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[Youtube Review][TED] What Islam really says about women | Alaa Murabit
twoyou 2021. 3. 24. 16:44Summary Comments : [TED] What Islam really says about women | Alaa Murabit
1. Give a copy of the Qur’an to someone. Each time one reads from it, you gain.
2. Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it, you gain.
3. Participate in building a masjid.
4. Place watercooler in a public place.
5. Plant a tree. You gain whenever a person or animal sits in its shade or eats from it.
6. And the easiest of all, share this message with people.
Even 1 applies any of the above, you gain.
Playtime Comments : [TED] What Islam really says about women | Alaa Murabit
2:26 that dude laugh kills me
[ Qur'an 30:19 ]
Title: Boss women -Commonwealth Certified Entrepreneurship Training
Date:2nd November 2020
Time: 11:00am to 1:00pm
Charges: Rs.500
Registration Dates: 8th October 2020 to 30th October 2020
Limited number of Seat available: 50
Partners: PINE Global, Commonwealth, Injaz Pakistan
At Pine Global we believe in women empowerment. Pine Global is offering an online crash course in Entrepreneurship certified by the Commonwealth. This course is especially designed to help attendees understand financial literacy and build practical business plans.
The Course is offered by the Advisor Asia Commonwealth, Ms. Erum Masood.
Financial literacy JA International Certified Trainer – Sabaa Haider
Please read The Great status Women enjoy in Islam! (As brief as possible)
This's [Part 2 of 2]
the topics covered:
1- Introduction/Examples from God words and Messenger's words.
2- Equal Reward & Equal Accountability
3- Equal Right to Knowledge
4- Marriage (4 Parts)
5- Inheritance (2Parts)
6- Equal yet Different
4)- Marriage:
● Equal Right to Choose a Spouse
Islam has honoured women by giving them the right to choose a spouse and keep their original family name once married.
(A right European ladies didn't have until 20th Century).
Additionally, many have the impression that parents force their daughters into marriage. This is a cultural practice, and it is prohibited in Islam.
At the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), a woman came to him and said, “My father has married me to my cousin to raise his social standing and I was forced into it.” The Prophet sent for the girl’s father and then in his presence gave the girl the option of remaining married or nullifying the marriage. She responded, “O Messenger of Allah, I have accepted what my father did, but I wanted to show other women (that they could not be forced into a marriage).”
● Further more:
In Islam, marriage is not seen only as a sacred covenant but as a mutually beneficial contract between a man and a woman. The stress is on, “mutually beneficial.” Men and women were created to provide solace for one another.
In marriage, women have the right to require her husband-to-be to sign a pre-nuptial agreement. The pre-nup not only includes any money she will receive in the event of a divorce but also contains any Islamic rights she wishes to enforce for herself: the right to a divorce, the right to keep custody of her children if there is a divorce, the right to continue her education, the right to work, the right to wear a head covering, the right to be the one and only wife – forbidding her husband to take any other wife while he is married to her -- or whatever other issues most concern her.
Otherwise they will have to follow the Divine Law in regard to any disagreements that may arise between herself and her husband in the future.
● Are men allowed to Marry more than one woman?
︎The first thing to note on this issue is that polygamy is not ordered as a general rule for all Muslims to follow. Instead, it is a provision – something conditionaly allowed – for special circumstances.
As many scholars and researches highlighted the fact it's only apply to marrying a women with orphans to take responsibility of. As the verse clearly states:
《"And if you fear that you will not be fair in dealing with the orphans, then marry of women as may be agreeable to you, two, or three, or four; and if you fear you will not deal justly, then marry only one or what your right hands possess. That is the nearest way for you to avoid injustice. [4:4]》
It should be noticed in this verse that “fair dealing with the orphans” is the primary motivation in Islam for allowing multiple marriages, albeit connected with a strict condition. Prior to the decision to marry a second wife, he should have the consent of his existing wife (especially if she has a pre-nuptial agreement), as well as the man must first ensure that he will deal with his wives and any orphans with full justice and equality in all aspects of life and finance. If he is not able to ensure that, he isn't allowed to mary the second again.
︎Islam is the only Religion that oblige Men to marry only one woman as stated above. While other pre and post Qu'ran beliefs and systems have given no limits to as many times men marry or own ladies consecutively.
︎Islam had limited men marriage under special circumstances marrying/owning as many ladies as they could without giving them rights, and ended treating women as property.
︎Islam only recognise relations between sexes in marriage to protect the rights for ladies in case of divorce, as unmarried circumstances often ladies suffer to get their rights at separation.
● Why women cannot marry more than one husband:
︎Men and women are not identical units. The fact that we are similar also means we are not the same. Because many have deviated from divine design and intent, it is the key reason why many are so conflicted about polygamy. The way men are wired by God, two husbands to one wife is bound to cause conflict and violence in the family and in the society at large. The lineage of each child would almost always be a suspect despite DNA testing (As well as it's availability/reliability is not to every human being in the world).
Islam is a universal religion and rules are made keeping in mind the greater good of society and the community.
From the perspective of a woman, if the objectives of her marriage are not being fulfilled, Islam allows her recourse through divorce, and to find another husband. That is the path which will bring her far greater benefits as compared to having two or more husbands.
︎Further more researches analysis shows, that men population is naturally significantly less (by the millions) than women in every country in the world, due to wars, Work conditions, personal conflicts, life span..etc. All of these conditions and more contribute to a significant reduction of the population of men compared to women. Therefore marriage under the appropriate conditions, is a solution for these ladies to have a chance to create a family and stable life.
5)- Inheritance:
Much is made about the ruling that females inherit half of what males inherit!
And the answer is as follows:
●1) - If we analyse the ruling of inheritance in Qu'an, we find that there's 28 possible inheritance circumstances in life.
︎We find that women share is less than men / or half in only 4 situations out 28 possible circumstances of inheritance.
︎ And 10 circumstances the Women get equal as men.
︎While 14 circumstances women get more than men.
《Break down in available》
●2) - As well as even when the Circumstances when women get half of men (e.g. brother and sister only children),
Islam gives the woman the right to keep the share for herself, while the men is required to take care of his sister and the rest of the family from his share.
Note: These cases only apply if there is no last will and testament. In such situations, men inherit more because they are then required to use their wealth on the female members of their family who have no means of support.
《Muslim women often enjoy living with the motto: “His money is our money while my money is my money.”》
Over fourteen hundred years ago, Islam gave women rights that women in the West have only recently began to enjoy. In the 1930’s, Annie Besant observed, “It is only in the last twenty years that Christian England has recognised the right of woman to property, while Islam has allowed this right from all times. It is a slander to say that Islam preaches that women have no souls.” (The Life and Teachings of Mohammed, 1932).
6)- Equal yet Different
While men and women have equal rights as a general principle, the specific rights and responsibilities granted to them are not identical. Men and women have complementary rights and responsibilities.
Aside from external and internal anatomical differences, scientists know there are many other subtle differences in the way the brains of men and women process language, information and emotion, just to mention a few.
A socio-biology expert, Edward O. Wilson of Harvard University, said that "females tend to be higher than males in verbal skills, empathy and social skills, among other things, while men tend to be higher in independence, dominance, spatial and mathematical skills, rank-related aggression, and other characteristics."
It would be foolish to treat both genders the same and to ignore their differences. Islam teaches that men and women have complementary, yet different, roles because it is best suited to their nature.
Allah Almighty Said: “And the male is not like the female.” Qur’an 3:36
And Said: “Does not the One who created, know? And He is the Most Kind, the All Aware.”
Qur’an 67:14
Quran Surah An-Nisa 4:34 "Thus righteous women are obedient and guard the rights of men in their absence under Allah's protection.58 As for women of whom you fear rebellion, admonish them, and remain apart from them in beds, and beat them." Praise Allah, a blessing to know what Islam REALLY says about women...
Top Comments : [TED] What Islam really says about women | Alaa Murabit
Inspirational and thought provoking - we need a seat at the table...
Really I was concentrating to ur talks especially the pronunciations than the content bcz am always dreaming to deliver a talk having this much fluency in english language..inshallah
Im not a Muslim and i like to thankyou for such a great talk. and video
I am soo getting my 13yr old to hear this.
Is one of four, better be Diplomatic now or we're having more
قليل من الناس يعرفون ذلك ...
i watched the whole video but i'm still having this question
"what does islam really says about women ?"
edit : so i think this comment got alot of replys some were nice some were trying to be nice as much as they can .. but just to make things clear .. my comment was a
rhetorical question
i'm a muslim and i know that islam said great things about woman that's one of the things that makes me still and thankful for being a muslim, however i don't thing that the video really answers the question .. i was hoping that she would have said "what does islam really says about women " but she didn't
edit 2: there's alot od replies and some were asking me so i will answer as much as i can .. because it's alot to read all of them
DO NOT EVER JUDGE SOMEONE BY THEIR RELIGION!! I used hate them until I started talking to one of my best friends who's Muslim and because of Shida my opinion and feelings have completely changed. Thank you so much Shida I love you so much.
proud of you.
Things that I'm really frustrated are they are not many or basically none biography book about muslim women such as Khadijah, Aisyah and others. if they talk about them mostly how a good wife but never about their contributions to the society. They only think highly about muslim women or forced to say it when western women are known for their work such as Florence Nightingale
It's unfair to let her speak she moved to Canada let a Saudi or an irani or me talk about how we're really treated sister!
"Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim, male and female." (Hadith)
This is good, but I think it has to do more with culture rather than religion. Yes religion plays a part but Culture plays a bigger part too. Good talk
best pick up line ever, the US has run out of jobs, there are catwhisperer, dog psychologisy, what are you??
So here's the difference between a man and a woman
If you a woman and you wear hijab, but accidentally your hair is showed a little, and here you go, you will have the whole entire community attacking you mainly men as always
And they will "advice" how to wear it properly while themselves sin a lot even bigger than this
And if you see for a man, actually according to the dress code a man should cover his knees
But you will see men wearing shorts that doesn't cover their knees, but you will notice that they won't get attacked or something
But if someone notice he will obviously tell him that he shouldn't wear this but they will never be harsh over the man compare to the woman
So, it's sad but true.
It's true that they will be harsh over the woman who accidentally her hair is showed very little compare to the man, they will never be that harsh for showing up his knees
Thank you so much for reading, have a good day !
لا اله الا انت
خلقتني وانا عبدك وانا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت
اعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت ابوء لك بنعمتك علي وابوء بذنبي فاغفر لي فانه لا يغفر الذنوب الا انت
رضيت بالله تعالى ربا و بالاسلام دينا و بالقرآن كتابا و بمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيًا و رسولا
سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم عدد خلقه و رضا نفسه و زنة عرشه و مداد كلماته
لا اله الا الله و حده لا شريك له له الملك و له الحمد يحيي و يميت و هو على كل شيء قدير
سبحان الله و الحمد الله و لا اله الا الله و الله اكبر ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم حسبي الله ونعم الوكيل
سبحان ربي الأعلى سبحان ربي العظيم
سبحان ربي الأعلى سبحان ربي العظيم
سبحان ربي الاعلى سبحان ربي العظيم
اللهم لك سجدت وبك آمنت ولك أسلمت، سجد وجهي للذي خلقه وصوره وشق سمعه وبصره بحوله وقوته تبارك الله أحسن الخالقين
اللهم احسن عاقبتنا في الامور كلها و اجرنا من خزي الدنيا و عذاب الاخرة
سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم
اللهم اني اعوذ بك من زوال نعمتك و فجاءة نقمتك و جميع سخطك
تذكير قبل النوم
صلاة الوتر
سامح من أخطئ بحقك
اذكار النوم
توقيت المنبه لصلاة الفجر
قراءة سورة الملك
( إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيماً) سورة الأحزاب Verse 56
Blessings of ALLAH be upon Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the progeny of our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam
Oh ALLAH, shower thy blessings on Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, Who is light, actual light, mystery among the mysteries, and the leader of the excellents......
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