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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How Norway designed a more humane prison
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How Norway designed a more humane prison


Playtime Comments : [Vox] How Norway designed a more humane prison


0:42 Looks like a cool Asian castle from Top View


0:37 "The sentence is taking away the freedom. Everyday life shouldn't be a sentence."
That sums it up right there



Top Comments : [Vox] How Norway designed a more humane prison


To do list updated:
- go to Norway
- get arrested


I honestly did not know these prisons existed before this video. But ironically, I have visited family multiple times who live in Halden (the closest town to the prison) Either way, Norway is a great place to live and thrive, compared to other countries I have visited long-term.

Tough, inhumane, harsh prisons make inmates exactly that. Inhumane tough and harsh.


I wish my school looked as nice as this.


Is it just me or Norway flexing on everyone for years


I imagine a prisoner going like

“Yeah 5 stars 10/10 would commit crime to bet here again”

Homeless person: welp im on my way to commit a crime in norway.


Prison looks great, but I wish they could've implement more humane design on nursing homes.

The vikings, once the fiercest people are now the smartest.


* Goes to Norway *
* Sees Norwegian prisons *
Well, time to commit a felony.

everybody gangsta till people start breaking into the prison and not out


Interesting it’s almost as if these inmates would actually get rehabilitated, rather than turned into perpetually bitter desolates.


America: Lock them up and throw away the key, find that key when they get out, they are so angered by the system they will reoffend almost insantly. USA....

The more i learn about Norway, the more I want to move there...


Scandinavia makes literally every other modern country look barbaric and medieval. Especially the US, the land of the free.

norway is literally so ahead of the rest of the world... we've all still got a lot to learn

The punishment is losing freedom, not being confined in a dark small brick box for years. I agree with her.


Norway: We'll make prisons be like normal life, except seperate.
America: We'll make normal life be like prisons, except seperate.


When you're going to commit a crime, do it in Norway.


This is not about being "nice" to criminals - its simple biology/psychology.
Stress leads to more problematic behavior. If the person can be rehabilitated, taking away stress will help to do so, and if they're dangerous and need to kept there permanently, then, putting them under pressure exascerbates that danger.
They're still walled in either way.


Many people forget that prison is about rehabilitation, not punishment.

Punishment never helps reform individuals. We need more prisons about rehabilitation rather than punishment.


This makes so much sense. It really seems that Europe has made it a priority in many of its country’s to improving quality of life for all its citizens while the United States has moved in the opposite direction.

that time when swedish guards forgot to lock 6 prisoners cells and instead of escaping the inmates made cake and watched movies together


Prison should be about rehabilitation not punishment.

Tough prisons make inmates tough.
Humane prisons make inmates humane.



When prisons in Norway look better than most of the schools in India


What a brilliant idea!
They should design my school like this too because it feels like a prison too

Actually nobody
Literally not one soul

Norway: Let's treat our prisoners like actual people

criminals leaving the prison shouldn't be criminals anymore.
that should be the target of a punishment system.

This is an interesting take in prison.

The purose of prison is... usually seen as punishment but, this makes it seem like rehabilitation. I'm not sure, but... I guess... rehabilitation must've been the original purpose of prison.

In us prisons you get beaten up,
In Norwegian prisons you learn and reflect. Prison is just a longer detention.


This prison:


This prison:

Me: steals garlic bread in Norway


Will this ever happen in American ? Yea if you guessed no you’re right. They can’t even give Americans free healthcare

Never before have I come so close to thinking “send me to prison please!” Whats a nonviolent, mostly harmless crime one could commit for minimum sentencing? Could one potentially pull a Henry David Thoreau and refuse to pay a tax?

"Beeing imprisoned is the punishment - the design hasnt have to be."

That is so correct!
Being imprisoned means you are not free to go where ever you want.
That is socialy a very hard punishment.

I was in a psychatry once (just for a few weeks and in free will) where I was told that the stay means not to leave the compound. (For legal reasons and also for the therapy)
Even everything was a comfortable stay, it felt imprisoned in some way.
That moment you have to call your loved ones that they have to visit you at the compound, because you cant leave (and that was by choice) - it was bad. And leaving the hospital felt like getting back your live - even if it was for just a few weeks.


In USA these prison would be called by some as "Country Clubs for Criminals". I find difficult the idea would be supported. I am totally in favor of creating a more humane correction system, where inmates can learn professional skills, have the chance to earn money and support their families from prison, restore inmates dignity and human pride, also have a program to help inmates rejoin the workforce without the many barriers common today. The current system just abuses inmates, work as a university for crimes (drug cartels, gangs, etc.), spread violence and hate.


It’s made so that the people who choose the wrong lifestyle can learn how to be a normal human being. Learn how to work, learn how to do every day things that a normal person would do. Learn how to adapt to the normal Society. I personally live in Norway and I personally think that this is the best method to help someone who is going the wrong path. I have watched hundreds of documentary’s about prisons and those who are lucky to have such an amazing prison and get such good help almost always turns around to the right path.



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