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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Stop searching for your passion | Terri Trespicio | TEDxKC
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Stop searching for your passion | Terri Trespicio | TEDxKC


Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Stop searching for your passion | Terri Trespicio | TEDxKC

audience: laughs
cameraman: shows the most poker face of them all


"do not loan money to someone following their passion" guy at 5:12 is like "i think i just made the biggest mistake"



i am passionate about solving problems..



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Stop searching for your passion | Terri Trespicio | TEDxKC

She is so correct that it actually hurts me to think I've wasted my time trying to fathom the albiet passion. XD

This all passion stuff started after Steve jobs delivered speech at Stanford University

- The most fulfilling careers are the ones that still have the power to surprise you

- Spend your time and attention solving your favorite problems. Look for problems that need solving.

- Be useful. Be generous. People will thank you and hug you and pay you for it. And that's where passion is. Where your energy and effort meets someone else's needs.

- Don't wait. Just start doing.

1)Relax and don't freak out about not having a passion
2)try different things, put your skills to good use
3)eventually you will find your life purpose

This took so much pressure off myself. Thank you.

I really needed this today. Whoever is reading this, you've f*ckn got this.


THE MOST useful Ted talk I have heard in my years and years of watching Ted..awesome. I'm truly enlightened and educated..


"Passion is not a job, a sport, or a hobby, it is the full force of your attention and energy that you give to whatever is right in front of you"

No, I'm not going to quote something she said.


“Where your energy and effort meet someone else’s need, that’s when you realise passion lives and what you need to contribute... don’t wait, start doing”

"You don't create your life first and then live it. You create it by living it not agonizing about it." The first time ever that I felt compelled to write someone's words on my whiteboard.


"Success fuels passion more than passion fuels success"...wow, what a powerful quote. Sums up the whole video.

I've noticed that if you try and make your hobbies into jobs, you ruin them. You'll fall out of those hobbies. Find a job that you can tolerate, and keep your hobbies fun.


I'm a gearhead.
That is my passion.
I'll never be rich, I'll spend my entire life covered in grease, dirt and petroleum products. I'm sore at days end, I'm exhausted and covered in filth every day.
But when I start driving home from work, I turn on the metalhead rock and by the end of three blocks, I've got a smile you could see on Google maps.
My advice to everyone is to find something that you can do that gives you satisfaction at the end of day regardless of how you feel or look. Money is great, but happiness.....
That is the the secret of a lifetime career, and emotional stability.
Jobs may blow, bosses may be pricks, but if you can smile about what you have done on your way home, you are in at the very least a halfway decent place.

Amazing enough, this also applies to every aspect of your life. Thonk about it....


My passion is to watching Ted talk


stop reading the comments and do something!

This woman is amazing!! Great advise! Wish I had this advice when I was in high school lol.


Going through and trying to overcome depression and I come across this. This feels liberating and refreshing.

"If you don't know what you want to do, then just do what you have to do."



"A well known future is already a past." ~ Alan Watts


Never once in my life have I needed to hear something as much as this before.


Finally someone opened my eyes. Thank you.

the best thing ever was facing my fear & leaving my 8-5


This talk is so spot-on and so necessary, and I feel like the audience wasn’t ready for this level of truth.


Some guys don't understand her well. She. Is saying just don't be idle and scrounge for passion just do the work in front of you any how one day it will build your passion in the work or will help you to find that easily


"You don't follow your passion, passion follows you" ZLATAN

I think she really simplified the whole thing.

Good talk :)


i watched like 10 videos on passion and this one hit the nail on the head

my search: how to search your passion
search result: Stop searching for your passion


We were mislead with 21st centurys trends as she is telling about passions... life is a gift and it should flow naturally... without any concerns or targets! Thanks for this talk!


I am glad she said that....my first job was in a shoe chain shop where I was trained to run a business and got paid a salary. I felt rich and happy. I then ran 4 pubs in London for a famous chain which was a nobody brand back then. I learnt so much about human beings daily fights, arguments, weddings, politics, street stalls and led a team of funny people. I then got a job in a mad office selling candidates for interviews on the phone. I picked up a job in security placed my 2 school friends and then me. After I was promoted to a Manager but then left to travel the world. I came back and worked in a old psychiatric hospital supporting admin staff. I got promoted to a manager and then off I went to another job. It goes on like this. I teach children, adults and volunteer because I get Meaning out of helping people to pass exams, and make choices they never thought were possible. I tell them to try and then go with it. I am still experimenting with life and amazed at how far you can go if you take risks, Having money to pay stuff is so important. There is my answer to the next step. Things change and so do our feelings.

Why’s the audience so dead inside? she created so many laugh opportunities


Omg finally I managed to find someone who could tell me exactly what I'm going through. I've been someone with no passion my whole life and now at mid thirties and trying to change my career, having no passion about anything is giving me so much stress!

Thanks for this speech, it really lightens me up knowing it's ok and I'm not alone, struggling to find passion!


I needed to hear this. I’m a senior in high school and everyone always asks me what I’m gonna do after high school, what college I want to go to, what career choice I want and what am I passionate about. I always answer “I don’t know”. I feel panic because it seems like other kids my age now where they wanna go they want to do with their life and I feel useless when I compare myself to them. I needed to hear this because it’s just makes sense that there’s nothing wrong with me and that I had the wrong idea of what passion was and it was stressing me out! I feel relieved knowing that I’m normal and that she said what I could do in the meantime to go after opportunities. I’m not so scared of “being stuck” anymore. This was so helpful!

My notes:
- Passion is a feeling, not a plan. And Feeling's change.
- Not everything you do needs to fit into your "passion". Just try things. Go out there and try things.
- Don't worry if your career isn't something you want to do for the rest of your life
- Success fuels passion more than passion fuels success
- There is nothing wrong if you do not have a clear passion. Try things you like!
- You could easily miss out on your passion by not focusing on what you're doing now, if you're focused on looking for your "passion"
- Don't wait for your passion to show up. Solve problems you like to solve.

My key takeaway:
Go try things and do things you like instead of purely focusing on finding your passion (or trying to do things you think will fit into it) because passion is not a plan, it's a feeling, and feelings change.

I've struggled my whole damn life with the question: what is my passion? And this lifted such a huge burden from my shoulders. It is okay to just live and see where your life takes you, you don't need to know what you're going to do in 5 years.
I love to work jobs that last for few months and can sometimes be continued few months longer. I've always been told that this is the wrong way of doing it but what's the point doing something for years and being totally miserable when you could've been doing many jobs and be curious every time you change jobs, eventually ending up with so many experiences and same amount of money as from the boring option.
Best advice is the one: ''Just do something. Go do it''. What ever takes you forward at this point in life, just do that.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TEDx Talks] Channel Posting

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