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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck) | Alison Ledgerwood | TEDxUCDavis
twoyou 2021. 2. 28. 09:23Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck) | Alison Ledgerwood | TEDxUCDavis
Mmm actually I'm watching this during covid-19 lockdown...
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Getting stuck in the negatives (and how to get unstuck) | Alison Ledgerwood | TEDxUCDavis
The way we think really affect our reality & perception.
So true... so brilliant...
Daily rituals of gratitude is so important.
One of the thing people realize about their spouses, parents, loved ones when they die, is how much they miss "all the good stuff" they did. Although when they are alive, we tend to constantly remind ourselves in our mind, and as well as verbally to other person, "How you dislike what they do?, How they do? how they talk? " .... We do the same about our jobs, till we find a job/boss/new relationship just as bad or worse than previous one!!! Happiness is learned behavior, by learning to see positive and have gratitude in life... One of the ways to do that is, "serve to those are even less fortunate than we are" --> example: "If you lost a job, and if you volunteer at homeless shelter, then you feel so much gratitude for just having roof over top your head." .... "Selfless service is highest virtue of humanity!" --> Something an atheist and religious person can both agree on.
lol i was really hoping for something more concrete than "try harder to be positive" but thank you all the same XD
It does work it takes time and it takes consistency. Coming from someone who was extremely negative and pessimistic. Who managed in 30 days to go to rehab a divorce homeless. And somewhere in the middle of all that of all that pain and misery and uncertainty something changed inside my brain. I have watched hundreds of TED talks on Neuroscience how our brains work sadguru videos. And I thought to myself give it a shot you've lost everything at this point what's it going to hurt. Every morning I wake up I would think of the things that I was thankful for there were few but I would think about them and feel them. At work when co-workers would complain instead of joining in I would point out the good stuff. Andover just a two-week. I was smiling more. I still have to work at it but not as hard and it seems to get easier everyday.
came here to stop being negative, already the macy's back to school advertisement pissed me off
i find that if you have a rhythm in your life, have enough energy, and write down your feelings, it will give you more positivity
Maybe the consumer confidence 'stuck' when the economy 'recovered' had something to do with the unprecedented wealth transfer to the rich during and after the GFC. Maybe many people saw the economic recovery less well than those executives with golden parachutes and whose corporations sucked the life out of people made homeless and/or under employed by the GFC? Pretty sloppy example of the psychological effect being described. Wondering if this is an 'anchoring' effect (similar to priming) over a longer time frame.
I really enjoyed listening to this TED talk! :)
I have changed in my life and my spirituality for the better, now I'm work at a place that's claimed it's different and full of helpfully people and limitless possibilities. But the ones in control are toxic people so toxic that just there name being spoken puts dread into us all. How can a caged animal find it's happy place when its constantly beaten and mistreated? Just be glad it's not dead yet?
I really like the idea of making a gratitude list every day
mind is nothing else then a trained machine, trained it we'll. school's, society, family, believes usually molds it. so choose wisely.
our mind is wired that way because we've evolved to be able to remember the bad stuff. When we didn't live in comfortable homes and cities remembering the bad stuff is what kept us from eating the wrong things or getting eaten by something.
all easier said than done.
Today, I got my results for one of the most important exams of my life... n I failed! but m fine now, because, you taught me, that no matter how many times I fail, I need to hold on tight and bounce back, and work harder. thank you.
Positivity is always key to living the best life you can
Great presentation. I really appreciate it. However, there's a different way to understand the part about the economy. "Most objective measures . . . " I wonder what measures were being used. Gov't statistics, for instance, are hardly objective, since there is plenty of room for them to be changed (eg, seasonal adjustments) and manipulated for the purposes of a sitting administration. Further, since underemployment (and lower pay, witness near zero wage inflation) has continued to be high, this provides an explanation for why consumer confidence has not rebounded significantly. In other words, both remain lower than one might think w/o really analyzing. Loved the presentation. Suggest using a different example since that one is factually inaccurate. Thanks!
Getting stuck in the negatives of rejection or failure is something I've battled with for quite some time. The 'switching' of mindsets and power of labeling is something that I try and be consious of and 'unstick' myself and see things from a different point of view. This talk certainly helped me with this!
The example of the recovery is mis-placed here. Consumers had a hard time recovering in 2010 because, the recovery was so much greater for corporations. Foreclosures remained at an all time high long after. Wages dropped dramatically and haven't changed much. Housing prices didn't burst with the bubble, in fact rentals in areas where people lost high are going through the roof in some areas. There was not a great recovery for working and tons of middle class people. Our industrial industry shattered without adequate training for folks still in it. I just want to clarify that, it's important. In this case it dilutes your argument, I'd drop it. It's a topic within itself lol!
Thanks again!
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