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Summary Comments : [Vox] 브렉시트가 아일랜드 국경에서 위기를 일으키는 이유
Brexit will have to deal with :
1. Maritime borders with Norway, France, The Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland.
2. Scotland
3. Taxes
4. Visa problems for European communities in the UK
The list goes on and on...
Playtime Comments : [Vox] 브렉시트가 아일랜드 국경에서 위기를 일으키는 이유
Me Indian to my Pakistani friend: they talking about us.
Top Comments : [Vox] 브렉시트가 아일랜드 국경에서 위기를 일으키는 이유
Plot twist. UK asks Mexico to pay for a wall.
That fourth option is sexy
Basically, the Uk government has a ridiculous negotiating position. It’s said “no” to every option.
I've lived in England my whole life, and I find it really weird how little our history with Ireland was covered in school.
So if Northern Ireland reunite with the Ireland than the United Kingdom is no longer a United Kingdom and just Great Britain?
This just really broke my heart for the people of Ireland. What a beautiful country that’s been through SO MUCH that I, as an American, had no clue about. That’s embarrassing. And unfair. I’d really like to see Ireland become its own independent country, only because I think it’s high time the world is educated on its history and hardships. Sending all the love to my
Gibraltar: Im I a Joke to you?
Ireland unfree shall never be at peace.
Also UK: Only takes months to create two separate countries
i wish all irish ppl a good future. loves and respects from turkey.
Wow, seems like dividing stuff up is a British habit.
I also feel it's worth mentioning that catholics were discrimimated against in policy and it was much harder for them to own property or obtain jobs. It wasn't just about identity.
wow, this is epic, I sure hope the IRA doesnt find my house
Our time will come!
i may be wrong, but where I'm standing, 12.000km away, brexit seems to have been a terrible idea. they have shot themselves in the foot. now what?
Ireland rarely gets the spotlight.
Nice to change things up.
Couple of points:
1: A lot of people have the idea that the border was to separate catholics from protestants. In fact Britain drew the border so as to maximize the area under British control subject to a (slim) protestant majority.
2: Protestants are concentrated in the area around Belfast. The border region is overwhelmingly catholic. Now try bringing up the border in Google maps and zooming in. It's a mess! If it was a straight line it would be less than 100 miles long, but it is over 310 miles long because of the insane way it loops around and doubles back on itself.
3: As a consequence of #2, if the border is closed or militarized it overwhelmingly hurts the catholic population who live along it. Farmers have their houses cut off from their farms, people who live just outside a village are cut off from it and have to travel long distances to buy groceries, etc. There are some places where you can travel 5 miles down a road and cross the border a dozen times.
4: It's not just about the border. Because of EU membership, Britain was forced by the European Court of Justice to grant civil rights to catholics and to incorporate the court's rulings into its laws, and this went a long way towards making peace possible. When Britain leaves the EU, a whole framework of human rights is swept away overnight.
5: Some people say reunification is inevitable because catholics are "outbreeding" protestants. First, this is a very insulting stereotypes and only stokes fear and hatred among protestant extremists. Secondly, the reason reunification is inevitable is that young protestants are more secular and less fanatical than their parents. They've been brought up to believe that the Republic is a backward papist cesspit, but when they look across the border they see a modern, progressive and diverse country, unlike the time-warped one-party and one-religion state the DUP (protestant extremist party) wants to perpetuate, with its ban on abortion, gay marriage etc. And even some of the older generation of protestants are waking up and realizing that London never cared about them, it was just playing the "Orange card" and Brexit is more important to it than maintaining the union.
Didn't know that overwhelming is actually 54%
Northern Ireland is not “one of Europe’s greatest success stories” it has and always will divide our country
Ireland isn’t the only overland border with the EU. Gibraltar is also a major point of contention that must be addressed.
-The Uk's only overland border
Gibraltar triggers
Vox: “Northern Ireland voted overwhelmingly to remain, at 56%”
Scotland: laughs into irn bru
everyone wanted the British to leave" yeah the British people who left Britain
and came to Ireland and took other people's property were reluctant to leave or
give back what was stolen. You glossed over that small but quite important fact
The thing which isn't realised by many on an outsiders view is, Northern Ireland is very, and I mean very split on the issue. I have family in County Down, and evry town and village you pass through on the days after the 12th of July though August there will be British flags flying, arches with the image of the queen on, they used to paint the street red white and blue. You can drive by farmhouses who will fly British military flags, there is a marching band who parades through the towns on the 12th of July. Reunification sounds nice, but will look nasty.
A really good presentation. One that I am passing to a Hard Brexiteer relative... (That should liven up our discussions... Ha!). I Agree with the previous comment. We had no teaching about the politics of the UK at school. I read Dickens' "A child's history of England" at the age of about 35yrs (Which I highly recommend to everyone) and was horrified to discover what we had done to the Irish people over the centuries. We were no better than animals. No wonder they want us out. However, I don't believe the UK will support option 4 becasue of military security on our Western flank. With the current position I expect that we can deploy troops in Northern Ireland without permission. On reunification I suspect we can't. After reunification, should the Irish become "friendly" with Russia (or similar) and even allow them to use their ports for military use, we cannot repel the threat easily. We would be surrounded. Should that happen with the current border situation, we can amass troops in Northern Ireland and make it clear to the Irish, and any unwanted foreign governments that we can defend our western flank. Just a thought... Oh, and I told a relative in mid-2018 that in my opinion, even then, that Brexit can't happen simply as a consequence of the details presented here. It's quite simple really; mere logic. So unless the politics of the UK, Ireland and the EU change fundamentally, the risks associated with Brexit are so great that they put in danger the security of the UK, Ireland and the EU - and maybe our existence. How?... Well, how long will we last without adequate food. I give us a couple of months before the riots begin...
I live by the border and this is a very real issue for me, my friends, family and community- I live on the republic side however have friends minutes away in Northern Ireland and visit often :( tensions have never really been settled (though softened greatly) and travelling to northern Irish cities especially during the Orange Marches is chilling knowing you can't leave your car unattended (as my family car has been damaged and tired slashed simply for having a Donegal number plate before)
Yeah there's funny stories of hitch hiking with soldiers to school and bike smuggling over borders for pocket money from those who lived through past times but I have no comprehension of how you'd want to spark them up again- chats were interfered with through radio, goods taken from cars from crooked soldiers and a LOT of segregation leading to disgusting hate and violence as this further splits us
why increase the danger and awaken hate, segregation and mistrust?
[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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