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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds




Summary Comments : [TED] The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds


This ted talk was unlike any other
1. Not a man with vision
2. Not a man with big dreams
3. Not a man who is successful by selling products.
A true "Dark Knight"



Playtime Comments : [TED] The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds

- on Linux world headquoters (about organisation of calm workspace)
- on open-source (getting reviews of your code; interacring with other people)
- how Linux became a huge project
- role of Linus in Git
- Linus' character
- good taste in coding (rewriting programs to remove special cases)
- "I am not visionary, I am an engineer"
- on Tesla vs Edisson
- on why Linus doesn't bother, about other companies making millions of dollars
- about if Open-source idea fully realised in the world

21:14 Presenter: "Linus Torvalds, thank you for Linux, uhm, thank you for the internet and thank you for all of those android phöenz".


5:57 It kind of gives you that "buffer". Lol what a computer scientific choice of word.

@ 17:08 "I’m perfectly happy with all the people who are walking around and just staring at the clouds and looking at the stars and saying, “I want to go there,” but I’m looking at the ground and I want to fix the pothole that’s right in front of me before I fall in. This is the kind of person I am" Aristotle gives his thanks.

1:55 bruh that sounds like a dream job ngl





20:06 Lets just say he never gets TLE.
If uno what i mean...


11:05 "I'm done. lets do something else. LOOK SHINY! "
LOL !!

19:54 surely he means "code tends to be somewhat red and green" ?



Top Comments : [TED] The mind behind Linux | Linus Torvalds

"I am not a visionary, i do not have a five year plan, i’m an engineer. I am perfectly fine with all the people who are walking around and just staring at the clouds and looking at the stars and say, i want to go there but i am looking at the ground and i want to fix the pot-hole that’s right in front of me before i fall in." -Linus Torvalds #LinusTorvalds #linux

Linus was too akward to do a Ted talk so he had to do an interview... He's great.

Notice how he just walks away in the end when the crowd give him a standing ovation, shows how much he's not interested in glory


"Linus Torvalds, thank you for the internet" is such an amazing compliment that went completely unnoticed

Linus: “I like the cat purring not the sound of computer”, life before tecnology


just in case you didn't get it, he's not a people person

He is one of those people who has actually influenced every single persons lives without the majority knowing it.

microsoft in 2000
microsoft: "linux is like cancer"
microsoft in 2019
microsoft: we are co devs of linux


we need a documentary about his life ! i'd pay for that

And yet most companies now think software engineers should work in an open collaborative environment surrounded by noise and distractions.


This man is one of my personal heroes.

migrating to Linux, from windows. It is amazing, thank you so much, Linus

“Wow that’s so crazy that your software is in everything”

Linus: “I wanna hear my cat purr on my lap”

He's like the Ghengis Khan of computers. A little bit of him in everyone's computer.

This guy is a saint. He built the best kernel in the world and made it free


"Don't get me wrong, I'm actually not a people person"

We know, Linus. But we love you anyway


"every single project I've ever coded has been something I needed"


Rumor has it that Bill Gates has nightmares with Linus and an army of penguins.


The GOD of open source platform


Did anyone count how may times he said "I am not a people person"?

I can tell my kids that I live in the age of Linus Torvalds

steve carell in the biopic of Linus

The man, the myth, the legend !

Love his story, and glad that even though he's an introvert he still shared it with the world

This guy was so pissed off by Microsoft and Apple, he made his own operating system.
Madlad level 100.


"If I was stranded on an island and the only way to get out is making a pretty UI. I would die there", Same and True.

I did a workshop in computer network and was amazed to find that most of the internet (+80% sites and servers) use Linux... And it is mindblowing simple and works beautifully well. Better than Microsoft or Apple.


Linus brings up a point that I wish more people trying to get into programming miss, which is that the best way to make something great is to make something that is useful to you, that you need, if there is something you wish your computer could do then make that.


“I’m perfectly happy with the people that walk around and look at clouds and the stars and say “I want to be there”, but I’m the one that’s looking at the ground and thinking “I’m going to fix that pot hole”

So much to be learned from Linus, amazing.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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