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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The US medical system is still haunted by slavery
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [Vox] The US medical system is still haunted by slavery




Playtime Comments : [Vox] The US medical system is still haunted by slavery


Oh noooooo!
I’m clinching right now!

1:37 was ear pleasing ASMR. Also I love the creativity editing this dropping a book and highlighting,



Top Comments : [Vox] The US medical system is still haunted by slavery


This is disgusting I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy well except for the guys who were doing this to other woman

These doctors were demonic.


But then you want us to act like that it didn't happen

And they wander why black people don’t trust doctors to this day. Thats why I do my own research on meds and any doctor that I go to.


Stop saying "women of color", for starters. These horrors were inflicted upon BLACK women specifically.

I Am Eloho brought me here and this is heartbreaking

And they ask why blacks are so angry


This man was a serial killer and torturer and had a statue


I have the book and after reading this book I was furious, looking at how black women were treated made me think about how my mother died three days after my sister was born in 65.


So can we take this statue down..?


This scares me to the core I've never liked hospitals and now I really got a reason


they looked at us and claimed we had no souls to justify the twisted torture they put us through


The statue should be replaced with a statue of his 17 year old victim.


It is disgusting to think how slaves suffered. How could they not see the lack of humanity in what they did. This is so wrong and should be taught in high school. I never knew this.

I do have one issue with this story, and that is the choice of the word women when referring to documents about 12 year-olds being sterilized.


I guess they skip this part in history class smh. Brutal.


The slavery era is arguably the cruelest and most brutal moments ever recorded in human history, this evil was so inhumane its literally demonic to its core


“Black people don’t feel pain”.

Right. I’m sure slaveowners were using those whips just for fun.

These black women who were tortured like this.. those are the ones that should have statues.


Oh that perverted butchers statue has been removed. GOOD

and yet we are told to "get over it".....




My people were tortured by these american doctors I can't stand to think what they went through


I am in shock, as a retired OB/ GYN nurse ,I handled Syms speculum ,with no knowledge of its history.


I cannot describe how deeply this saddens me.

When they say blacks don't contribute nothing to society
We contributed our lives
We also weren't given the chance to express out brilliance


I'm sickened. So much of what we know today was built on human torture.

"Black people did not feel pain or anxiety" Wow they really thought my ancestors weren't human......

Every day i realise more and more how privelaged i am :(

...The U.S. health care system is STILL just as corrupt and broken.

Helps me understand more why the older black ppl don't like going to the hospital


Get rid of that statue.

This information should be taught in the public schools.

It’s sad that I have to go to YouTube to learn our real history


Black people, NÓT people of colour...BLACK
But thanks for sharing!

Do you know what annoys me, that people click on videos pertaining to blacks and go on to complain about how their ppl suffered too, the internet is free, create your own content exposing the atrocities you people faced. As a black woman I read about the holocaust etc and empathized with them, not once did I say o but it happened to black people too, why dont you guys include us. I have watched videos of the holocaust etc and not once did I write what about black people. Some of you have no shame

I recently had to have a back tooth removed and part of my infected jaw. The surgeon was white and he prescribed me with ibuprofen after that. After getting home and sleeping. The anesthesia started to wear off and I took an ibuprofen. My jaw was in so much pain. I just laid there. The surgery was on a Thursday. My jaw was hurting so bad that I slept all day that Friday and sat. Sunday my jaw hurt so bad that I was rolling in the bed and I couldn't sleep. Monday morning I called my dentist office and they told me to come in immediately. My dentist is a black woman. I explained to her the pain and she asked me's what did the surgeon prescribed me and I told her ibuprofen. It's like her jaw dropped. She said he had to cut out parts of your jaw that was completely infected. Which is a painful thing. And then she prescribed me something stronger. When I got home I had pudding and took the medicine and I instantly started feeling better. I'm now able to talk and my jaw feels a million times better and it's healed. All because my black dentist new what was up with the surgeon. Smh. Life isn't fair when you're a black woman, especially when you gotta get a procedure done.

As a Healthcare professional I IMPLORE my people, especially BW, to be your own advocate. Use google and always do your research on your MD and their practice. Always ask questions and if you don’t know what to ask, request ALL the literature pertaining to your illness/ medication/ procedure. That way you have a starting point. Just like we do with anything else needing major repairs- get 2nd opinions. We do it for our cars don’t we? Do not suffer in silence and report those who mistreat you or your loved ones!



[Vox] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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