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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] Why comfort will ruin your life | Bill Eckstrom | TEDxUniversityofNevada
twoyou 2021. 3. 14. 10:24Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Why comfort will ruin your life | Bill Eckstrom | TEDxUniversityofNevada
5:50 - 5:59 What Goggins says.
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Why comfort will ruin your life | Bill Eckstrom | TEDxUniversityofNevada
Pursue Complexity from Order ~>Growth
One of my favorite Youtubers tweeted this and it hit me. "There is no comfort in growth and there is no growth in comfort"
When strangers call me "friend" I instantly imagine them to be used car salesmen.
He forget to say “ until you get old “
Work smarter, not harder.
"The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness."
— Josef Ratzinger
Well thank God I was born with General Anxiety Disorder & hypochondria. Haven't been comfortable once in 23 years ...
When I stepped out of my comfort zone, I found what I wanted in life and since have created a good life that I am able to share with others and help people to do the same "Blessed"
“Comfort will ruin ur life”
Mattress company’s: -_-
You will become comfortable with being uncomfortable. Then you will stop fearing discomfort and you will open yourself up to some positive changes in your life. ;)
Nice talk, However people and nature require and ebb and flow in order to grow. Sleep and wakefulness, action and rest, complexity and stagnation need to cycle. Sustained complexity only has you pushing the edges of a sphere and never breaking through. It is only through the cycling of the growth rings that we can escape the sphere and break out into a new larger sphere where perception and growth has achieved a new more encompassing arena of experience, perception and understanding.
getting out of my confort zone has become a mantra for me! life changing desicion.
This is the missing piece of the puzzle, it is so simplistic but ignored mostly by the parents. Just amazing talk. Thanks
My favorite quote ever is from a book called The Prophet. "The lust for comfort murders the passion of the soul, then walks grinning in the funeral."
“The greatest reward comes with the greatest trial. When Allah (God) loves a people He tests them."
This is why I hate living in a small town. Everyone and everybody is bent on routines, taking the safe route, and driving in the slow lane. Any sort of attempt to take risks or to work hard to achieve your dreams a bit faster is viewed as cutting corners and being reckless. It's not the environment for someone that wants to better themselves. It's like Office Space for blue collar workers. You can make a decent living, but it's a dense and small fish bowl.
Boy I can tell by his circumference he still rolls in a lot of comfort
I think there's a missing ingredient there: purpose . If you're just randomly making yourself uncomfortable, sure, you might grow, but you're likely to give up or go back to a deeper state of order/comfort than you were before. But getting yourself into discomfort because of something that actually matters to you, than you'll push through it. In Nietzsche's words, "He who was a why can bear almost any how".
Think of soldiers facing probably death going to battle because they have the high purpose of defending their country, their family and friends. Does most doctors in the middle of the pandemic are out there in total discomfort just because it may bring them growth? No, they are doing it to save lives , the highest person a human being can have. Such high purpose is the only way for them to go risk their lives every day to take care of their patients.
My biggest problem with TEDs like these is that they often leave out the details, the nuisance, the complexity of life and of human beings. The TED almost makes it sound like you should be throwing yourself into discomfort at all times, regardless of what, and that it's not too bad if you have breakdowns like his daughter, but it is bad. Growth and discomfort, specially if stimulated by other people, *must be made in a relationship with trust*, otherwise the person might feel bullied and even give up (chaos).
Also: you don't have to be in discomfort all the time and in all ranges of your life. It's ok to feel comfortable and safe in some, and it's ok if you are so discomfortable that you had to take a step back, feel comfortable so you can try again. We are each complex and deep so there's no formula and equation that will fit everyone. 5 rings can't even begin to describe everything involved in growth.
Put a certain amount of pressure on coal and it will make a diamond, but put too much pressure on the structure of a building and it will fall down. Life is just like that - there is no ready formula for it, each situation and individual require a different, perhaps unique approach.
That's why it's hard for me to get into self-help: 99% of the time it lacks or purposely hides the complexity involved in life and in human beings. And I know TED talks aren't meant to last an hour but hey the lecturers could explicitly show that the subject has way more levels and degrees than what is being shown.
Great speech! One of the best I've ever heard on TED.
"If comfort kills then consider me dead...most people do anyway" - Dom Mazetti
They need to rename the living room to the dying room. Life doesn't happen there, death does. Gradual slow death happens in stagnation. We are not supposed to live in our sleeping quarters and our sleeping quarters should not be so extravagant that they don't force you to go outside, even in the cold. Life requires agitation, imagine a washing machine with no agitation. What would it do? Every advantage in life that takes the agitation out of life is a disadvantage when it comes to the ability to adapt and overcome. Building endurance actually takes enduring. If you are not building endurance what are you building?
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Mr. Eckstrom, Thank you for your inclusion of Claudette Colvin in your Ted Talk. As you mentioned, the 15 year old Ms. Colvin was the courageous young woman whom in fact stood strong in the face of her discomfort on that bus on that day. Not to diminish the importance other's later played, it is somewhat sad that Ms. Claudette Colvin is all but virtually forgotten and rarely mentioned in the telling of one of our greatest stories of civil rights in this country. There are thousands of streets name in honor of Rosa Parks...of the thousands of people traveling upon those streets each day, I would venture to guess that 99% of them would not recognize the name Claudette Colvin.
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