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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] What is your Polygamy? | Lance Allred | TEDxSaltLakeCity
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TEDx Talks] What is your Polygamy? | Lance Allred | TEDxSaltLakeCity


Top Comments : [TEDx Talks] What is your Polygamy? | Lance Allred | TEDxSaltLakeCity


He broke a generational curse in his family

I loved this talk! I hope Lance goes into stand-up comedy. He has interesting stories and great comedic delivery!

His voice... Superhero voice!

'love is unconditional or it's not love at all'. YES!

Go Lance!!  I agree with everything you said so eloquently!  Keep speaking!


Powerful and empowering! Thank You sincerely!


What an amazing speech. Thank you for your insights; Lance. You are awesome and a gifted communicator!

[Higher] 'Love either unconditional or not love at all!' Love this line!

Love. Love. Love. Thank you!

Lance youre my new hero. Thank you for being authentic and walking the walk.

I thought I was going to learn about polygamy???

I always thought about how women felt in Mormonism not being allowed the priesthood, and as one of many wives. I never thought of how the men could be negatively affected by that.

Everyone needs to watch this talk. I hope the views continue to grow.


Is he single?


Impressive. Thank you. I needed to hear this talk! You are True hero. You shined energy on my broken soul.


Lance, you are so amazing! Please keep it up! I want more!


what he is trying to say? Does he support polygamy or not?

Such a powerful speech.


Weber State Nation! Great work, Lance! I loved you when you played at Weber and followed your pro career. You did us proud. But this? Wow. I had no idea. You are a man of many talents and I wish you continued success, brother.


This was one of the most well-organized, packed, engaging, and immediately applicable TED talks I have ever had the pleasure of viewing. A big Thank You to TEDx Salt Lake City organizers, and this presenter.


I’m super confused.there are exact duplicates of comments from different people on this video. There’s a man who preaches against Mormons in Salt Lake City, one of the MOST Mormon cities in the world. I’ve watched the entire video and forgotten everything, and I’m really freaked out. What just happened... what??

From what I’ve heard, he said deny every absolute in your life, or at least seriously question it, because the world is fundamentally wrong and every view is lopsided. This sounds like the most effective way to go insane, but it sounds like a curious journey... maybe I should join the duplicate comments? What day is it? Where am I? How

I am not the only one who finds this guy sexy, right?


The best TED Talk of the hundred I have watched

But seriously, how tall is he?


This talk was so helpful for me. It helped me finally understand my brothers and the challenges they had growing up in polygamy. Having escaped, I often to tend think it is so horrible, but just for women. I realize that is not true. Thank you so much.

really good stuff! thanks! glad that you escaped....glad you learned the tough lessons & found your own way.

but goddess i wish the captioning wasn't 'death'....'death'...instead of 'Deaf'.


love his heart. he is so real

Thank you, Lance Allred, for being braver than most of humanity could ever be, by facing your demons and moving past all the triggers that so many of us operate at on the base brain level. Godspeed. Always.

"The greatest challenge of a disability is not the actual disability itself, but rather the perceived limitations that everyone around you and eventually yourself begin to believe are true..."
As someone with a disability, he put words to a concept I could never fully express. This speech made me teary eyed. Knowing that people with disabilities are not alone. We all face similar struggles & challenges in our daily life. Lance is truly an inspiration!


Wow! Pretty amazing story. Thank you for sharing this video this is awesome!

Great job! Very powerful. As one of those women in that community, if it makes you feel any better, I thought I was one of the lowest life forms on the planet. I was not a boy, so was not worthy to learn anything useful, like fixing a car, or building something, or be allowed to take drafting. I was just a walking baby oven. I remember you a bit. We were both living in very difficult situations. It is hard to see past your own personal hell and reach out to a fellow sufferer. I am glad you have done so well. I am glad you have reached past what you were raised with and found that the old thought patterns no longer serve you. Keep reaching for something better, you deserve it. So do we all.

I am sure what he had to say was important, and I would have loved to hear what he had to say if I hadn't been so busy just staring at him... <3 <3 <3




Lance speaks with a voice for a lot of us raised in this culture that have no voice. But "fundamentalism" is found in many religions, many people. It is more common a way of being than many might think. You begin to see it as you shift your view points back a little bit. It's an interesting question..What's your polygamy?

Sad just no words I can say. This should be growing up in a cult? This is good Ted EX speech. Good for him he's able to make quite a success for himself after the cards he was dealt, good for him. Why would anyone put a thumbs down on this?

Took me a few minutes to realise what's wrong with comments. Lol. Fake accounts and copy pasted bits, seriously? OMG. Thank you so much for this, guys. The hypocrisy alone made my day, haven't laughed at someones expense so hard in quite some time:D

I grew up Mormon in law Vegas. I got asked what that was like a lot. I tell people that it is where and how I grew up , the surroundings I inherit. I didn't know a difference then but I can identify programming and conditioning now.


Polygamy is so bad in general and bad for your health and much worse than monogamy.

Sure you GIVE good: Love for all, freedom, no jealousy (umm right), no clingyness, stuff like that.

But you also GIVE terrible: not ever giving full attention to anyone, making no one feel special, making a lover wait around while your in another location with another lover, etc etc. And that's just not good enough. Not loving / caring enough. Even if your lovers say it's fine its not fine, and you should actually want to give "best" to someone you love and not ever hurt them in any way even in a small way, not half good treatment, so. (Basically you're a worse lover than what a monogamist lover who willingly provides great treatment.)

How can you do that to your lover? It's bordering cruelty. Just No.

Polygamists love to brag alot how they think they're superior blah blah.. But. Really, Monogamy is the good treatment a lover deserves to receive from a caring loving lover...

Monogamy is just amazing and caring and healthy and the truly noble unselfish relationship style.

Because love isn't just love it's "treatment" too.

Polygamists say they're unselfish cause they share etc, BUT no, choosing many lovers for yourself and giving all of them just part time care and attention etc, that's not noble at all.
It's the most selfish.
It's like choosing many slices of delicious nice cakes and not finishing any / choosing many cute lovely nice little kittens and neglecting all of them. No no no. Selfless? No. How dare you be so selfish, uncaring, and horney.

That's sadistic narcissism hurtful selfishness. You are the worse ones, you really are.

Even if you can love many, which is easy and fun tbh, not some rare talent, decide to pick one to settle down with, so you can give all of you, (including TIME etc which is impossible for polygamists) to your chosen lover. Cause you want to cause you're in love and therefor you care deeply. Also never make her suppress / feel any sort of bad emotions like jealousy, left out, loneliness (It's natural tbh), forced to suppress competitive feelings, forced to smile through the bad side of polygamy and be a good unbothered unhurt polygamist. Ew.

Monogamy treatment is the most caring kind amazing unselfish noble thing to do in the end.

If you want a peaceful hippy gathering of people getting along, be friends. But a love relationship, that's a totally different league.



[TEDx Talks] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

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