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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea


Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea


"When we value ourselves we teach people how to treat us. When you love yourself you find no need to control or bully other people nor you allow other people to control or bully you." 14:09


The inspirational advice starts from14:00 onwards. I read the amazing book onwards Anita !



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Dying to be me! Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea

Totally and completely profound and inspiring video (Y)


This will make a great instruction video.....I will pass it on!



wow so profound- imagine if we spent all the $ and effort the society spends on cancer awareness on wellness awareness instead! what amazing things we could do as a society?

I had a NDE long ago from a car crash so I know what she is saying. I learned that we all experience what we believe or expect. The soul mind is amazing in that what ever we believe, we receive. Yes, we are one in purpose and intent and we can read each others minds. But that does not mean we are all one in the same. Yes, we are all inner connected. But, even though we are inner connected and we are not separate from God, we also own our own individuality and consciousness. I KNOW that to be true. Much like a family it not separate from each other when they are in the same home and same room and feel each others intentions. But still ourselves. You get, even at death what you "at some level, expect to get. YES, we must change our awareness!

Having 4th stage cancer myself her incredible story gives me hope
She portrays total love

Watched hundreds of TED Talks, got very impressed with some, but I've never got inspired like this talk here.

At first I thought "she's lucky", but now I'm more likely to say "I am lucky" that I found this speech. One of my favourite now. Thank you.


5 lessons learnt :
1) Love Yourself / Value Yourself
2) Live Life Fearlessly.
3) Humor
4) Life is a Gift
5) Be Yourself Unconditionally


I could listen to more of her! Glad she's still here with us to share her incredible story.


Incredible unique strengthening talk , thanks so much for sharing with us

wow, I had a very similar experience (being connected to others)... I so know what she's talking about. It's refreshing to hear someone express it like she did

Anita, I am so thankful for you sharing your story! It IS changing  the World!! Thank you for having the courage to live FEARLESSLY!!

I love her. I love her Indian accent. For some reason, I have always had an affinity for Indians. I used to wonder if I'd marry one. I didn't. But I could have. I think Indian weddings are the best. One day its my dream to travel to India.

One thing people like Anita Moorjani do not worry about at all is people not believing them. First, they do not need to be believed, they do not need to be right, they share a message with whoever is able to receive it. Second, there is nothing they can do so that skeptics do believe . Even skeptics themeselves do not know what it takes for them to believe. Even if God presented Himself to them and raised people from the dead, they would still refuse to believe (rings a bell?). Belief is afterall a choice. You choose to believe, as you choose to spot things with the "spotlight of your awareness" - good things and bad things. If you choose to disbelieve, there's nothing anyone can or should do. Moorjani's speech is a treasure of spirituality. If you can not see that, just take the five key messages at the end of her speech. There is but good to be taken out of them.

I don't know why people think she is a fraud, if you view other people's videos who had a near death experience, theirs are just as amazing. I believe Anita.

Beautiful and inspiring, I love the notes at the end. :) 

thankyou Anita. Very touching, very beautiful, youre so special like we all are. I love you so much. <3 xxx


I was introduced to her after having been diagnosed with breast cancer. Freaking out from the actual diagnosis I wasn't able to focus on the written word . I downloaded the book, "Dying To Be Me" however and found she actually read it to me. It was wonderful! I'm so greatful for this today because listening to her book was like hearing my life story. Head bow & nice to see her on YouTube.

wow what a beautiful woman !  i agree with everything she says !  love is the most powerful energy !  awesome !!


Do read her book DYING TO BE ME ! deep insights from beginning to the end


I just finished listening to her book in audio and it is also amazing.   


Wow, this story gives me chills... So incredible... It's hard to believe she came back, I'm not sure I would have. It definitely inspires us, that are going through hardships.

Thank you for sharing your story!

Anita, you are my hero. Your experience has shown HOW POWERFUL OUR MINDS ARE. Also, I admire your openness, authenticity and warmth.


Amazing testimony, our God is an Awesome God Thank you Jesus for your Love and Mercy.

I had the same experience while in the hospital. I wasn't near death, but my consciousness shifted. I could see 360 degrees all around me which made total sense at the time. Then I shifted again and I understood everything. I simultaneously "felt" everyone else's experience throughout the entire hospital. It all made complete and total sense. I saw life as this exquisite whole that was moving towards greater wholeness and wonder. The amazing thing was knowing everything and recognizing this as the natural state of a ll human beings. I came out of this state a few minutes later when a friend came over to wake me up. I could experience him wanting to say something to me and also recognizing that it was appropriate to come out of this state at that moment. He touched my shoulder and I popped back into everyday reality.

I've been following her. Now, I am a Christian and I believe that her reality of death is very real. I've had two, very close friends who had a NDE and all of them said that there is an immense feeling of a warmth surrounding you and a deep feeling of unconditional love. It's a life changing experience. You don't have to die to have an experience that is similar to hers. Just be you, share your gifts, receive the gifts given to you and accept everything with grace and faith. Your world will open up. She had this experience, but she continues that journey here on earth and it shows. Let's just live true to ourselves. Let's just be that fearless and never let any relationship or circumstance define us, negatively. We have that choice.

The messages are so important, thank you so much Anita!!!

Omg! I'm so resonating with you. Thank you for the confirmation that I need. I love you Anita Moorjani:) you're a blessing to this world.


i love this. it is great. biblical also.


A excellent talk. I read your book. Well done.

wow, så koncentrerad visdom!!

Thank You Lord .. For saving this great lady !!! She is an Angel ... Thank You so much for your Amazing Testimony...


Thank you so much, Anita! This was beautiful! Thank you for sharing this very important message!

I am so happy to see that so many people talked about the wonderful message they take away after watching this video. I love the message so much as well. Albert Einstein said: "There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle." 
I am saddened that a small number of people, yelling and shouting so loud that she is a fraud. They just don't get it. If you don't believe the story, you don't have to. Just focus on the message. These people usually have made their decisions before they ever watched the video. So, they focus on proving that they are right. (How do you know that you are ignorant if you are so ignorant that you don't even know that you are ignorant). My suggestion is that try to focus on the positive, you will be much less angry and live a more peaceful life. 
Best of health!

Her description is so similar to my experience I had when I was 12yrs old.  No I wasn't dying or injured something drew me out of bed in the middle of the night to just look up at the sky and  it just happened.  It was life changing, I experienced an immense awareness and connections to everyone and everything in the universe.  It scared me at first but my curiosity developed and Im a life long student of life who is trying to live more compassionately and fearless too.  Im still learning but that's half the fun.  : )


Let me answer to some people who think Anita is a fraud. 
Someone here said that its not how hospice works.  Anita was never in a hospice. She was at home and a nurse was hired to take care of her. The day she didn't wake up she was taken to the hospital. 
Someone also mentioned that he couldnt find dr Peter Ko who went to Hong Kong and validated her story. Well, you must have not done good enough of a job searching because I found few. One is in Kentucky and is family medicine dr. 
then there is Peter Ko , who is assistant clinical professor of surgery in US and is working to improve health care in China and Hong Kong. I'm gonna guess he is the one. 
Then I have heard that there are no pics of her when she had cancer up on her web page. I have found several pics of her where she is very skinny, arms are just bones, wearing a hat and cutting a birthday cake. In her book she mentioned that her birthday was within few weeks after getting out of the hospital. And those who have been to her lectures say that she does show photos of her cancerous times. 
In addition to that her message is not that believe me, only I have the truth. In fact she has said that every single one of us has our own truth and our purpose on earth as she saw it is to live the life the way we want to. dont please others. dont abuse yourself or let others abuse you. dont say yes if you want to say no. 
and dont make me (anita) into a guru. Dont even follow any gurus. Just believe in yourself because answers are in you.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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