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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them: Reggie Rivers at TEDxCrestmoorParkED
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them: Reggie Rivers at TEDxCrestmoorParkED


Summary Comments : [TEDx Talks] If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them: Reggie Rivers at TEDxCrestmoorParkED

1. Set goal
2. Forget the goal and determine the process you need to achieve the goal
3. Fall in love with the process
4. Do the process without thinking about the goal
5. Eventually, achieve the goal

1. Set Goals
2. Dont focus on the Goal
3. Focus on the Behaviours that controls the Goal.
4. Reach your Goal!


How to focus on behavior :
1. Write down what can i do for today, tomorrow, this week
2. Focus on what you do
3. Be proud of process that you've made



Playtime Comments : [TEDx Talks] If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them: Reggie Rivers at TEDxCrestmoorParkED


6:53 , 8:53

Focus on the behaviors, instead of the goals.

How should I 'be' as I'm taking action towards those goals..


7:20 - RIP my ears.


10:30 sums it up perfectly

I love this man. This is his very first ted talk that I have watched but I'm looking forward to more of his ted talks. I mean 7:57 killed me



Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] If you want to achieve your goals, don't focus on them: Reggie Rivers at TEDxCrestmoorParkED

my goal is to end poverty in Kenya. to achieve that, I should get involved with people with the same goal since I do believe I can not afford to finance it now

In conclusion: Focus on process not on Results.


"Oh mighty Oracle"

He talked really nice. i loved listening to him.

Lisandra disliked this video


My Summary :
If you wanna achieve your goals, focus on controlling your actions/behavior towards yourself or other people. Don't focus on the goals itself, but focus to enjoy the process that will lead you to achieve your goals instead.

Ex : i wanna get a fit body, so i do exercise. I focus on exercising that day and feel good at the moment. I focus on the part that i can controlled, which is controlling myself, my consistency. Try to enjoying the workout while thinking that i've been closer to my goal. ^^

Just in case if you're in a hurry, hope it's helpful :)


totally agree. the mindset, focusing on behaviors, processes instead of focusing on goals make me try to do new things and motivate myself. besides, I could be more resilient from bad results. love this ted


He was 100% right; I can tell this from my own experience. At one point in my life, I was so much committed to a goal, that I almost forgot I have a family who love and yearn for my attention and yet I ignored them and totally focused on my goal. Guess what? I failed to achieve it; then I felt totally ashamed of my behavior towards my near and dear ones and totally abandoned my outside responsibilities; I went from one extreme to the other extreme: both are problematic and are prone to failure, depression, and/or anxiety.

At another point in my life, I ultimately achieved something, something of a kind that I have been waiting for so many years to get, and this is the first time I got something like this. But when I achieved itm I felt relaxed and slowly but surely retired from my responsibilities, since I already achieved it! I deserve rest now. However, internally, I was not happy either, because I was questioning myself: does it worth so much struggle, pain & sacrifices? I mean, I didn't really enjoy much of the process I had to go through to achieve that goal, most of the steps directly conflicted with my personality type (I had to do a lot of acting to conform with the crowd around me though I didn't like those type of people), yet I forbore for the sake of that goal because I was thinking: how awesome that goal would be! If I achieve it, its joy will definitely let me forget about all those sacrifices, etc. But the opposite happened. I felt that the joy was momentary, as compared to the actual pains of the process.

In summary, I realized that if you don't like the process, no matter whether you achieve your goal or not, you won't be satisfied/fulfilled/happy. So love what you do rather than loving/focusing on your goals.

"The secret is to focus on the behavior that will lead you to the goal and get your mind off the goal.
Focus on the process, not the goal. You can control 100% your behavior, but not always the exact outcome of the goal, so focus on what you can control, not what you can't"

Dont focus on the output rather focus on input !

THIS WAS AWESOME!!! Very concise and he even threw some humor in there! I enjoyed this talk.

this was authentically amazing. thank you for inspiring me to taking one step further towards my dream.

"Ladies, I'm here."


Subtle pedophilia joke just a minute in... Man's got balls of steel.

I just heard what I wanted to hear the whole day

one of the most beautiful, life changing videos I've seen on youtube.


I will understand it like this: ”Success is not something you pursue. It is something you attract by the person you become.” - Jim Rohn


Thanks for this message. This is a much better approach to success than having some motivational speaker yelling at you for an hour telling you that you just need to want it bad enough.

10 minutes in my life had never passed so fast



I faced this situation ,nice I realised its needed, nice speech


In other words, don’t focus on what you didn’t achieve (the negatives), and focus on the process



Change yourself first then the goal is coming. Nice talk.


I found this to be true in my life. There are so many goals I didn't achieve because i was so focused on them I wanted them as fast as possible, which meant doing unenjoyable behaviors (lots of cramming) and eventually quitting.
But I also got a black belt in Taekwondo when that wasn't a serious goal. I just liked hanging out at the club with my team mates so I trained everyday. (Enjoyable behavior)
Making the good behaviors enjoyable I think is the key to a good life.


Kinda sounds like “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and He will give you everything you need.”


"future is just a concept. it was never exist...
life is just an eternal now" -Alan Watts

I'm so inspired by this talk

This seems like it's something obvious but there's just something in the way he says it that enlightened me so much. Thank you!!!!

Why is everyone giving summary of the video ? I want to watch :D

There's a key to this talk that I think is overlooked... He mentioned that when he heard "If you want her to be your girlfriend, you got to ask her yourself," he, in essence, heard, "Yes." Or in other words, he believed that the goal in his head had already been achieved. The speaker here mentions over and over again that if you want to achieve your goal, you need to shift your focus from your goal to your behavior--on what is within your direct control and influence. However, a potential pitfall here is that people lose sight of the goal and focus too much on self-management and change. Without proper guidance and direction in changing our actions, people can overwork themselves or put in too much effort and yield little to no results. It's like putting forth a lot of effort into jogging in place... Wearing the right shoes, eating a good breakfast, getting a good night's sleep, and getting a good stretch in... You're working really hard. But you're going nowhere.

But once again, the key here is to not "not focus on your goal," but rather, to "believe as if your goal has already been achieved." To see ourselves in the future, having already achieved the goal successfully. This visualization technique is a powerful one that helps outline the path to success, and helps us to see the changes we need to make to become the victor of our goals. This allows us to "focus on our behavior" correctly and in an efficient and productive way that will lead to results. This can easily be related to principles that Stephen R. Covey teaches in "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.": Begin With the End in Mind and Circle of Influence vs. Circle of Concern.


I have never failed. I have found a lot of ways that won't work, Never failed. I refuse to accept that I am not the best at what I do in life. Whether it be my job at a gas station, or doing lawn care part time, or creating electronic dance music, I pay extra attention to what I do, and always focus on learning new things, and always enthused to discover ways that won't work. You  will not feel like the best at what you do until you declare it, once you have declared it, and have accepted that, you must prove it, by learning from every mistake you make, with extreme perseverance, you will get to a point where you say "WOW, look how far I have come!" just by being enthused about the fact that you are the best, and ready to prove it, and every mistake is just a part of getting to the mastery you declared at the beginning. People will hate on you, and prove you are not worthy, but that is just fuel for the fire. Take what they say and prove them which you have already declared and accepted in your heart. Most importantly love yourself. It's easier said than done, but you will lack faith in your ability's until you learn to love yourself and have extreme self value.

You delivered it the best way, starting with the emotional part of the story as childish and it may sound everybody can relate to it somehow then personally I started to see the meaning of that in many levels and aspects of life. On a business side, we say to ourselves : Networking, Networking, Networking and all what is not networking is waste of time for the business, while you can just say Hi to people (the behavior) and try to be open then you will find yourself at least half way there through networking (the goal).



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TEDx Talks] Channel Posting

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[TEDx Talks] The sex-starved marriage | Michele Weiner-Davis | TEDxCU

[TEDx Talks] The skill of self confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU

[TEDx Talks] Want to sound like a leader? Start by saying your name right | Laura Sicola | TEDxPenn

[TEDx Talks] What does the Quran really say about a Muslim woman's hijab? | Samina Ali | TEDxUniversityofNevada

[TEDx Talks] What makes you special? | Mariana Atencio | TEDxUniversityofNevada

[TEDx Talks] When money isn’t real: the $10,000 experiment | Adam Carroll | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool

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