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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] 일본 우익 내셔널리즘의 부흥


Playtime Comments : [Vox] 일본 우익 내셔널리즘의 부흥

"""Children from other countries can confindently and proudly boast about their history. But Japanese children cannot."""
German children: sip tea


1:20 Japanese people angrily pushing each other in the street.

Me: I have not seen this before, I am intrigued.

>Tries to portray Hitler as horrible
>Uses a photo of Hitler inside of a cheerful crowd of people greeting ordinary citizens with a smile while they smile back at him.

0:21 the guy in black in very oviously Minamoto Yoritomo. There are slo pictures of Tokugawa Ieyasu, in gray, and a noh theatre mask.


to all the people who say weebs vision of japan isnt what its really like their; watch this-6:34


3:20 I think it's safe to say that in almost all countries.. there are some things to be ashamed about, and others to be proud of .. I don't get why they don't want their history to be criticised in any way .. isn't learning from mistakes a thing?



3:59 Twerking?

great video, very well edited and informative. but i want to point out an irony about how the video explains the japanese textbooks glossing over genocide and how this video itself glosses over genocide.

@4:22 the video notes how the japanese empire came to fall--which was at the hands of the US atomic bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki. interestingly, this video doesn't mention how in just three days 120,000 japanese citizens were killed in two single attacks. hiroshima was the most lethal military attack in history and it targeted civilians--what better example of a warcrime could there be? and yet this video completely glosses it--merely playing archive footage of a news announcement, making no mention of the deaths, and briefly stating the allies had won a the war (a positive).

it is very difficult for citizens to internalize criticism of their own nations. nationalism is engrained in almost all of us from a very young age, and even seasoned, talented reporters at times succumb to its mission of innoculating us to the horrors our own countries commit.


6:35 dang thats probably the loudest I have ever seen a Japanese dude yell



Top Comments : [Vox] 일본 우익 내셔널리즘의 부흥

Japan has always been nationalistic.


Makes me wonder how many atrocities are reworded or ignored in our western textbooks


"Japan is a democracy with an Emperor at the top" Bro the Emperor hasn't been the true seat of power in Japan since the Heian Period

He who hold the pen writes history, seem to write out their sins

Weebs are japanese nationalist without beeing japanese.

To be honest, I think it is important for people of every country to acknowledge, love, and condemn their history


“there’s a democracy with the emperor at the top” w h a t


Japans nationalism isn't on the rise. It's always been like that they live very nationalistic and conservative lives.

How to enrage the internet:
1. This country did this this and this.


일본식의 민주주의 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 너무 웃겼다.
일본은 독일하고 다르게 저시대를 반성하지 못한다.
일본인은 저 시대를 일본 탄생 이래로 가장 영광된 시대였다고 기억하니까.
그래서 일본인들은 미국으로 부터 핵폭탄 맞은게 억울한거야.


"Japan is emasculated by the westerns". how about Hungary and Germany which lost great amount of their territories, harmed so hard by treaty of Versailles? In my knowledge Japan also received help from USA and had its GDP that large even decades ago.

You cant erase the thoughts of a nation just by defeating them in a war. They might lose. But they will mostly wont lose their ideologies or thoughts. Its not rising nationalism. Its just regular nationalism they had all the time.

Vox: “Japan’s rising right-wing nationalism”

Japan: What do you mean by rising?

Me: Vox! Did you finished all of your Japanese history homework?

How to enrage the internet:
1. This country did this this and this.

상당히 공정한 취재를 하는 듯 합니다. 항상 잘 보고있습니다. 많은 조사와 노력에 감사합니다.


tbh "Japan First Party" sounds bit lazy name, they could've put more efforts in selecting the name, something like Nationalist Party of Japan or Sinchan Doremon Union.

Sorry for the joke but name is still lazy.

Nationalism in Japan is not rising. Westerners just figured out it nowadays.


The British hide their history from their children too.

Japan never feel sorry for the wars it brought, rather they do feel sorry for not winning them


Democracy without introspection of history will lead to tragedy.

This is the type of sequel that I don’t want



People should remind and know the history, so that people won’t make mistakes again

댓글창에 와패니즈 ㅈㄴ많네
말로만 들었지 이정도일줄은


All anime fans know how nationalist Japan can be. Any GATE fans here?

I've known this for years. I'm surprised that it seems to be news for so many others.

Serious kudos for the commentators here who seem to have also known this.

This just show that not all Asian countries are perfect. And this shows that even beautiful country like Japan, can have a dark side.

I feel like every country has their own version of history where they were good guys.iam from India ,we had long border dispute with Pakistan and most of the world knows about our rivalry ,we both fought 4 wars against , in which one is declared as win by Indian side (which is resulted in formation of country Bangladesh ) and reasoning three are decided as no victory on both sides as they were ended by some agreement by rest of the world historians but in my history book it is said as we won all four wars and in Pakistani books they show they won all four wars but we left Bangladesh free with international agreement.and both nations celebrate this war victories ,say me which version is right .Winston Churchill is known as hero in brits history but he is villan of our history.the world is living in an rashoman effect.every one knows the world from there nations percpective


Korean : "Nationalism in japan is not rising. Westerns just figured out nowadays."

Responded comment : "Everyone has nationalism. Your Koreans too." "South Korea doesn't apologize for Vietnam."

I really have no idea what they want to say.
sorry, I gotta say. SO WHAT!? That isn't a point! (※ Be aware this isn't because Korea is uncomfortble with them. Koreans do know and face that so we can have a constructive conversation, with those problems with Korea, BUT! not here. ※)

Is there even a single relation between if natiomalism in japan is serious and if Korea has nationalism or Korea didn't apologize for Vietnam??

You can say It is unreasonable that country with nationalism say something to another country with nationalism. I can understand it.

But the topic is about "excessive" nationalism that is currently causing multiple problems. Korea isn't at the level which is as serious as Japan just like other normal countries. At least Korea doesn't have a attention worldwide so that somebody even make a professional video. (<- and this excuse is foolish and meaningless : ) Besides, it's about Japan, not Korea, which clearly make rather talking about problems in KOREA meaningless. And it's absolutely all same with about Vietnam.


Currently in Japan saying "rising right wing" is a soft term to describe the situation.

It's a common to see Japanese polticians bringing up diplomatic issues to get more votes from nationalist. You could say Trump benchmarked blaming other nation (Mexico) for all the problems or to hide some scandals, as in Japan it's been like that since 1980s.
In Japan, hatred generating books about other countries are best sellers (most bookstore has a whole section about it), being able to openly participate extremely xenophobic protests, bulling in schools or even companies only because you are S. Korean, all ot them are just nothing more than a daily life.

Nationalism in Japan isn't rising, it always has been that way. It just never surfaced as S. Korea and other nations didn't have power to bringing it up globally as Japan would make their way by pressuring economically, lobbing or bribing.



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