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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How the euro caused the Greek crisis
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] How the euro caused the Greek crisis


Playtime Comments : [Vox] How the euro caused the Greek crisis

At 2:43 "yes, this is an ok introduction. Now let's get to the details"
At 2:44 "Suscribe? Credits? WTF with this video?"


You corrected yourself at 0:23 that Sweden and Norway aren't in the Eurozone. Thats right. But Hungary neither :P

For a video that lasts 2:55 i find it good. Of course it is more complex, and the only aspect which is mentioned is that you cant really determine a QE policy separately in each country. In general, everything mentioned is not incorrect, just partial.

Luxemburg = Sea

Why do you put an mape in to the video, I speak about the one we're you show witch countrys use the euro as there currency (0:23), were Luxembourg is excluded. In Luxembourg we use the euro as or currency.


2:34 the worst and most inaccurate part comed at the end.. But the whole video makes things seem much essier than they actually are.. But the end really killed it..


1:03 look at that scale on the left. It gets dark, then goes light again, and then dark. Come on Vox, you gotta do better than that.


2:54 minutes can't even begin to describe the shitstorm of my country, Greece. Poor effort.



Texas: am I a joke to you?


0:33 that's currency manipulation



Top Comments : [Vox] How the euro caused the Greek crisis

In Greece and Spain we're basically the unwanted children of the UE

it is more complicated then what this man is trying to explain in the video....


We're all gonna die

This video was meant in a good way. But the Euro did not cause the Greek crisis. You see, other countries seem to overcome financial crises if they get enough help from other states. But the problem in Greece was that before they even joined the EU, they had too many problems already. Then, other countries lended money to Greece, but instead of using this money to change something, they just used it to survive a few years. You could compare it to a broken car. If someone lends you enough money, you should buy a new one. It is very new and expensive at once, but if you just keep fixing the broken parts on and on again, the car will never be in good condition and also at some point you pay more money for the total repairs than for a new car.

The problem in Greece is their tax system. If you start to build a house, you do not have to pay taxes for your house, as long as it isn't finished. So many Greeks built houses, but not finished them, e.g. not building the roof completely. That way, they do not need to pay taxes for it. That is why, at the point Greece got money, they should have fixed their weak tax system. If they did so, they would generate more money inside their country and wouldn't add so much debt. But because they did not change it, they are still in the red every year


It was a mistake from the beginning to take Greece in... They didn't meet the requirements...


For some reason I feel it's more complicated than this


1:13 If your vegan why go to a BBQ......

"Tax dollars"

You mean tax euros

This video has a lot of misinformation and far from informative.

Sweden and Norway do not use the Euro

I like how you say “tax dollars” in the end when it’s clearly “tax euros” lol just messing around
But yeah, the entire movie is an oversimplification of the issue...

This feel overly simplified.
It’s not that we just „dont feel that way”. Europe was never one big country like USA, and it doesnt have common history of the beginning of the country. Every country has a different culture, different history and mentality. It’s not comparable, especially that it’s not the amount of eu funds that came to Greece that was the problem One of the reasons the loans didnt help Greece, was their internal defraudation of those eu funds.
I’m not an expert and I was really hoping to learn something, but can’t help but feel not a lot of research was put into this video


i am a Greek i want to say thanks to Germans and the the rest of the EU for the support and that im proud to be a European!without the EU's help Greece would be like venezuela!Love and faith to the Union from Greece!<3

Vox, I really enjoy your movie clips... BUT this is video is very weak and lacks not only true economic theory but history too. Your statement: The Euro currency was purely for political reasons? What about the fact that the EU started as the EEC (European Economic Community). In essence its is extremely flawed to say the EU and the Euro started for Political reasons. It is a historical fact that the EU started purely for economic reasons. The average Greek knows full well that the process of weakening a currency to suit their "economic flavour" was in their recent past a disastrous idea (please educate yourself on the Drachma - there is a great BBC program on this topic right here on YouTube) . A key component of stopping past economic disasters was in the creation of a currency that could not be devalued at a whim, it is insulting to a person of average intelligence to say, "they did not take the economics seriously". I am particularly perplexed by your statement that various EU countries are not supported by others. It is a well known fact that some countries are net contributors and others are net receivers and they cross subsidize many programs this is a key argument in the Brexit vote. Every single statement in this video is poorly researched and flat bluntly the opposite of the reality. I expect a whole lot more from Vox and am now afraid that this will taint my view on Vox videos in general. ps: I'm not European but I do have a knowledge of the economic history of the EU.

completely missleading information.

EU: this is a dept
Greece: dear god
Germany: there's more
Greece: no

you mist one point, greece goverment lied about its current situation in economy, if they didnt they woudnt met criteria to join eurozone

Greece:*leaves EU*

Greece: Ight imma collapse

Sorry for you neigbour, from Turkey


btw the greeks made some faults too(im greek)

Yeah just blame it on the euro and don't look at the policies and decisions made in the failed state itself..


I like how right now suddenly every amateur on youtube is a world-class economic adviser with "interesting" insights in european fiscal policies. All hail the internet, where everybody can be an expert on ANY subject just with a masters degree in talking out of their ass (2-day course).


0:22 denmark as well dont use euro as there currency, they use danish krone (kr)


actually, there are many great words with Greek origins.

One of them is "Euro Crisis"


Yeah...but they didn't say why Greece had 50% employment and failing economy + high deficit spending IN THE FIRST PLACE. LOL The Greek debt crisis actually started in the 1970's, and just reached a meltdown point after decades of borrowing.


This guy lost me when he went deeper into the dinner party analogy.


I'm waiting for a video where they don't reference America in their video. -_-


You explained why Greece is having a hard time recovering from the crisis but not what caused it. How greece got into the crisis is a different story. Most of the salaries were paid in cash and products were also bought in cash to misreport profits and evade taxes. At the same time everybody wanted a well paid government job and way more people were employed by the government than were actually needed and all were paid well. So there was not a ot of money coming in and a lot going out. They financed this for years by just borrowing money and put themselves in a huge debt and then it collapsed. That's how the crisis started the problems with the euro are also relevant but not the core cause.

Addendum - The reason the money flowed to Greece after acceptance to Eurozone is the tendency that financial markets viewed Eurozone without differences. That helped Greece to finance itself with likely the same interest rate as even Germany. Also Eurozone has a monetary unity but not a fiscal unity, and in economics those two has to march together and in sync (at least in theory).

PS: If any country would allowed to has debts on a lower rate than it should has (risk premium is highly important) they will have it too.

Greek crisis is more complicated than that. But this is a really good starting point who can explain a lot of serious matters like the myth of "bad Europeans". For all the Greek haters believe it or not I am unemployed about 5 years and I am 35 years old. Before crisis I was working as sound engineer (I am graduate in Music Technology). After crisis I could not find job and I read programming languages in order to work as freelancer web designer. So these austerity measures although they were made to reduce unemployment they do the opposite thing. And this is what this video really talks about



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