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[Youtube Review][TED] The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed | Bill Gross
twoyou 2021. 3. 14. 10:08(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed | Bill Gross
This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.
These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.
Summary Comments : [TED] The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed | Bill Gross
1. Timing
2. Team
3. Idea
4. Business Model
5. Funding
Playtime Comments : [TED] The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed | Bill Gross
0:53 Love this moment
Top Comments : [TED] The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed | Bill Gross
RE: TIMING > "I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift
or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to
the brilliant or favor to the learned; but TIME and CHANCE happen to
them all" - King Solomon
"startups can make the world a better place" I bet he is watching Silicon Valley, lol
Probably the most wholesome and thought-provoking content I have come across all week. Thoroughly enjoyed this video.
Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works
1 timing 42%
2 team /execution 32%
3 idea truth outlier
4 business model
5 funding
What an eye opener. I'm so glad I started my year watching this.
I’m in property development.
I built it in a good safe market, then lost it all in the globe recession, as I could not develop or sell, as nothing was stacking up!
I’ve since rebuilt even bigger in a flat market, due to learning the process as still having 100% belief in myself and never giving up even when all was lost. Maybe the fight and drive in the leading entrepreneur has a lot to do with it in my opinion.
If I ask someone I’m mentoring now how much they want it and they don’t say 10 out 10 and truly say that they want it 100% and are willing to sacrifice anything for it! Then unless they have luck with hiring the right team to do it for them! Then the odds of success are truly against them!
PS I’ve worked every day this year 31 days straight! 8-8 most days.
That has to be a factor in who is willing to put the work in and who is just a poser or dreamer!
It takes hard work and dedication!
Bill gates use to fall asleep at his desk!
You obviously need more than just hard work. I took huge risks and did many things that people told me were Impossible! I found another way around it. I was 100% determined and solution oriented to find a way.
I just knew in my gut I would make it as well!
Who else read on the end of the title: “Bill Gates”?
He could have at least asked to some other person to rate the items too.. I'm mean.. if you are going to call this 'scientific' you gotta do better than this.
When he said right timing ZOOM came to my time
Great speech , thank you for the sharing
Timing means that you introduce the right needed products to the market, when the market is start to boom ..
summary: there should be some event/trend/phenomena happening that would push your idea.
wonder if people realize, all companies are startups at birth
For most, Startup = Risk and for rest, Startup = Opportunity
One of the most important reason why most startups don't win is because the pain of loosing time & money is far greater than the joy of being successful.
"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face"...... this line has won me
Yes time is money even
for company
[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.
It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.
[TED] Channel Posting
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