티스토리 뷰
Playtime Comments : [Vox] 북극해에 국경을 그릴 시간입니다.
2:20 Wait, so there's oil near the north Pole. Time for Santa to get a whole lot of freedom.
Eagle screeches in background
"Show its muscular teeth" 11:04 (-v-)
Tell us more about the space you are in at 12:18 in this video. Does it belong to VOX? Is it an office? Who designed it?
11:07 „Show its muscular teeth” xD
2:02 gives me anxiety. let's do our part to lower our impact! ☼
Russia: “F on my geography homework?! How?”
United Nations: “If you’re going to cheat, try to not be so obvious.”
Top Comments : [Vox] 북극해에 국경을 그릴 시간입니다.
Guys, this video is about the borders on the artartic Ocean and Russia is the biggest player there with the most military activity.
It is natural to talk about them allot.
It's funny how on a monument in Barentsburg is written "Communism is our goal".
It’s fantastic that we can get this professional quality of video documentary on YouTube. Great work!
Hmmm... Canada is trying to send a message here.
Arctic nations: “It’s free real estate.”
So global warming helps north countries because they can find new resources. How convenient (and suspicious). (Except for the rest of the world)
“The Arctic has always been Russian”
World: wait... that's legal
Only Russia? Hell no, US, Canada, Norway... They all should keep their greedy fingers of tge Arctic, which is one of the last places on this entire planet that humans haven't entirely taken over!
thank you human for finding another reason to start a war
The quality of content makes me guilty of watching this for free.
I would have liked to see what the more NATO-aligned countries are doing in the artic. I am not defending Russia, but I feel like the video was overly focused on them.
Hey Johnny, what is the brand of the orange jacket/windbreaker you are wearing? I’m really curious to know . Cheers!
near irreversible environmental disaster on a global scale: *happens
Arctic countries: It's free real estate
"There is enough in this world for everyone's need, not enough for anyone's greed"
- Gandhi.
"Russia has the most to gain from global warming"
Trump claims climate change is fake and try to accelerate warming
"We can only hope that Russia continues to play by the rules." - Vox
As much as I may think that the Russian government is territorial and aggressive, the notion that the US won't try to throw its weight around (especially under the Trump administration, where he wants to play king, and ignore the rules) is absurd. Try ending this video with, "We can only hope the arctic nations all act like neighbors rather than polar opposites."
Especially Russia, who is highly dependent on fossil fuels, and now it can get access to up to 30% of the reserves
this conflict has a ridiculously simple solution: its a piece of cake, or more accurately - 5
look on the opposite side of the earth towards Antarctica. several national powerhouses have divided up the landmass of Antarctica by splitting it into 8 pieces of pizza, all meeting at the south pole. (for corners monument aint got nothing on that!)
10:22 5 lines should be drawn each starting from the north pole and ending at the intersections of each national border. US - Russian border, Norwegian - Canadian border, Danish - Canadian border. and so on.
9:40 Since most people are hearing the term 'soft power' for the first time, and you present these actions of the Russian as the 'epitome of soft power', I thought I would take this chance to give a more clear definition. Soft power is the ability to influence the behavior (or interests) of others through non-coercive means such as appeal and attraction. This type of power is called soft as a contrast to hard power: the ability to use military and economic means (also called coercive means) to influence the behavior (or interests) of others.
In the study of International Relations Theory (IR) and probably in other similar studies (I personally am most knowledgeable about IR), all things which are referred to as power (a statesr's ability to exercise influence over other actors within the international system) are composed of soft and/or hard power. To be more precise the term 'smart power' has come to define a 'tactic' that incorporates both soft and hard powers.
There are other forms of power and not all people agree on exactly what power is but I hope that you learned something. Feel free to ask any questions.
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