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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] When money isn’t real: the $10,000 experiment | Adam Carroll | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] When money isn’t real: the $10,000 experiment | Adam Carroll | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool




Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] When money isn’t real: the $10,000 experiment | Adam Carroll | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool


7:13 haha come bank with Google!!


The real story begins at 8:27


2:55 me

6:25 wHaAa

11:20 ; While I'm sure part of the reason for this is the abstraction of money, it's also simply easier to move large amounts of money with a credit card rather than a heap of cash... just a bit misleading

9:44 “I am not poopoing”


Then he will burn alongside Boris



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] When money isn’t real: the $10,000 experiment | Adam Carroll | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool


When I just had cash all the time I would save like crazy but when I got a debit card I just lost everything instantly

The kids naturally cooperated while seeking to have the most fun.

Money has never been real. It's a product of collective imagination. It is "real" only as long as people believe in it.


Damn Johny Sins is really talented

U ran an expirement with two independent variables, u can’t know which caused the effects or if both together caused it

This is why they use chips in casino's and poker games.

Best way to understand how money works: Grow up poor...


Last year I found a wallet on the road. It contained several IDs, but no money. One of the IDs was a corporate card, so I went there and asked for the employee in order to give him his wallet back.

The guy was furious. He said that the wallet contained a 20€ bill that was now gone. He didn't accuse me of taking it, but he didn't thank me for bringing him his wallet either - which contained passport, drivers license, health insurance card, credit card, ec card... in total about 150€ if he had to replace all those cards.

Abstraction at its best IMO.

I would argue his kids were playing Monopoly altruistically, and should be applauded for that.


breaking duh

money is only as real as the peoples faith in it.

I know this is not the point BUT buying every property you land on is the best strat in Monopoly.


5 years later, this is more relevant than ever. Who's watching this in 2020?

Did his kids play differently because the money was real or because there was a $20 prize? First rule of science: Test one variable at a time.

This is absolutely terrific. One of the best TEDx talks I've seen in ages!

When money is not real: the wirecard experiment

The speaker is not only talking about educating children's financially, he also focuses on how it impacts on the economy of the country.

I am a bit sceptical. When his kids play Monopoly as usual, they don't get any reward at the end and they don't keep all the banknotes like in the experiment.

the fact this guy can go to the atm and get out 10k is amazing.


When rich people can just take out $10,000 to play Monopoly.


After my debit card was hacked for the 3rd time. I have switched back to using cash. I have to say I'm a lot more conservative about spending. Money is so weird

I played resident evil 4 when I was 15 and I learned how to manage my money

the title of the video:
dad teaches kids gambling


When I was young, I told my dad I wanted a car when I turned sixteen. He said great... go buy one. When I asked him how... I didn't have any money, he said figure it out. That's what everyone else does....lol

In his test he changed too many variables. By replacing monopoly cash with real cash and adding a cash reward at the end its questionable which actually caused them to change their play style.


Money is never real. It's a collective delusion.

What if he just put the price of 20$ for winning the game of monopoly, I think that would be enough reason for the kids to take the game seriously.

WOW I agree with all of this. I had my own "Jose" experience, if you will, earlier this year. I'm also 20, and I spent the better part of 2014 and all of 2015 saving up to study abroad. My parents said I was free to travel, but that they wouldn't pay a penny for such a "luxury". So, I pinched pennies from work and spent an incredible semester in Europe that I wouldn't trade for the world (radically different from my California hometown) and while the travel was amazing, I learned more about finances and balancing budgets than I did about the places I went to. All the things I'd taken advantage of suddenly weren't there anymore: free food, clothing, cleaning supplies (and someone to do it!) transportation, it was all something I had to learn to balance, and I hated it at the time. Now though, I feel a lot more prepared for when I re-enter "the real world" as a full-fledged adult, and I absolutely believe that it's the most important life lesson I've ever had.

It's true. I myself find it easier to buy expensive stuff using digital money than cash.

Recommended has brought us together

See you in 5 years

Learning of compound interest at a young age and realising your money could grow, while doing nothing, was one of the best lessons I learned.

I also have to agree with the speaker, when my daughter was around 10 years old I would take her to the Sunday market and before we walked around I would give her £20 and tell her that she could buy anything that she wanted but she was not allowed to ask me for a penny more, before I started doing this she would nag me the whole way round, can i have this, can i, can i, oh please (insert puppy dog eyes) after I gave her her own money to spend she suddenly didnt want anything because she could not bear to spend her own money, she is now 18 and has a nice amount of savings. so yes this guy makes sense to me.

My parents were never keen on the idea of an allowance, if I ask for something and provide a perfectly logical explanation, they would agree. Although that might sound like the recipe to the problems the video describes, what really kept me away from the path is the fact that my parents would talk to me for at least half an hour every time I spent money without consulting them or the reason is heavily illogical. There was this one time that I spent 99 Chinese cents which at the time was probably around 15 US cents on a mobile game, and that was when my parents explained to me how no matter the amount, always think about the worth before spending the money. It has now been approximately 10 years and I am now in my teenage years, and to be frank, my parents had been recently thinking that I spend too little money as it took them about half a year to convince me to buy a phone. Anyways, I got a little off-topic, great lecture as always!


Thank you. Once I've got no kids, next month I'll start using this technique on my wife. I made a budget for each cathegory of expense. For example, $X for supermarket, $Y for restaurants, $Z for farmacy, etc. But it seems to be very subjective. Next month, in the beggining of the month I'll withdraw all this money and put it in different envelopes with the different cathegories witten on each envelope. She'll be able to use it as she needs or as she pelases, but when it's over, it's over (unless we have an emergency, of course). She will see the envelopes getting thinner and will be more rational about her spendings. Money will no longer be as subjective as it has been.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TEDx Talks] Channel Posting

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