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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] Coming out of your closet | Ash Beckham | TEDxBoulder
twoyou 2021. 2. 21. 12:14Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] Coming out of your closet | Ash Beckham | TEDxBoulder
This bit hit me
"Stupid Hypothalamus" ... 9:13 ... Hilarious! The entire talk was fantastic - thank you!
3:48 had me almost in tears.
Luuving Mr Rogers at 9:37! Hah! This was a really moving piece. You are absolutely right, everyone has a closet. Thank you for sharing your gift!
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Coming out of your closet | Ash Beckham | TEDxBoulder
Apologize for what you've done but never apologize for who you are.
Ash Beckham, you might have just changed/saved my life, so thanks.
There's one part about this video that I disagree with. She implies that coming out of the closet, and I mean the gay closet, needs to be done. No, it actually doesn't.
Do straight people have to come out? No. Then why should gay people have to? Just because it's not the "norm"? If someone says to you, "why didn't you tell me you were gay?!" you should tell them, "why didn't you tell me you were straight?!" (assuming they are straight).
If the people you love truly loved you back, they wouldn't need to question you as to why you never told them your sexuality. It shouldn't be something that you need to tell someone. Got a girlfriend? Cool. Got a boyfriend? Cool. End of story.
Thanks Ash! This is one of the best videos I have listened to. Eloquent, simple and understandable, but so deep, so thanks. Thanks.
THIS is truly awesome. What Ash talks about is universal- difficult conversations and being real. (It's not actually about homophobia, as the description notes (which is a limitation and a shame).) What she has to say is worth the 11 minutes.
I can fully identify with what this woman is saying because I've been there and done that and I'm lucky I don't have any scars because of it. She is right we all have our own closets.
A good friend one time asked me whats the difference between being in a rut, in a closet and in a grave? I didn't have an answer for him. His answer floored me "Nothing, they are all the same the only things that changes is the size." It took me a while to grasp what he had said... now it's your turn. Blessings all, be well and be safe
Thank you, amazing , insightful and courageous !
Okay, quick thing that being unapologetic when admitting to your spouse that you've cheated on them will probably not go over particularly well but other than that, all golden!
I was in Boulder during this TEDX, my question is why the fuck I didn't go :(
Well said!
If only it were that easy with everyone
Gee, God, thanks. This was said perfectly and poignantly. So many people waste their entire lives afraid to be themselves. So many. I welded my closet shut by force of will. I am a coward. I blame my parents but not so much as I blame myself. This speech is the speech we all need to be able to make but which all of us tragically are not actually able to make. For fear, for shame, for dread of the spectre of despair. You are brave and right - we are cowards and wrong and that's all there is about it.
Amazing. Truly the best TED Talk I have ever heard. Powerful in its simplicity. My only criticism would be to the uploader and the misleading description of the video. This is not a discussion on homophobia at all. I would urge you to correct this and as a result, allow more people to enjoy the universal truths of what Ms Beckham has to share.
I would always watch this video when I was feeling bad about my self . Or just didn't feel like I would ever feel comfortable coming out .. Coming out isn't easy . But it's worth it. And you will feel so much better after doing it.
That story about the little girl was amazing. Sometimes kids can be the most clear-sighted of us.
The point about not bashing on those who are trying is really poignant. Far too often, activists bash allies or supporters or simply people who do not belong to a certain group for not knowing everything immediately.
Thanks so much for this :)
same reasons i don't hide my cancer! never hide!
I used this video in order to break the ice with my dad about my bisexuality.
He found out by accident, as did my religious family, and we had a huge blow up. He told me I was dishonouring and selfish for not thinking about how it makes my family feel, and how I don't know anything because I'm so young. I was hurt, I thought he had made so much progress and openly had such a different perspective about the world and about LGBT communities, especially considering how liberal my sisters and I are, and now I felt betrayed. I think sometimes it's typical that parents are "whatever" about it until they find out that one of their own kids is not heterosexual, or is transgender, and I was so upset that I was one of those kids with those parents. I was mad that I had gone years of being out and never facing bullying or exclusion from my peers, coworkers, siblings -- and now it was finally coming back to bite me. After some time, I went to him, dropped my laptop on his lap with this video and I said "don't talk to me until you've watched this". I had my hard conversation afterwards, and now he defends me against my extended family. I revisit this Ted Talk so often, it's my pick-me-up just when I need it.
Everyone has something. Something that hurts, something that helps, something that raises up, something that beats down, and the deep abiding fear that there is something wrong with them that everyone will hate them for when it comes to light.
We feel as if we are in a leaking boat, adrift in a vast sea, and no one is looking for us. When in fact we are all bobbing around in the water, within arms reach of each other, and no where near alone on a planet with 8 billion people on it.
Thank you Ash for sharing your insights.
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