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[Youtube Review][TEDx Talks] The prison of your mind | Sean Stephenson | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison
twoyou 2021. 3. 14. 09:57(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The prison of your mind | Sean Stephenson | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] The prison of your mind | Sean Stephenson | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison
Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] The prison of your mind | Sean Stephenson | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison
I'll save this for my life 7:10
And 7:20
I need to put this in my head in order I will never get hurt becuse of other people anymore.
Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] The prison of your mind | Sean Stephenson | TEDxIronwoodStatePrison
Mom: If u go in garden which flowers will u pick??
Son: The most beautiful flower.
"only disability is one's refusal to adapt!"
340 Now. Stupidity is increasing day by day. But 30651 likes. That means there are loving people too and one of them is me. Are you?
You’re amazing man. Rest In Peace
When I was born, I was given 20 years to live. 17 years later, I’m one of the healthiest people living with cystic fibrosis in the world today.
Not every pastor is in a church pulpit. That was good preaching.
271 Dislikes. 271 People need more Love.
Real life Yoda
He was in northern Canada
Wanted to go see him speak... As my grandson lays next to me and I can't sleep, mind just going on and on, I'm glad I seen this it touched me and has motivated me beyond word's. Rest Easy sir you're inspiration to aspire for greatness. I've been trapped in my brain for going on 2 decades, we will meet and laugh and I'll tell you how you helped me, thank you king, your heart was bigger than life itself.
"The real prison is up here," thank you soo much sir, this is a string of words I won't forget.
We must love ourselves first and foremost every day we wake from sleep. Be thankful that our health for not failing us in the night and the odds for the world to still be standing the next morning so we may have another day to make heaven on earth. Definitely, if you don't believe heaven exist anywhere else.
This type of love or "selfishness" (Is what I like to call it) is perfected. Selflessness, altruism, and true consideration become second nature. I care for you because I care about me... meaning. If I harm you it could; weigh on my mind, land me in jail or somehow hold me, prisoner, until I set things right (guilt).
This even extends to those who want to be criminals. Most do what they must, not what they want, due to the hand life has dealt them. When you don't know how to love yourself, you have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT IT MEANS TO LOVE SOMEONE ELSE. So there is a place for you, jail. Sure they are not the best places and most times you spend more time in your cell fearing for life. But if this was a perfect world, you would be rehabilitated as promised and you would not hold the title ex-con everywhere you went. You would hold the title of; Human.
I am a very selfish man. And the way you would know it is the joy and assistance I could bring to you and the world. We have roles in this world we didn't ask for. These roles were given to us by our own self-preservation. I want to live happily, so you must be happy, in whatever way that is for you.
Find yourself, love yourself; don't tell me about until you have perfected this status. Spend more time listening, than speaking and you will learn everything. Spend more time speaking than listening and you will know nothing but pain.
Good luck my brothers and sisters and tweeners.
That guy is a freakin savage
This guy sounds like a perfect voice actor for a grandma character in a cartoon,beautiful talk however
True freedom is freedom from negative self perception, negative feelings towards others ,hatred, insecurities, self imposed rigidities, addictions, emotional illiteracy and many more. It's all in the head I say.
I'm so happy this came on my feed, this man is a miracle, my dream is to become like him
"am an expert in one thing, and that's how to be me. I do it real well."
I love that.
- Sean Stephenson.
Rest In Peace, Sean. You changed my life.
Man, I'm so sad Sean died. What an absolute legend he is.
His wisdom will surely live on.
Godspeed brother. You will be missed.
Incredible. I'm in tears. How lucky we all are to have shared a planet with this man.
So Sean's dead? Well, he's still helping ppl here.
I believe this was the best ted talk i have ever watched. Wise words from a powerful man. R.I.P.
Don't go with prediction which disempower you.-- this will make u die physically
Listen only what empower you
Chose life of strength
It just fuels my drive, grit, & ambition, & I've proven most of them wrong with a little chicanery & aid along the way.
Tip 1: Align yourself with people who endorse you & help you along the way, and see those who are obstacles as conditioned "Space Invaders" and avoid them like the plague, because naturally, they'd rather you didn't prove them wrong. Right!?
Tip 2: Know the rules of the game to stay within those guidelines & boundaries, only to keep your integrity intact, then go find angles, loopholes, opportunities, systemic failures or deficits to leverage, guidance from the "SMEs," and........NEVER ADMIT DEFEAT!
Never struggle when you fight.
-Teddy Roosevelt
Because there truly are 1,000,001 ways to overcome any obstacle, so know when to cut your losses, and shift gears.
And BELIEVE that if you hadn't yet succeeded, you have only exhausted your own personal insight, not all the experienced persons wisdom........ and get back to work.
I always find that the solution was the easiest, most prudent or practical, and oddly, the healthiest.
AND Fake it till ya Make it!!
Imagine yourself at your endgame and act/think accordingly...........rather then continuing to "feed" your Naysayers egos.
Honestly isn't the best policy when a single person or authority holds the fate of your future in their subjective minds.
Negotiations using LEVERAGE (what THEY want, and what cards YOU hold) and your "owning" the privilege of anyones's endorsement "compassionately" may not initially sway their support, but everyone's got a Boss, right?
And if you took all precautions, efforts, and due diligence to reason with the rational people, HOPEFULLY someone along the way who's approval you seek will help you on your merit alone.
The trick to negotiating is to "wear" your opponents hat, purse, & their shoes, and consider what you can offer them in recompense to their "conceding."
Always use a Win/Win approach, even if you must incur the cost of compromise, but know that going in as to what your very basic reqs are that you will not sacrifice, and what you can concede on to seal the deal........even better, create addtl percieved value for them that's of no consequence to your plight to negotiate with.
100% of the time, it works every time!
This is probably the most useful Tedx talk I have ever seen. No pun intended but this guy does not present with the massive ego of the typical TED X host. I agree with his line of thinking about life and I would just add one thing I have picked up over the years. Treat every experience you have with another human being as a learning experience. So many people go through life thinking they don't need to learn from others that they deem to be in a "lower station" in life. The doctor often thinks that the patient can't teach him and the social worker thinks the client doesn't possess any nuggets of wisdom. In regards to that line of thinking, I would like you all to think of the old adage "even a broken clock is right two times each day". When we stop thinking of ourselves so much we really start to see so much more beauty in the world.
[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
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