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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Homeopathy, quackery and fraud | James Randi
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Homeopathy, quackery and fraud | James Randi




Playtime Comments : [TED] Homeopathy, quackery and fraud | James Randi


11:02 Dude in Yellow's wife is definitely one of those psychics he is talking about. She is not amused one bit!


12:41 - Well beyond Avogadro’s limit!
That is just priceless!

Maybe now that he's dead she can finally contact him?
RIP James Randi

2:27 Nobody laughs :( They think he's being serious.

@16:21 "rotting of the american mind" i got shivers... more relevant now 2020 than ever



Top Comments : [TED] Homeopathy, quackery and fraud | James Randi


What a badass. I love that he came along and basically just said 'prove it'. And not one damn person has been able to.


Rest in peace, Mr. Randi. We lost a wise man!


One of the best sceptical demonstrators in the business. I've seen other "magicians" do similar acts but come off as very condescending. A lot of people who try these demonstrations do so in a way that comes off as "look how dumb you are and how smart I am!" Randi genuinely wants to educate people whereas others just want to stroke their own ego. Have fun with the audience, not at their expense.


R.I.P James Randi. Without you I wouldn't be a sceptic, thank you for your ultimate service.

RIP James Randi, you have been such an inspiration to me, you will be missed dearly


James Randi has led an incredibly peculiar life, and I love his way of using deception to reveal the truth.


He's like the grandad you wished you had.

Plot twist: this whole talk was a clever illusion. In reality he was sitting comfortably at home by the fire all along.

Yeah, I've noticed that with past lives. Everyone's a queen or king, no ditch diggers or poor, anonymous farmers.


RIP the world needs more people like him.


Damian Kuc me obligó a ver este video, sin que supiera.


The correct way to pay a homeopathic practitioner is to leave a small coin in a big glass of water for ten minutes and then give him a tiny drop of the water


I don't know who this Ted is, but he always has interesting guests


I stumbled across this guy about 8 years ago by accident and he helped me to stop believing in religious Gods, he helped me find new teachers and as a result I feel like I can think for myself. What an incredible man, RIP James Randi, the world needs more thinkers and teachers like you

Rest In Peace, James Randi. You were an inspiration to many skeptics around the world. May your legacy live on.


James Randi was the heir to Houdini, both because of his skills as an illusionist and his passionate dedication to debunking people who claimed to be psychics or claimed to have actual magical powers. I am so sad to learn of his passing.

im selling a homeopathic liquid that cures dehydration


"He died of an overdose; he forgot to take his pill." That got a big laugh from me...


"Funerals are for the living. The Dead know nothing."


This fella has looked the same for 30 years!
He's a fackin wizard.


It's only a matter of time until some fake psychic claims to have contacted James from beyond the grave. You watch. I am gutted to hear about him passing away. Legend xx

Now Silvia brown is your chance to reach James!

The people that needed to hear this Ted talk would never sit long enough to hear this Ted talk. Lmfao

It's a law. If you're an elderly man, you have to wear your pants up to your chest.


I just realized...
Homepathy works!
If you just don't take any homepathic medicine and go see a real doctor.
That's INFINITE dilution!


i can hear his beard rousing the microphone, perfect.

I've noticed comments about the height of his pants and the fullness of his beard. 88 years old! How many people do you know with such vitality at that age? No mystery. He said himself that he has chosen a clear mind without drugs or stimulants. Clear mind-clear body. Stop nit picking about the trivial.

Homeopathy... you would need to drink a swimming pool's worth of our snake oil to get a molecule of what we're selling. Just trust us.


Looking at the crowd reaction a lot of them see a "medium" every Friday who tells them nice things they want to hear.


He's is without a doubt, one of the coolest old dudes ever.

RIP James Randi truly an unsung hero


Still going in 2019 ... long live that man

It's a shame that even after 10 years nothing has changed. Homeopathic institutions and practitioners are flourishing every nook and corner of India.

Sylvia Browne was later confronted by Amanda Berry, a kidnapping victim she claimed was dead several years earlier. It completely destroyed her career

Really sad to hear of Randi's passing. Not only did he challenge quackery and fraud, as a gay man, he also challenged the religious bigotry and prejudice so often intertwined with unfounded belief systems. Randi helped so many people open their eyes to harmful nonsense peddled by manipulators, and even more importantly, helped plant the seeds of scientific analysis in a new generation of thoughtful inquisitors. I hope he enjoys an eternity in heaven (though there is no evidence for its existence)



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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