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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The bridge between suicide and life | Kevin Briggs


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The bridge between suicide and life | Kevin Briggs


Playtime Comments : [TED] The bridge between suicide and life | Kevin Briggs


4:22 “What happens when you open the box and hope isn’t there?” As someone who has suffered from depression and suicidal thoughts for as long as I can remember, that question hit close to home. What a perfect description of what living with depression is like.

Honestly, I’ve been there. I remember after I graduated high school I was so depressed, less attention from my parents, never knew what to do with my life really, my family problems was just too much to handle. Plus I just felt like I was not ready for the world and I had a bad temper, I would lose site of what I was doing and not realizing what I did an till I was in pain. Never had anyone to talk to nor kno who I should talk to so instead I talk to myself, I wrote down all my thoughts and emotions, how I was feeling an so forth. But luckily, my friend who I grew up with started to reach out to me and picking me up, “listening to me.” And from there my life changed COMPLETELY. I went on a journey and on that ride all I did was learn. I did a lot of reading and writing, meditation, 5 and 6am morning running even in the rain, the cold. Now 9/3/20 - 2:13am my life is good, I know and I understand so much. Believe me when I say this, I have complete control over my emotions...COMPLETE CONTROL!! My second job that i work after hs, i became a manager in less than a year. I am still a manager here but I will join the military soon just to explore life and see where it takes me.


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:5, Jesus Christ is the only way, KJV........



Top Comments : [TED] The bridge between suicide and life | Kevin Briggs


Even though a lot of people think like this:
Suicide isn't just "I want to die."
There's a lot more to it..

It’s not that you want to die, you just don’t want to feel like this anymore.


I came to YouTube tonight, to find a video exactly like this - to get a grasp on what would happen to my family if I did anything tonight or any other night. As I watch this with tears in my eyes, I’m glad I did this. Even if it only delayed another day or night, I’ll take it as a small victory.


Yea, sleep has 100% been my coping method of choice....

This makes me cry, honestly I've been going through a cycle of depression and suicidal thoughts....

believe me, we think about the others, that's why is so hard to make the decision


Funny how the argument is always 'it hurts people around you'
What about the person hurting so much they want to end?


Nothing hurts more than being alive.


I wasn't given a choice in being born, why can't I be given the choice to end my life?


Nobody cares until it's too late. Everyone says they want to help, but where is it? They just want to clear their guilty conscience with flowers at your funeral THEY pushed you to.

I don’t wanna die. I just want this feeling, this dark and heavy feeling to leave. i’m 19 and have felt constantly anxious and depressed since I was 13. I remember having panic attacks when I was around the age of 7. this illness has robbed me of my childhood, of my life. so no, I don’t wanna die. I simply cannot live another day like this

I saw this comment on another, rather non related video: “It’s crazy how the mind can be a place of happiness and imagination, but it can also be the hardest prison to escape from” I tell myself those words everyday and it’s what keeps me real with myself


"I wish I'd known about the view from halfway down..."

I understand this completely, I lost my youngest son to suicide.. my heart hurts.. praying for healing. Blessings everyone


I can’t explain how impressed I am at the lack of robotic “dont do it”, “think of the people who love you”, “call suicide prevention” comments here. Nothing says “I don’t understand clinical depression” like those types of comments


i hate when folk say life is a gift...maybe so but for many we can't see it that way despite trying....there is no switch that turns on the positivity light....it is a persons right to choose that life isn't for them.....just to have the basics is extremely hard and hearing the outside world tell us we aren't trying hard enough, thinking hard enough, fill in the blank hard enough just compounds our feelings of failure shame and guilt.....


I’m fighting every moment I’m awake until I sleep.


"You can prevent suicide by visiting therapist" they say but nobody wants to listen to me if I can't pay them. For those who can't pay what should they do?

I had a friend who was in jail so many times, his family didn't love him, everyone at my school made fun of him because he was getting in trouble and getting into fights. Everyone wanted him to leave the school. But I loved him because no one else would. I often felt suicidal, even now, so I know exactly how my friend felt. He got expelled a year after he went to my school, so I dont know how he's doing, hopefully well. "Give love to people who deserve it the least because they need it the most." -Aaron Stark

does anyone talk about what happens when you go beyond depression, when you push it real deep down inside that you no longer have suiciedal thoughts or depression thoughts, you just become...........empty

"When the POWER of love OVERCOMES the love for POWER...we will have PEACE!!!"

When I started feeling depressed I was like 'it's nothing, you're just being dramatic...' but now it's pretty serious but again I ask myself: "you know the damn well that no one cares how you really feel". But the truth is that they care when it's too late...


I search for the courage one day, to finally evacuate myself from this place.


I dont want to die, i dont want to feel this anymore.

however im never going to stop feeling this. This has been my existence since i was 8 years old. im so tired

i wonder if these people who get in the way of suicide attempts ever think about how the life of the person they stopped often gets worse and worse and how they probably prolongued that persons pain and misery in this world


its not just wanting to die, it's regretting your own birth and wishing it never occurred. Everyone needs to know how it feels people just need to listen.

Only thing that's stoping me is the fact that i don't wamt to hurt my mom she's been through a lot she deserves a better son, damn


The “suicide hurts so many people around you” argument doesn’t hold much water if those same people don’t give a damn while you’re still alive.


I don't wanna sound too angsty/cringy but normally nobody cares until it's too late.


I don’t want to die, I just want the fear of living to be gone.


The point of this talk has been missed by so many who don't want to understand anything more than ending their own pain.

You are a gentleman! I have thought of suicide before and this is the way i feel that you feel thank you! I'm here to stay thank you for your service sir

His voice is so calming. No wonder he managed to save around 200 people


My brother Misha Stone jumped from the Golden gate bride September 4th 2019. He died. He was 26 years old. His body was found by a surfer. My mom still hasn't recovered...


The so-called ‘depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom is in invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level and will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames. When the flames get close enough, falling to death is the lesser terror. It’s not desiring the fall, it’s the terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling. ~ David Foster Wallace


For the last 2 years, this is how I feel. Suicidal. Some days are very dark. Sometimes you can pull your self up, but the truth is you don’t want to. With what is going on in the world, you wonder is there any reason to carry on. Each day is a struggle. You fight to get out of bed, you fight to get dressed. You fight to do things. All you want to do, is just disappear without a trace. Not be bothered with anything. It’s easier not to talk to other people. Be left alone with your own thoughts. Still trudging along at the moment. Not getting any easier. See what happens.

' What happens when you open the box, and hope isn't there?' killed me

EDIT: coming back to this video after 2 Years. After I first posted this comment, I attempted suicide a few months later. Just here to tell all of you that are struggling that things do get better. I know that it sounds unreal but it does. After my suicide attempt I got diagnosed with depression, OCD, ADHD and EDNOS. That alone helped a lot to understand why I was feeling so hopeless. Please dont give up. There are people that listen. They want to help and you are worth the help. I'm not saying it isn't hard work to get better, but it is worth it. I want you all to hold onto those who love you and speak to them. Get help If you need it, there is no need for shame. You matter, I dont care what you believe; I'm telling you that you are lovely and you do matter.
I was so convinced I didnt matter, but I saw what my attempt did to my family. Dont let your mind trick you into believing you're not loveable.
Because you are. I love you all.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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