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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Ramzan Kadyrov: brutal tyrant, Instagram star
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] Ramzan Kadyrov: brutal tyrant, Instagram star




Playtime Comments : [Vox] Ramzan Kadyrov: brutal tyrant, Instagram star


Meeting the presiden wearing tracksuit. Nice.


8:00 Putin got the biggest earpiece so everyone thinks he doesn't speak German, lol. He was East German KGB for like a decade. He's fully fluent in German but wants people to forget that.


That face you make when the german chancellor asks you to stop discriminating homosexuals:


3:08 that stare send chills into my bones

When your sibling takes your one and only charger.

2:48 Didn't know Imran Zahkaev's son from the award winning game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was a real person!

5:41 does he just look into the camera and say "SPORTS!" ?


Quran 2:256
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

4:00 no one is talking about him doing that

1:39 Putin looks like he just saw a fly land on some food and is hoping no one notices.



Top Comments : [Vox] Ramzan Kadyrov: brutal tyrant, Instagram star


Ramzam looks like he came from "r/niceguys"

WTF kids fighting MMA? that guy is truly crazy


I like that it's perfectly fine in Russia to meet the president of your country and one of the most powerful men in the world while wearing a tracksuit.


“Oh this guy can’t the be that bad, probably something blown out of proportion.


“Never mind.”


He really is a happy go lucky guy very friendly especially to foreigners.


'No homosexuals in Chechnya'
Take one look at him and Putin together and tell me there isn't a mancrush happening.


Islam DOES NOT tell u to go shooting women randomly cuz they aren't covered

A massive reason the chechens are so "interested in sport" as you phrase it , is because their country like any other in the Caucases are constantly being invaded and never know too long a period without war

Im from Ireland a chechen asylum seeker joined my class at age 8, all he would draw was Russian helipcopters destorying his villiage , and had images of Jean claude van damme , Steven seagal , and other strongmen all over his copybook , people are the way they are for a reason

This is gonna sound strange but hearing "Russia" and "muslim" in the same sentence feels weird. Same as "Italian Buddhism" or "Libyan Christianity."


I can't find his account on Instagram!!!

More videos like this!


Of course he's got to obey Putin or be put in a massive blender.


Reminds me of Pagan Min from Far Cry 4.

1:35 dude legit looks gay for Putin.

bruh imagine going for a walk and the president of chechneya comes and starts shooting you with a paintball gun


So an insta tyrant boss. . .ummhh i see


Its like getting a nobel peace prize and a medal of honour



so moral of the story is that ruthless dictators and war lords love animals more than humans?


Even tho im religious myself, i really hate it when religion is associated with the state or government. It's litteraly the worse thing in the world. The only state that deserves not to be secular is the Vatican due to it's religious status and if any other state was created for specifically for a religious reason like Mecca.


So...let me get this straight
Women who are not observing the hijab are getting shot with paintballs but celebrities have the right to dress the same way like those who get attacked on the streets?
Not fair mr president!
It's either all or nothing.


This is a quality, informative video. I'd like to see RT's spin on this.


When media dictators trying to be innocent

This world is do scary... I can't wait for it to be over...

4:00 Dude is dual wielding PKms hahahahhahah

This Kadyrov guy really seems to have a crush on Putin

"He enjoys quiet moments with animals" cue shot of Kadyrov with a chicken.

Honestly, there are probably people in America that want to do the same things to gay men.

Looks like Kim Jong Un fused with Arab world.


"Baaaarrrry, I have a job for you."



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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