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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014




Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014

1. Need to stop outsourcing our happiness.
2. Actively cultivate a source of peace and happiness from inside.
3. Happiness and unhappiness are both states of mind, therefore, their real cause can't be found outside the mind.
It is not what happens to us but how we react to it that creates happiness and unhappiness.



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014


09:21 “It’s what our state of mind is like, that determines our Happiness or Unhappiness”

wow isn’t it simple&complex but yet totally liberating Thank you*


me with my ADHD at 8:58 "In other words... I love youuu ♫"


If the intro is turning you away, go to 3:56, turn off background distractions (like TV or music), and listen. Close your eyes and listen to her calming voice . . . I am glad I did and saved this video for future reminder to live mindfully and with a grateful heart.



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Happiness is all in your mind: Gen Kelsang Nyema at TEDxGreenville 2014

She is simply amazing....her 15 mins TED Talk gave me "wisdom" which I hadn't realized in over 40 years of my lifetime!!


Happiness is a choice. Buddhism is a beautiful blend of spirituality and psychology, and she teaches it with a peaceful, loving spirit. Love the meditation at the end.


For a moment I was like why she is so slow...but then what's the need to rush so much all the time, why cant we be calm and peaceful .
She is so happy and full of positive energy and calm.....just made me feel so revived and helped me quiet my mind:)

I try to watch this video every few days now to help remind me of the profoundly simple things she says, which I totally agree with while watching, but sometimes forget to consider in my day to day life.  So like when she says that it's not external things that determine our happiness or unhappiness, but rather how we interpret or respond to those things...  I think about how when I see birds, it makes me happy.  When I see a bumble bee at one of my garden flowers, I get all excited.  However I know that for many other people, these things bring them no happiness at all.  Some people don't notice birds at all or consider them 'nuisances'.  Some see bumble bees and can only think of potentially being stung and wanting to kill the bees.Conversely, some people  may feel sad if they lose their job.  Other people might lose their job, and see it as an 'opportunity' for change.  Some Americans may feel 'irritation' if a tourist approaches them in their town, and tries to ask for help with directions, but can't really speak English very well.  For other Americans, they may find this 'exciting'...an opportunity to try and help someone...maybe even to use some of their foreign language skills.So indeed, so much about our 'mood' is perspective.  Of course, I am talking about your average day to day occurrences in life.  It's a very different thing to say it's all about  'perspective', when one is very ill, or a family member dies etc.  But  yet even then, perspective can be a 'factor', insofar as in some cultures, the death of a family member is seen as automatically 'traumatic' and life-altering and a guarantee of ensuing depression, for the family members that  remain.  Whereas in other cultures, death is seen as a bittersweet yet beautifully poignant transition...a part of the cycle of life....

"Are you having a good day?"
The smile she gives afterwards always makes me go "YES. YES I AM."

Who else is watching this video at end of 2020 ?

Watching and listening to her makes me cry...in a good way...its so calm


Her calmness makes me want to sleep, in a positive way.


so simple yet so powerful. we don't realize it but most problems in life can be solved by finding inner peace, breathing out all the toxic thoughts and actions and inhaling all the joyful and benevolent thoughts of goodness.

OMG. I did that short meditation on my seat. And it feels good. :)

-Mutluluğunuzun kontrolünü başkasının ellerine vermeyin.
-Don't put control of your happiness into someone else's hands


I remembered my inner engineering teacher while listening her.


I can’t understand why they are telling us that happiness is in our mind. People experience different kind of traumatic or hard events in their life. Our moods are often triggered by our involvement and that’s a fact. You can absorb things differently according to your nature, but you can’t eliminate outer events and live in your own head. It’s impossible. Also state of happiness is not consistent, but changing emotion. If something emotionally and physically unbearable happen we can’t say happiness is in our mind. We can, of course try to deal with it in our own matter. Some things doesn’t have to do with our choices but with the universe and it’s rules. That’s an everlasting debate, but we can’t deny our environment triggers.

I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably when I saw her smile, so calming and genuine


Watched this so many times. Really helped change my perspective...


There is so much to learn from her pauses, her timing. She's able to be at peace with silence. It also helps her communicate much better to slow down. It's like she is in touch with a natural energy flow so many of us are disconnected from. This is beautiful.

I promise myself to live and have a good day every day.


Really helpful for my panic attacks and depression


this is an absolute perfection!
everyone should prolly have to watch it.

She looks like she's high... with happiness!


"When you look for it, you cannot find it.
When you find it, you can't get rid of it.
When you do neither, it's right there."
Tilopa, 11the century


I thought she was d one in Dr. Strange. She's so calm

She has a different kind of beauty, I guess it comes from inside


It’s all about the breath! No one who is ever calm breathes fast
Start by seeing where your breathing is, then start to count to 4 when you breath in, then count to 4 when you breath out.
Being triggered by what others say or do, catch yourself breathing....slow it down.
Just let it go through you and breath and then respond, do not react.

Wow, learning english wasn't a bad aim! So much information available!

This is what I needed...
God bless for that lady :)

In this moment, I needed this. Even taking 3 minutes to meditate made a notable difference.


Wow I literally fell asleep watching this, she’s soo calm

Omg....The Ancient One (from Doctor Strange). Great video

SHE IS AMAZING!! I felt that bright ray of light in my whole body right before she said i will :) i started cracking up because i just realized i feel so dark inside


I know I found my right partner when we can just be silent comfortable, although we just met

In my opinion, there's not something called happiness. It's just a state of mind. It's absence of negative emotions such as anger, greed, and ignorance, aka 貪瞋痴 in Japanese. That is, happiness is not like you gain something but like you remove stains of mind.


30 seconds into this video and I can feel her energy it's so radiant and peaceful.


Thanks to buddhism and wisdoms, I have learned so much. Attatchment of the external leads to suffering. We get angry at things we cannot change and that is that things change all the time. Nothing stays the same. Our age, our happiness, our sadness, wealth, health and our breath. We breathe in so that it comes out. Only thing that doesn’t change is the state of death, where you cease to breathe and exist. At the same time don’t let that fear rule over you. Everything ends so that things begins, hence the change. My personal most important question in life is: If I somehow or for some reason, were to die tomorrow, will I die happy?

With that question I can push myself to the urge of living life for what it is and that is the beauty of life and it is limitless. I at this point have not live life to the fullest yet so I am still in this journey thinking about my own question everyday and every moment

It brought tears to my eyes when the first question is asked. Am i happy? Then suddenly, all of my walls crumbled and fell apart. I tried so much to hide my insecurities, and filled my head with positive thinking, to the point that the negatives and problems are just pushed down, not solved. I thought that was a righteous move, to be happy. But then seeing her so calm, i crushed. Observing her peacefulness, i cried and answered : no, i'm not happy, even why i tried so hard to be positive. In that very moment, i realized what i am missing, is peace. If inside of you are having a war, then no positive thoughts can last. I lacked peace. That's why i am so easy to be looked through just by one simple question : are you happy?
Thank Gen Kelsang Nyema, for what you have taught me today, that the ultimate and greatest happiness, and the one truly stable happiness, is inner peace. I wish you peace and success.

I could listen to this FABULOUS Lady 24/7 So Peaceful and Grounded I've searched for "FAITH" ALL my life, in vain, ever seeking but confused with things I cannot reverse engineer BUT I have to say I'm really leaning towards the Buddhism Teachings and Lessons, It all makes so much sense and spoken with All Respect for All religions but in my latter years with ill health I need something religious to hold on to so I'm watching more and more about Buddhist ways of life. This video really helps my PTSD Gratitude



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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