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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Lessons from the Mental Hospital | Glennon Doyle Melton | TEDxTraverseCity


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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] Lessons from the Mental Hospital | Glennon Doyle Melton | TEDxTraverseCity




Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] Lessons from the Mental Hospital | Glennon Doyle Melton | TEDxTraverseCity


This is the reason I enjoy being a therapist in an inpatient psychiatric unit, is because people are real - the masks are down.


I'm not fine today. (thanks for helping me feel like I had permission to say that.)

These TEDx talks really makes me strong and they're inspirational!!!

Yessss. I am a sesitive and emotional woman.

Love this! I'm reading Love Warrior now, it's amazing! Raw, authentic, real, vulnerable, and insightful.


Hey can everyone on here please pray for me, I have endometriosis


Anxiety actually lessens so much when you're in a psych ward..even without meds...just being there and surrounded with others like you makes u at ease


"Life is beautiful, and life is brutal. Life is brutiful."

Truer words were never spoken.

Growing up and never feeling like u belong and then going to the psych ward and seeing that u arent the only one !


Wow I'm stund. I've been watching motivational speekers and TED talks all day today in the preparation of my next speeking gig in front of teenagers. I just want to tell you Miss Doyle that you have touch my heart so deep that I needed to let you know !! So thank you TED and Miss Doyle !


read her book, it's called untamed. she's married now to a woman and seeing this just makes me so proud of her, and so ready for her to come so far and experience what she's advocating.

GREAT job! Loved watching this video. You are a truth teller.


when i was in the mental hospital last year they showed all of us this video and it left a mark on me. today i came back to look for it because ive been at a complete loss on how to pick myself up and carry on again. i got chills just like the first time i watched it. thank you so much


"sensitive is just how I was made." Me too.

“The sun comes out to shine every single day on everyone, equally”


“Life is brutiful” the dialectic of being human.


This Woman is Amazing and so Courageous!!!! I love her!!!! She has a wonderful Heart and Soul! Glennon is an asset to this World. Thank You Love Sherry xxxxxx


I am 72 and finally live like this. Thank you for being you.

A year ago at this time I was in psych ward(voluntarily). Spent 2 weeks there. One has those key periods in their life. I've made realizations since then and prior about myself. I'm indeed a sensitive and expressive person. Most aren't. So at times people will criticize me/you for the ways we simply ARE that aren't actually toxic/negative because deep down they're envious to a degree they can't be like you/me at times..


I was a student nurse assigned in a mental hospital for 3 months.

patient assigned to me was a drug addict before.

he was telling everything in a very honest way.

shared his family, his story, his dreams in life, his goals.

it was really unforgettable.

I think that the setting sets you up to really listen to the patients there.

Our main goal was to bring them to reality because most of them in a way lives in a bubble with thoughts in their head.

I learned there how LISTENING can really heal.

Just pure undivided attention.

Cool, isn't it?

that LISTENING heals.

'...to be fair, we thought that we were supposed to be lying...' Wow, hit that right on the head!

i could listen to her voice all day
just great talk


Life is beautiful, life is brutal.
If you are alive, you are still invited.
By far the best I ever heard.

"If you're still alive, you're still invited"

Why do I always seem to get stuck with the apathetic staff and shitty facilities while you guys talk about your caring nurses and strong friendships and actually being helped in a lasting way ?

This is a brave, bold statement. I've always admired and respected the sincerity that people can show, because for better or for worse, if we are to survive as a species, we need to be understood. We can't be understood without the courage and the sincerity to speak what we believe, otherwise others do not hear our message, and do not see things within those messages that could help make themselves better people.

After all, people are like disco balls, we don't get to see every side of them at once, its only with time, patience, and a bit of luck, that we get to see them shine in a bright, beautiful light such as we have seen right here.


simply one of the best ted talks

I want to be on that mental hospital.

wow thanks for sharing :)

Also a recovering bulimic, addict, and alcoholic. Thank you so much for sharing this

Almost 7 years late watching this. But right on time. This is so good. Thank you Glennon

I LOVE THIS. Brutally Honest withoout Photoshop but Beautiful. I LOVe Your Story and it has made an impact. Thanks for sharing

Thank you for being brave! You spoke ‘my’ truth! Hearing your talk reminded me of who I reeeeeally am and how happy I am to be who I reeeeeally am ! Sounds alot like “I am who I am” sobriety is a gift

"I did not want to deal with the discomfort and messiness of being a human being." - How I have felt everyday for 11 years.

"I did not want to deal with the discomfort and messiness of being a human being"

Probably the best TED Talks I've ever heard


What a blessing this is to me. Thank you Glennon. A situation a few days ago where I felt shut down and unappreciated by someone had me want to just never be near that person again. I have instead decided, that I will gently let him know my feelings, in order to honor the part of me that needs to like me more than to run to protect myself. That would teach me nothing. So thank you for exposing your tender heart, in which I see my own!

"People think of us addicts as insensitive liars. But we don't start out that way. We start out as extremely sensitive truth tellers. We feel so much pain and so much love and we sense that the world doesn't want us to feel that much and doesn't want to need as much comfort as we need. So we start pretending. We try to pretend like we're the people that we think we're supposed to be. We numb and we hide and we pretend, and that pretending does eventually turn into a life of lies. But to be fair, we thought we were supposed to be lying. They tell us since we're little that when someone asks us how we're doing, the only appropriate answer is "Fine, and you?" But the thing is, that people are truth tellers. We are born to make our unknown, known. We will find somewhere to do it. So in private, with the booze or the over shopping or the alcohol or the food, we tell the truth. We say, "Actually, I'm not fine." Because we don't feel safe telling that truth in the real world, we make our own little world, and that's addiction. That's whatever cape you put on." Strong words.


mental hospital rundown:
-don't be afraid of other patients.
-don't judge, everyone is there for a reason.
-you will make great friends, you will tell those people you will only know for days or months more than you've ever told your very best friends.
-you'll be much more comfortable talking about it than your family will.
-every little remotely funny thing becomes a hilarious inside joke because you want to find sunshine in anything.
-the mental hospital looks nothing like the movies, and a lot don't even look like the rest of the hospital.
-you will either get your own room or share with other people. if you share with other people you will probably have curtains.
-she's right - the jig is up. if you say you're fine and you're not, the nurses are ninjas. they will know. they will tell the doctor you're in denial.
-don't EVER try to harm yourself inpatient. what happens if you do is hell. they either send you to a higher security facility or take away everything in your room but your mattress. a nurse will be with you all. the. time.
-TALK. TO. THE. STAFF. that is what they are there for. they will stay up until 3am talking to you. i promise they care.
-don't get cocky. the mental hospital isn't school, no one is afraid to clap back and no one is afraid to tattle.
-remember, its really not that bad.

from a recovering former inpatient.


Five weeks in a mental hospital, I learned I had never been allowed to have my own feelings. I was in my early 40s. Don't feel that way. Feel this way, Laughing at me when I"m crying while watching my dog being buried

We need more honesty. We need more caregivers to nurture our feelings. And us, others.

One of the things I'm most proud of is siiting beside my granddaughter after her best friend left to move 2000 miles away. I watched tears roll down her cheek, wondering if there was anything I could say to ease her pain.Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Sitting with her in silence.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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