly from their chest"


They don't only mimic our sounds, they can understand human language too if you take the time to teach them(nor sure if all species can, but some). A friend of mine is a professional animal trainer and trained birds to use in shows for some time. Afterwards she kept a few of her favorite birds around. 1 of them act like a 2-4 year old kid. He can eat nicely from a plate, another of her birds same species made a mess. When he was hurt and had to go to the vet, afterwards he was sick and didn't want to eat. She told him that if he didn't eat she had to take him to the man in the white coat again(the vet), he then went over the the food bowl, ducked his head in, pretended to eat and kept an eye on her to see if she bought it. You could also ask him yes or no questions wich he would answer with moving his head. And he always answered correctly. You could ask him follow up questions too like why and he would again answer correctly. He would rat out anyone if they did something the owner didn't like. If she had him in the house she could hold him over a bucket and tell him to go and he did. He spend a lot of time as a house pet was around her a LOT in his younger years though, so don't expect to achieve this if you spend 30 min a day with your parrot.

I wonder if birds have the ability to make sounds while breathing in, instead of out, like humans can. You know what I mean? Like when you try to talk while breathing air in and it sounds like you're burp talking because the air is flowing the wrong way through your vocal chords. I wonder if birds can do that too, and if they ever even prefer to do it to make certain sounds because maybe it might actually be easier for them to make certain sounds that way because of how their larynx is structured.



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