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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] What's hidden under the Greenland ice sheet? | Kristin Poinar
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] What's hidden under the Greenland ice sheet? | Kristin Poinar




Playtime Comments : [TED] What's hidden under the Greenland ice sheet? | Kristin Poinar



0:25, build a time machine and travel back at 900AD when there wasn’t much ice on it


I'm more interested in finding out what all those straight lines are around 2:55.

3:20 You tell them Krisin, you have to get it wet.

8:07 The real story. Nothing happening.



Top Comments : [TED] What's hidden under the Greenland ice sheet? | Kristin Poinar

would love to visit greenland

When the ice is gone, we can go on vacation there and play golf. New York city under water . This is a win , win situation

If it did melt off, that would be great, I love it when spring melt comes back to Maine.


Those Drainage valleys in the mountains under the ice just prove that Greenland has melted many times before , it’s just a weather season on a grander scale. !

Good video by TED after a long time. Cheers :D :D


Why ask the question.,how about leave it alone or it will be another human destruction of a nature

She doesn't take into account another possible mini ice age that is now being predicted by around 2030 another event like the Maunder Minimum

Second of allwhy don't they just stop wasting their time in Greenland and go to Nevada and tell us what's under area 51..........


Is it just me or does every TED speaker start with an anecdote?

If someone finds my car keys under there....I could use them. And my remote control


What's hidden under the Greenland ice sheet?
Ancient Aliens, according to the History Channel.


This is exactly the kind of talks I want to see from TED. Interesting subject, well-spoken presenter and lots of visualisations.
Well done, one of the best talks in a long time.

In the next 80 years...the sea level was already expected to rise 20 cm...its been doing approximately that for 10s of thousands of years...but wave your hand as if your expecting a few meters..the IPCC prediction was 48cm mean by 2100..

You could build nuclear power plants that would take water from the ocean, take the salt out, then, freeze the water for a giant snow making machine.


that's one gorgeous glaciologist!


Take a cup of water and freeze it. Then thaw it out on a table overnight. Will it overflow???


She keeps saying "we had no idea" this or that existed etc.

I've had every idea . So leave me out of that "we".


dead vikings who died from climate change when after centuries of living there Greenland suddenly froze over


Typically the Earth is very productive during warm periods, it's the cooling that scares me.

wow ! below the greenland ice we have water - what a discovery


So, why don't the rivers pouring millions of gallons into the oceans everyday cause the sea levels to rise?


That ice on land but the ice at the north pole has water under it right. So like a glass with water and ice filled to the top when the ice melts the water in the glass stays the same right. Also some ice sheets are getting bigger. In northern Ontario last winter it was 30 days longer this winter April 12 lakes are covered in ice still and 2ft of snow still.

I thought this was going to be a video about the Hiawatha impact crater and the younger dryas cooling period, what a disappointment.

"We never thought that it would lose mass this quickly..."

...because you underestimate natural forces.

"What's hidden under the Greenland ice sheet?"
Everyone who's watched the Young Pope already knows the answer to this question!


yo - kristin. VERY interesting and well presented. thanks.


When all the ice melts they'll be able to farm animals and crops there like the Vikings did between 800Ad and 1300Ad

I am calling BS on this....my uncle was in the US Corp and they found water in 1954.....


Here in Australia we are experiencing severe drought so we'll take your knee deep flood thanks very much .
+We can all swim.

Under the Greenland ice sheet? Justin Trudeaus balenced budget!

I expect they will find remains of old civilizations that mock our small view of history.


Fascinating talk, great scientist - this is why I love TED.


Also, don't forget nuclear radiation fallout that was caused by an accident by the America Air Force, dropping a bomb? fallout 80 times larger than Hiroshima, a modern city on Japan’s Honshu Island, was largely destroyed by an atomic bomb during World War II. Today, Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park commemorates the 1945 event. In the park are the ruins of Genbaku Dome, one of the few buildings that was left standing near ground zero. Other prominent sites include Shukkei-en, a formal Japanese garden, and Hiroshima Castle, a fortress surrounded by a moat and a park.


Hi, dear colleague!
Hope my information will be useful for your good work.

Glacier – Moulin (mechanical HPP) - Englacial and subglacial drainage system – Crystalline rocks – Debris (sand, powder) – Kettle lakes

Formation of placer gold deposits in Canadian Shield during late Wisconsin glaciation

The first things budding scientists learn in college is: how to make you work look like it is marvelous and essential so you can feed at the grant trough with the rest of the charlatans and cheaters. I knew a guy that spent entire life "researching cancer". Every quarter he had to write an impressive report to justify the continuance of his grant money. That is all he did. He worked 4 times a year for a couple of weeks to make up another batch of bs to justify his salary. Beware of scientists on the dole.



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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