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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Everything is Connected -- Here's How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Everything is Connected -- Here's How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Everything is Connected -- Here's How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei


9:28 onwards the lines were so strong
None of us is purposeless







Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Everything is Connected -- Here's How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei


A genius a very humble person with great knowledge his words really touched me.

This is a Great Science teaching that needs to be taught in schools

"It turns out that the world of people is a lot harder to understand than the entire universe"
Amen to that, brother.

We didn’t just show up here, we all have a PURPOSE

where can i find people that would understand this and be my friends

I am profoundly touched by the way in which Tom Chi explains how we are so much more connected than we think we are. In ways that we can't even comprehend. And he does this by choosing words and examples that we can all understand. Very inspiring and moving. I love the place where science and spirituality meet.
Thank you Tom, may your star dust touch every one of us.


shout out to the bacteria that made our planet habitable.


For a short time, we are atoms that are aware that they are atoms.


Best TED talk I've listened to in a while.

I am a ghost driving a meat-coated skeleton made of stardust, riding a rock hurling through space at 67,000 miles per hour and I FEAR NOTHING!


Brilliant. Thank you. Shrooms are definitely a shortcut to understanding this but it’s beautiful to see a very well spoken human articulating these ideas for the science community.

The speaker knows the stuff scientifically as well spiritually.

valuable talk

The small things you create today, can be the big things next generations will continue

“We’re all connected, to each other biologically, to the Earth chemically, and to the rest of the universe atomically.”- Neil DeGrasse Tyson.


Once you understand the Universe ... there will be no “Me” ... it will only be “Him” ...


Tbh all he said didn't really make enough sense to me


“If we affirm one moment, we thus affirm not only ourselves but all existence. For nothing is self-sufficient, neither in us ourselves nor in things; and if our soul has trembled with happiness and sounded like a harp string just once, all eternity was needed to produce this one event - and in this single moment of affirmation all eternity was called good, redeemed, justified, and affirmed.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

We're not physical beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a physical experience.

And we are all connected on a spiritual level, whether you feel it or not.


I’m not sure he realized how much of an epic speech this was. Good on ya mate!

This is very very old information to Buddhists. Once you open your eyes to the interconnectedness of everything you are coming home.


Humans are more intelligent than we give ourselves credit for. We use science to understand what we already know in our hearts. Good luck


This is the best Ted Talking i have ever watched! Thank you so much Tom Chi.


These r some of the thoughts I get while high and when I tell anyone, they don’t take me seriously.

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. “ - Albert Einstein


"The cosmos is also within us – we are made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." - Carl Sagan

We are the universe consciously experiencing ourselves.


We are not a human experiencing the universe. We are the universe experiencing a human!


i am almost 90 years old and no one can accuse me of having lived a monochromatic life . i found what he had to say to be enlightening


I love this translation of how we are connected. Thank you...


I don't think enough people laughed when he made the Asian joke lol


This is so deep that it gives me chills.

I love how he slows down at the end to choose his words wisely, he knows the value of the information he is giving and wants to make sure he it giving it justice


I love this talk, and it is so encouraging to see that science is catching up to truths that spirituality has been showing us for thousands of years. Oneness can be felt and through various practices like meditation, but for those of us who need a more intellectual understanding, this video can be a great help. Thank you!

The only reason that made me finally feel I matter, despite the universe that is indifferent to cruelty, is that I can be the one who stands up for justice and makes being good matter!

This was the most inspirational and eloquent way of rephrasing what a Buddhist monk said in the 17th century
this young man is inspiring

The monk “ when I was young I wanted to change the world when I couldn’t change the world I tried to change my country when I couldn’t change my country I tried to change my village when I couldn’t change my village I tried to change my family and when I was old I realized if I just tried to change myself then that would’ve inspired my family to change and they would’ve influenced the country to change and that could’ve changed the world

This was the most inspirational and eloquent way of rephrasing what a Buddhist monk said in the 17th century
this young man is inspiring

The monk “ when I was young I wanted to change the world when I couldn’t change the world I tried to change my country when I couldn’t change my country I tried to change my village when I couldn’t change my village I tried to change my family and when I was old I realized if I just tried to change myself then that would’ve inspired my family to change and they would’ve influenced the country to change and that could’ve changed the world


Tom Chi ,
Wow your words were amazingly inspirational.
I could feel or sense your heart mind & contagious positive spirit to inspire us.
Your knowledge was so well conveyed that I had thoughts simultaneously percolating throughout my mind from the experience & skills you have learned so passionately throughout your life combined with the mental pictures forming I may now write a theory I would have otherwise not have done or gone in another direction had I not tuned into your Channel.
The outcome that will come into fruition sparked from the seeds of knowledge you have offered us to learn & discern for ourselves which may lead to many projects that will make a difference that we may not come to see for ourselves in this life time but surely will come to pass through the web of consciousness for the future.

I see you as a brilliant amazing passionate person who loves what you do. I could feel the positive energy bursting through my screen stimulating
both my left & right side of my brain.
Gratitude to you for sharing your intellect on the scientific side of how important every single molecule down to the atomic level even the Planck length & between. Your description from your colour palette of knowledge of micro life forms through to the macro has given me inspiration to further my passion of the science of time, entropy, linear & none linear forms of the forces of the conscious & the non conscious connection that transcends through history of both life we are aware of as yet to become aware of the life before our collective consciousness & that of will arrive after us.
There are many bridges that connect through time, space, inner & outer space, matter & anti matter combined with all the colours of consciousness that spark the very visions forming as I long to discover as I type these words.
Thank You for the many seeds that you have watered to initiate the growth of the life lines above as well as the roots below all connected with the soil and the minerals to connect life & light the spark of something new through the interaction of our minds combined with your knowledge to connect the web of consciousness between us all from now & on through out the future.
Just fascinating material, I loved your presentation &
I am sure your parents are very proud & happy that they started you with piano lessons from a young child which definitely got those neurons firing to form your pathways with music especially the piano which combines timing, rhythm, connections of brain eye coordination along with mathematics & artistic creativity would have given the right type of personality a good start towards a scientific future as well as an open mind to believe anything is possible unless provide otherwise at that moment in the history of time.
I love you free spirit, i can see you love what you do & you are adept with so many aspects of science & discoveries that you have made throughout your career thus far.

Gratitude again for the inspirational knowledge & I look forward to any future presentations or reading any of your future works to tantalise my mind & others like minded souls.

Always do what you love in life,
Nicola Australia



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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