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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Want to be happy? Be grateful | David Steindl-Rast
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(Recommended)Popular Videos : [TED] Want to be happy? Be grateful | David Steindl-Rast



Playtime Comments : [TED] Want to be happy? Be grateful | David Steindl-Rast


8:00 "and those who fail..................................................... get another opportunity" hahaha love the pause there, great talk btw

8:37 - queen: Dont stop me now


1:35 - 2:09 I love this quote. A song brought me here but I'm grateful that I found this TED



Top Comments : [TED] Want to be happy? Be grateful | David Steindl-Rast


Ist das nicht wunderbar, dass Dankbarkeit der größte Glücklichmacher ist. Umwerfend, dass wir es selbst in der Hand haben, ob wir glücklich sind oder nicht.

i am very grateful for the speech you have given sir, thank you very much


Great presentation. Not many are able to hear it.

1,298 people are ungrateful. HAHAHA


That dude has given me the gift of joy by being so joyful himself I actually feel grateful. Thank you!

i am even more happy than i was before: with a much clearer understanding of how the appreciation i have for life's eternal now moments (ie: opportunities) are, in fact, the very evidence of my present state of joy engendered by gratefulness.


So thankful for these humans that continue to inspire me :)

every moment is a gift to realize this is a big gift

Excellent!..Thank you for motivating us.


A wonderful speech... Thanks David!

The more one has the more easy it is for them to take things for granted...

So. Who else has the VeggieTales song in their head now?

"A grate-ful heart is a happ-y heart!
I'm glad for what I have,
that's an easy way to start!"


The most beautiful gift is precious present moment


Im so grateful for the Earth that has taken me 47 times around the Magnificent Sun and making Life flow through me through every breath I took thus far...Love you my Creator what ever YOU are


Wow! this is so true, it hit me because I am the type of person to not appreciate things I have and obsess over things I don't have. I don't know why. But this changed my mindset a lot, I should be grateful.. Go with the flow!


This is one of the best videos ive ever seen in my life 

What a powerful message !!!

I am grateful for this talk therefore I am happy..

Thank you wise sensei.


1,199 people have no idea what he is talking about.

I came here from a song from SoundCloud ...

... And Coronavirus makes it bold that we must be always grateful for everything which is surrounded us whether it's less or more. Thank you ,Thank you ,Thank you Great Universe!

I watched this whole video, but he never taught me Unrelenting Force yet.


From the feelings in my heart and in my mind, I thank the Universe:
for revealing to me that my purpose is to serve the Universe,
for the power within me to be more observant, without judgment, of the events and the people around me,  
for the power within me to assert myself, and to project my positive energy vibrations in my devotion to serving the Will of the Universe,
for guiding me and providing for me in all my past years, and for guiding and protecting me from all present and future perils,
for speaking to me through the words and actions of the Spiritual Beings of others, and from the revelations I receive through my Higher Mind,
for the power within me to show my gratitude to others for playing their parts in my spiritual progress, and to call down blessings upon them,
for my wisdom to know that all events in my life, and the events in the lives of others, are expressions of the Laws of the Universe.

I am always focused on my devotion and gratitude to the Universe:
   for the Power of the Prime Creator WITHIN me,
   for the Light & Radiance of the Prime Creator shining through me,
   for my Higher Mind that guides me through my daily activities,
  for my heart radiation field that expresses my patience and unconditional love toward others.

 I am blessed by, and I am grateful to the Universe that:
  I AM  a channel through which the Universe sends its wisdom. 
  I AM  guided by my Higher Mind.  
 I AM a co-creator with the Universe.
  I AM  part of The Infinite that expresses itself through me.
  I AM in perfect health, and at One with the Universe, the ALL.

Stop, look and go this is our life, thanks.


Inspiring truly !

I remember this chap David Steindl Rast being on a channel 4 programme ‘The listening heart’ back in early 1990. I taped it, watched it many many times and my life has been heavily influenced by this advice ever since. Thanks David!


Really Good one :)


So basically be grateful. Being grateful is whatever you want it to be based on your experience (duh all thoughts are based on experiences). That which you are being grateful for is all moments since they are given to you (from whom were they given?). Then, BOOM. You get happiness spontaneously - which means we don't need to be grateful and just hope for that one day we suddenly become happy because it's spontaneous (oh wait, no it's not spontaneous because you're happy from being given "moments" which qualifies as a stimuli for the resulting happiness)? Brilliant logic.

What if during this given moment I'm being held by Ariel Castro and repeatedly being raped or I was born as a highly intelligent woman in Saudi Arabia? I'm not sure those moments will bring happiness because their existence allows me to experience terrible agony. Should I be grateful for the opportunity to be raped or beaten or subdued into boredom or insanity? "rise to the occasion. It isn't as bad as it might seem" - okay let's switch lives cause mine (relating to my analogy) isn't too bad apparently.

"we always get another opportunity - that's the richness of life" - ever heard of death? Ever heard of murder? I have never seen an old man like this who should understand the world by his age with such foolishness.

I notice people on here saying happiness is overrated - let's move you from your comfy couch to the Gaza strip or Syria and then tell me if you suddenly desire happiness. In other words, your life has so little tragedy compared to people's a few hundred years ago or to those where death is common (middle east). You've forgotten what real tragedy and sadness feels like so you forsake happiness. He did make one good point - go to Africa (or wherever) and then return to your first world life and realize just how "first world" it really is. But it wears off as it has on those people who doubt happiness.

what a lovely message :)

Life is a gift. If you're not able to accept this truth, you're destined to live an unfulfilled life. To accept the gift of life, one must be intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually present, to unwrap the "present". Gratitude does exactly that....


this dude is dressed as a jedi master for a reason

"Gratitude is riches.....complaint is poverty!"


Somewhere in Steinbeck’s preface to East of Eden, he says these following words that I founded appropriate for this message as well… "The reader will take from my book what he brings to it. The dull witted will get dullness and the brilliant may find things in my book I didn't know were there." I loved the message and I will teach this to my children with love.

This just hit so hard... I work at a coffee shop and today one of my regular could see that I was not my usual self. He tells me his entire life story which is exactly what I am dealing with right now. Page by page I am literally going through the same things he has dealt with. He tell me that he’ll give me a word a day and that my homework is to read or watch something related to that word. Today’s word was GRATITUDE. So here I am in tears. I can’t believe how crazy it is that sometimes a complete stranger takes the time to STOP, LOOK and GO. This man literally took the time to say this person needs help.


I find it funny that people question him because he is religious. Is this video titled "Want to be a nuclear physicist?"? No, he is talking from his own perspective on how he lives a happy life and how you can too; and being happy I believe he is perfectly qualified to talk on this subject.

If you go out into the world thinking 'I do not like this person/group, there is absolutely nothing I can learn from them' then you're setting yourself up for an unenlightened closed off existence.

Remember, Rudyard Kipling in his poem 'If' made the point that we become men when we are able to connect with people from all walks of life.

I was just in a car accident where I ran a red, a car T-boned me, and my car flipped. All I came out with was a scratch on my elbow. I’m been hating myself and disappointed in my actions and I’ve been trying really hard to be grateful for what I’ve been given: a second chance

Edit: I praise God for His mercy that he showed me that day and I’m thankful for His grace. It was a process to understand that people simply make mistakes and they don’t define us. Choosing joy every day is a challenge but can be done. Ora pro nobis



[TED] We gathered comments about popular videos and looked at them in summary, including play time, and order of popularity.

It's a good video or channel, but if you're sad because it's too long, please leave a YouTube channel or video link and I'll post it on this blog.



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