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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch


This time, I will review the popular YouTube videos.

These days, even if it's good to watch on YouTube, sometimes people skip it or don't watch it if it's too long.

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To save your busy time, why don't you check out the fun contents, summary, and empathy comments of popular YouTube videos first and watch YouTube?

(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch




Summary Comments : [TED] How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch

1. We value physical health more than psychological health. If we had a broken leg, we would not say walk it off. But we do that with loneliness, failure, depression.
2. Take action when you're lonely. Loneliness makes us believe those around us care less than they actually do. It is based on your personal perception. Loneliness can be as harmful to your health as cigarette smoking.
3. Don't let your mind be tricked by failure Are you aware how your mind deals with failure? People believe their setbacks means they're no longer capable and do not reach their potential. Our minds are hard to change once it's made up. We have to fight to stop feeling the failure.
4. Be your own best friend and protect yourself against rejection. Rejection forces us to call ourselves names and damage our own self esteem. We wouldn't get a cut on our arm and dig at it and make it worse, but we do that with psychological. Instead, we need to protect our self esteem. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would treat others.
5. Constantly battle negative thinking. Rumination is when you agonize over the same idea over and over. Study shows even a two minute distraction is enough! Battle negative thinking constantly will foster positive thinking.



Playtime Comments : [TED] How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch

15:20 even a 2 minute distraction is sufficient to break the urge to ruminate in that moment. So each time when I had a worrying, upsetting, negative thought, I forced myself to concentrate on something else until the urge passed.

2:10 "Walk it off, it's just in your leg."
"My brother is also a psychologist, so he's not a real doctor either."
"We decided to splurge and we talked for 10 minutes."
"I said "In the front seat" but that made no sense to him whatsoever, so now he thought I was on drugs."


"Why is it our physical health is so much more important to us than our psychological health?"
That's the story of my life in a nutshell right there


3:29 So, he and his brother are the real life versions of Niles and Frasier Crane? :-)


12:44 This is something I have never considered. He's so right that we would never make a physical injury worse. We would protect it and care for it so it can heal. Yet, we don't do that with emotional injuries. We often make them worse with negative thinking. What a revolutionary concept to treat our minds the same way we do our physical body. I only wish we were all taught how to do this. It makes me want to learn more about it.

12:17 ... What an amazing perspective from which to view negative self talk



Top Comments : [TED] How to practice emotional first aid | Guy Winch


I'm just 3 min in and already love this. "Just walk it off. It's all in your leg" XD

I clicked on this video for the purpose of helping my friends who have mental health problems but this guy made me realise that it was me who needed help. I really appreciate this video

After recovering from a traumatic event i churned over and over why it ate into me, why it left me hollow. And i realised that it was less the event and more of how i had hacked away at my mind and soul by negative thoughts that i collapsed into a nobody. I lost my confidence, pride, compassion, desire to live ; all because of what i did to my lonely self within the four walls of my empty house. I hate to discuss my personal life but i know what it is like, so anyone feeling the same, please know what this guy has said is true. It is just a state of mind not the reality. You can change your reality by changing your state of mind. Bless you x

Thank you for sharing your decades of experience for no fee.

I found myself close to tears a few times. That tells me that I have some emotional hygiene issues to work on. I'd like to watch this again with my whole family. I hope it would stimulate a positive, healing conversation.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and insights, Dr Winch.

I am in deep depression and anxiety
I watched this video today i am going to try this habit for a week and i will post what it does to me a week later


Having any mental/emotional problems is considered weak and embarrassing, which discourages psychological "routine check-ups", among other things. Plus, letting yourself be vulnerable with a complete stranger is terrifying.

Damn, Sonny from iRobot dropping some serious knowledge.

This guy is doing exactly what God created him to do.


Music is emotional hygiene.

-Take action when feeling lonely
-Change response to failures
-Protect your self esteem
-Battle negative thinking


Best thing I got from this--- treat yourself like a good friend. That is amazing


One of the best TED Talks I heard!


Looks like I just found the most important video of the century.


Extremely insightful and useful information...thank you!

I'm watching this because I'm having an emotional breakdown again. And boy do his words cut like a knife. I'm living alone in a totally new place for 9 months now and I haven't been interacting with people at that duration

this is one of my favorite ted talks


Omg why are we so mean to ourselves!?? This video has me in bits thank you!!!

Man. I always see the right random TedTalk at the right time :)


Wow. The story about rejection and calling the "friend"...


I used to be the worst ruminator you could ever imagine. Especially during elementary school, I would spend the entire day stuck in my mind, regretting everything I've ever done and reliving the shame. As I got older, I started to notice how this bad habit was making my life miserable, and over the years I learned how to be mindful of it when it happens and remind myself that it's not healthy, that my brain makes everything more negative than it is, and more recently, I've also started stopping it with distractions. I don't know how healthy it is because usually I distract myself by watching YouTube videos lol, but at least when it's TED Talks, I learn something!


The clarity he projected with the concepts were spectacular. one of the best TED videos so far.

Man the timing of this coming on my feed...
It's my birthday, n I'm crying.. n this video.. thanks YouTube

I teared when he he talked about how lonely he was when his brother "didn't" call

Thank god I watched this! Been emotionally damaged for years and never knew I wasn’t a good friend to myself to revive


I never beat myself up when I fail or get rejected I'm so grateful I never do the bad self talk THANK YOU MOM u teached me the strongest thing In the world

I've seen quite a few TED talks now, but this one is by far my favourite!
Don't get me wrong, I love watching most of the other ones, but this one is really special in my opinion.


This video is a perfect example of the good the internet can do. Imagine how many lives this man has touched with his words. How many lives he has saved. All thanks to the world wide web.

"Break a negative cycle before it begins" Damn. That hit too hard.


This was probably the best TED talk I've ever heard.

Great speech. Thanks for posting it. Blessings!



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



[TED] Channel Posting

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[TED] How to fix a broken heart | Guy Winch

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