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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] There's more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] There's more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith



Summary Comments : [TED] There's more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith

1. Belonging/love
2. Purpose
3. Transcendence
4. Story you tell about yourself to yourself

Amazing Ted talk... I learnt so much out of it. Thankyou so much...
Four pillars to add meaning to one's life
1. Belonging
2. Purpose
3. Transcendence
4. Story telling

Happiness comes and goes but when you give a meaning to your life , it becomes permanent..



Top Comments : [TED] There's more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith


Knowing WHAT the pillars are is easy, knowing HOW to achieve them is the hard part...

Happiness is a by product of understanding of who you are!


Be "content" most of the time.
Reserve "happiness" for special moments.


Happiness in life: It comes from meaning. And meaning comes from belonging to and serving something beyond yourself. And from developing the best from within you.


Watching this in this time of covid pandemic gives light to go on with life.


This is a great TED Talk! I think she is spot on about happiness and the need to having purpose.


Happiness comes and goes
Having meaning gives something hold on to


Meaninglessness does not come from being weary of pain. Meaninglessness comes from being weary of pleasure.
-G. K. Chesterton


This is literally life-changing.

I can't say how many times I've felt completely depressed asking myself "Is this all there is?"


I never searched for hapinnes, I always followed my heart. For that reason I lived in 4 different countries, speak 4 languages, meet people with very different ideology than mine and worked hard. I also quit some jobs because I thought I wasn't adding something to the world.

I'm poor, I live in a very old and not good house, but I'm happy, I'm doing something good and never ever felt depressed during my journey. And trust me, was tough, a tough journey...


Shortly after turning 30, I had a serious existential crisis. I for the first time in my life felt that "fleeting" sensation. The topic of me one day dying was suddenly real. I know 30 is still relatively young, but I started to realize how with age, years seem to go by faster and faster, and it started to feel that instead of coasting to my later years, I was accelerating towards them. I thought it was dying I was afraid of, but I was wrong. It wasn't my fear of dying, it was my fear of dying and not having lived a meaningful life. THAT is what kept me up at night. I knew death is inescapable, but now I was frantically trying to figure out what I was going to do with whatever time I had left on this earth. The anxiety was bad, I mean, really really bad. I stopped caring for virtually every aspect of my life. Things that would normally excite me lost all significance. I kept asking "Why?" Why does any of this matter. I had no focal point.

Shortly after, my mom almost died of a brain hemorrhage, the type with a very low survival rate. Miraculously, she survived, but not before three agonizing weeks in the hospital, and another two in rehabilitation centers. Seeing her fight so hard to stay alive made me snap out of it. I still don't know yet what my meaning is, but I know my mom had hers. It was being there for her family. In time I know I will come to understand what makes my life meaningful, until then, I appreciate every day that I wake up, and try and find the extraordinary in the ordinary. I found that traveling really reminded me of just how big the world is, and also, how small it it. So much to see still.


I do love your words! Really so connect with my mind and heart


the first pillar: clean up your room


Summary: happiness comes and goes but meaning, however, gives us something to hold on to through good and bad times.
The four pillars of meaning: sense of belonging, purpose, experience of transcendence (eg. awe in nature), storytelling (your own narrative of events).
There. My life's work is done.

When I knew my purpose to live, I felt happiest in my whole life.

I'm so inspired

"every conceivable standard" typical centrist drivel
economic inequality and zero social safety net make us anxious, uncooperative, contentious, alienated, and isolated
it's not that complicated jfc


I would say happiness is the courage to ignore societal expectations...just live simple, help people. But I just can't do it.

This was all I needed to hear, strutting endlessly trying to do yet another day. This video spoke volumes. Thanks! <3


Knowing WHAT the pillars are is easy, knowing HOW to achieve them is the hard part...

One of the best talks i ever heard! Keep it up!


Happiness isn't something you chase, Happiness is something you find within yourself at this moment.


The story of her father saying their names brought tears to my eyes.

One of the best TED Talks.. Just loved it!!!

“The key to purpose is using your strength to serve others”


This is the second time I watch this ted talk and this time I understand it more deeply


Every word is precious, feels so close to my heart. Words of Poet Jalal Uddin Rumi are so inspiring, changed my life forever.

I think you just saved my life.


Yeah, it was a little saccharine, but I don't think you can talk about this subject and not sound a little corny. She made excellent points, the role of purpose and storytelling are things I don't consider often enough in my life... All I'd add is that you've got to enjoy the small things. When Warren Zevon was asked how cancer had changed his world view, he stated that his imminent death had illustrated how much he should 'try to enjoy every sandwich'. That's advice I will take to my grave. It's not the same as transcendence, as it takes far less effort, but I believe it can hold a consistently larger pay off. I try to enjoy each meal, each human interaction, each album I listen to, each beer, each snooze... It doesn't always work, but they all take such little effort it hardly matters.


What a great talk!!! So inspirational, I give you my love, I wouldn't know where I'd be without this talk <3


10 minutes of speech, but how long did it take to realise this. Respect. Respect.

Im happy when i watch my kids play. And when i fold clothes. So i let my kids play outdoor daily and i dont get on my phone during those times. And i unpack the closets and refold the clothes too often

toma tu like buen video


People confuse happiness with fun and materialistic life. That's why we end up unhappy.

Four pillars of a meaningful life:
* Belonging
Being in relations where you are valued for who you are intrinsically.
Creating a bond with family and friends

* Purpose -
Using your strength to serve others.
Doing something worthwhile

* Transcendence:
When your sense of self fades away- By Being in the zone or state of flow- or transcendent states.

* Storytelling
The story you tell yourself and others about yourself.
How did your experiences shape you?
What is your story?
How does your story align with your purpose?


After turning age 57 this past year, that life’s purpose we have been conditioned to understand for generations is “happiness.” I was on a constant chase to find happy, then I couldn’t maintain this happy state, so I am off searching once again. This became a lifetime of living in a revolving door. If I didn’t feel or have happiness in my life, it was a self-inflicted feeling of failure. Happiness arrives after we understand our purpose & meaning as to what we are here on this earth to do. Purpose IS my purpose ON purpose! Excellent!!!



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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